
marketrent OP t1_j222cxc wrote


>TOKYO -- The next-generation fighter jet planned by Japan, the U.K. and Italy may be developed through a joint venture and built in more than one country, according to officials at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), one of the prime contractors for the program.

>Sixth-generation fighters are expected to perform a central role in network-centric warfare, which aims to integrate the assets of the various military branches to devise the most efficient attack.

>The three countries are in broad agreement on the capabilities they want the new aircraft to have, but they still have to work out the program's details, such as the project timeline and where to manufacture components.


>BAE Systems and Leonardo have experience developing and marketing fighter jets for the global market. Mitsubishi Heavy, which developed the F-2 fighter, has only produced equipment for the Japanese market and is looking to its European partners for international expertise.

>The common language of the project will be English, and already many British and Italians have visited MHI's development office in the central Japanese city of Nagoya to discuss details.

>BAE Systems said, "Discussions are ongoing and no decisions [regarding a joint venture or other matters] have been made," in a written response to a request for comment.

>Competition in the market for next-generation fighters is expected to be intense. France, Germany and Spain, for instance, last month agreed to move forward with development of a fighter jet to replace the French Rafale, and German and Spanish Eurofighters, beginning in 2040.

Rhyannon Bartlett-Imadegawa and Mitsuru Obe, Nikkei, 29 December 2022.


marketrent OP t1_j1zc2a7 wrote

Laura Bandell, 19 December 2022.


>Earth formed in the dry inner Solar System. It would have remained inhospitable and lifeless, had water not been transported to it by asteroids that originated in the outer Solar System.

>Using world-class oxygen isotope analysis facilities at The Open University (OU), an international team (Team Kochi) has been studying precious samples returned to Earth in 2020 from asteroid 162173 Ryugu by the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) Hayabusa2 spacecraft.

>The results of this new study clearly show that the Ryugu particles are a very close match to a rare group of water-rich meteorites known as the CIs (Ivuna type)1. CIs are extremely fragile materials and normally fragment during atmospheric entry and so, generally, fail to make it to the Earth’s surface as recoverable samples.


>Identification of asteroid Ryugu as a CI-type body suggests that this group is much more widespread amongst the asteroid population than its limited presence in our meteorite collections suggests.

>This new finding has important implications for how Earth got its water, because CIs are also the most water-rich meteorite group we know of.

>Dr Richard Greenwood, who led the analysis work at the OU explains further:

>”Our results demonstrate that the material collected from asteroid Ryugu is closely similar to the composition of those early hydrated asteroids that brought life-giving water to Earth. In a very real sense, these “killer” asteroids saved planet Earth.”

Nature Astronomy, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01824-7


marketrent OP t1_j1xlq2a wrote

"This is the first study on the continuous infrared expansion technology for popcorn popping, and the findings show that the IR expansion method is very efficient in the popcorn popping process," the authors conclude in ACS Food Science & Technology, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsfoodscitech.2c00188


>This latest paper follows up on [previously published] proof of principle to take a closer look at how the continuous infrared cooking process affects key features of popcorn: color, shape, odor, taste, and texture (which is influenced by how much the popcorn expands), all of which contribute to the sensory pleasures of popcorn.

>[Shavandi et al.] used the same prototype infrared popcorn popper as before for their experiments, testing power levels of 600, 700, and 800 W. Then a sensory panel of taste testers evaluated the final products on a scale of 1 to 5.

>The team found that using 700 W power produced the highest yield of fully or semi-popped popcorn.

>That power level also produced the highest ratings (4 or higher) by the sensory panel, who identified those batches as having the best color, taste, and firmness.

Jennifer Ouellette, 28 December 2022, Ars Technica (Condé Nast)


marketrent OP t1_j1wck1c wrote

Cecilia D'Anastasio, 27 December 2022,


>(Bloomberg) -- A group of Activision Blizzard video-game employees in Boston said Tuesday they’re organizing a union with the Communications Workers of America.

