
marketingguy420 t1_iw8o4df wrote

Everything the McCone commission outlined after the Watts riots 60 years ago.

They found, after doing an actual study, that poor housing conditions, poor educational opportunities, bad public infrastructure & bad job conditions created systemic instability, poverty, and crime in black communities.

Those systemic problems of essentially what is segregation are what lead to systemic underrepresentation in elite political and business roles.

If you want to fix that, America needs to pass a second reconstruction. That will never happen, nor will anything close to it. So these systemic problems will remain and occasionally explode over in massive violence every 20-30 years.

And in the meantime, we'll get lots of lib solutions: committees to analyze the committee for analysis on racial equity in committees. And lots of reactionary conservative solutions: bootstraps and more cops.


marketingguy420 t1_iw88mfl wrote

Yes, creating departments and monitors and "guidance" and other non-binding, non-enforceable, committees is a huge waste of time.

Either nut up and create a law that requires city departments to be staffed by some representative percentage of our ethnic makeup +/- some percentage, or creates laws that address the actual systemic problems that cause a lack of representation.

Don't spend millions of dollars to tell us what we already know.


marketingguy420 t1_ivjv8xh wrote

American libraries are accessible to all Americans, and non-Americans. They're one of the few functional public institutions we have left. Seems like a good mission of any decent library and librarian would be helping others access reading material being banned for overt political reasons, especially in our own country.