>The 57-person Proletariat unit that’s filed for a union representation includes designers, animators, engineers, producers and quality assurance workers, according to a statement.

>Irvine, California-based Activision acquired Proletariat and its 100 workers in June, 2022 to aid in its World of Warcraft franchise.

>The organization will be the third this year at Activision — workers at the gaming giant’s Raven Software first organized a union in January this year, while those at Blizzard Albany voted to unionize in December.


>“Earlier this year, when we heard that Blizzard was planning to acquire Proletariat, we started to discuss how we could protect the great culture we have created here,” Proletariat software engineer Dustin Yost said in an emailed statement. “By forming a union and negotiating a contract, we can make sure that we are able to continue doing our best work and create innovative experiences at the frontier of game development.”

>Activision Blizzard did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Further reading:

Proletariat workers become third group of Activision Blizzard workers to form union with Communications Workers of America, 27 December 2022,


marketrent OP t1_j1ltdx7 wrote

In The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, DOI 10.1177/07067437221114094:

>Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a chronic relapsing disorder with a problematic pattern of opioid use, affecting nearly 27 million people worldwide. Machine learning (ML)-based prediction of OUD may lead to early detection and intervention.

>In the current study, we aimed to develop and prospectively validate an ML model that could predict individual OUD cases based on representative large-scale health data.

In the linked release written by Gillian Rutherford, 7 December 2022:

>Opioid use disorder is a treatable, chronic disease in which patients can't control their opioid use, leading to difficulties at work or home, and sometimes even overdose and death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

>People with opioid use disorder are originally exposed to the drugs either through prescriptions to manage pain or through the illicit drug market.

>“Most of those people have interacted with the health system before their diagnosis, and that provides us with data that could allow us to predict and potentially prevent some of the cases,” says principal investigator Bo Cao, Canada Research Chair in Computational Psychiatry and associate professor of psychiatry.


>The machine learning model analyzed health data from nearly 700,000 Alberta patients who received prescriptions for opioids between 2014 and 2018, cross-referencing 62 factors such as the number of doctor and emergency room visits, diagnoses and sociodemographic information.

>The team found the top risk factors for opioid use disorder included frequency of opioid use, high dosage and a history of other substance use disorders, among others.

>They determined the model predicted high-risk patients with an accuracy of 86 per cent when it was validated against a new sample of 316,000 patients from 2019.

>“It’s important that the model’s prediction of whether someone will develop opioid use disorder is interpreted as a risk instead of a label,” says first author Yang Liu, post-doctoral fellow in psychiatry. “It is information to put into the hands of clinicians, who are actually making the diagnosis.”

University of Alberta


marketrent OP t1_j1lpy9z wrote

24 December 2022.


>In 2022 tech’s luck ran out. It has been a difficult year for everyone: the S&P 500, an index of America’s largest firms, has fallen by a fifth since January.

>But digital firms have been hit harder, with the NASDAQ composite, a tech-heavy index, losing a third of its value. Tech’s five giants have collectively lost a dizzying $3trn in market value.

>The most dramatic loser, Meta, barely even counts as part of “big” tech any more—nearly two-thirds of its value was wiped out, leaving its market capitalisation at just over $300bn.


>The end of tech exceptionalism has several causes.

>One is that after years of growth, digital markets are maturing. Take advertising, the lifeblood of Alphabet and Meta, and a growing sideline for Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. In July Meta reported its first-ever quarterly drop in revenue; in October it reported another.

>The next change is competition. For years tech was synonymous with concentrated markets: Google monopolising search, Facebook dominating social media, and so on. These days competition is fierce.

>These changes in the structure of the tech business have coincided with headwinds that are particularly troublesome for digital companies. In America the Federal Reserve has raised the upper bound on its policy interest rate to 4.5%, from 0.25% in January, as it battles inflation.

>This makes life harder for all businesses. But tech companies, whose high valuations reflect investors’ belief that they will deliver outsized earnings far in future, look much less appealing in a world of high rates, which erode the present value of those promised earnings.


>Semiconductors have been another sore spot in the tech world. [Just] as chip production bloomed, demand withered, thanks to falling sales of PCs and smartphones.

>Geopolitical tensions added to the strife. America announced several new trade restrictions on the export of semiconductor equipment to China, the world’s biggest buyer of chips. China has also become an operationally riskier place.

>These difficulties mean that the year ahead will be a lean one in techland. Most have made a resolution to trim their costs, which in many cases means cutting the payroll.

>Tech firms worldwide have announced more than 150,000 job cuts so far in 2022, according to, a website.

The Economist


marketrent OP t1_j1cjync wrote


>Here, we document the clash of perspectives that arose on Twitter around the BLM protests in 2020. Critically, we address the questions of who produces news coverage and how audiences respond to it.

>Social media users consume much more content than they produce^27 which allows mainstream media and other content creators to have an influence on the platform.

>Our analyses show that most of the news sources posted on social media as the massive street protests unfolded are produced by media with a right-leaning ideological slant (in partisan terms) and that this content generates more engagement in the form of retweet activity, thus increasing its reach.

>Our results suggest that right-leaning domains do better (in terms of gaining visibility and engagement) than left-leaning domains. The right, in other words, has an advantage in the attention economy social media creates.


>The social signals users create when engaging with content (to praise or criticize it) are picked up by the automated curation systems that determine which posts are seen first on users’ feeds.

>Our analyses cannot parse out which of these mechanisms (intentional seeding versus counter-attitudinal sharing; social versus algorithmic amplification) are the most relevant in explaining the asymmetries we observe.

>But these asymmetries are the aggregated manifestation of social and technological mechanisms and, regardless of the motivation of users in sharing certain URLs or the specific parameters of curation algorithms, the result is still an asymmetric information environment where some coverage gains more traction and visibility.

>The increased visibility of right-leaning content we identify can also result from the larger supply of content with a specific partisan slant: the users in our data are, in the end, picking content to share from a set of available sources.

>It is plausible that the asymmetry starts at the supply stage within the larger media environment, where news deserts are growing, and the gaps left by local newspapers is being filled by a network of websites created by conservative political groups^28 known as the right-wing media ecosystem^7.

PNAS Nexus, 2022. DOI 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac137


marketrent OP t1_j1b01d7 wrote


>This article is wrong in acting like this is new. Lidar has been getting used in this region for a decade.

The article is describing the discovery of settlements and the scope of its LiDAR survey. Where does it state that LiDAR is new?

What is stated, in the article:

>Scientists led by Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at Idaho State University and the director of the Mirador Basin Project, offer “an introduction to one of the largest, contiguous, regional LiDAR studies published to date in the Maya Lowlands,” a region that covers parts of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, according to the study.



>You picked the title of the thread.

>Also the article uses the words 'lost' and 'discovered.'

Are your comments intended to create off-topic discussion based on select words, instead of discussing the linked article itself?


marketrent OP t1_j18byom wrote

Becky Ferreira, 22 December 2022, Motherboard (Vice)


>Archaeologists have discovered the ruins of a vast ancient Maya civilization that flourished more than 2,000 years ago in northern Guatemala, reports a new study.

>This long-lost urban web encompassed nearly 1,000 settlements across 650 square miles, linked by an immense causeway system, which was mapped out with airborne laser instruments, known as LiDAR.

>The results of the LiDAR survey “unveiled a remarkable density of Maya sites” in Guatemala’s Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin (MCKB) that “challenges the old notion of sparse early human occupation” in this area during the “Preclassical” period spanning 1,000 BC to 150 AD, according to a study published this month in Cambridge Core.

>The discovery sheds light on the people who lived in the bustling cities of this forested basin for more than 1,000 years.

Ancient Mesoamerica, 2022. DOI 10.1017/S0956536122000244


marketrent OP t1_j13mpde wrote


>Microsoft faces legal action from 10 gamers to block its merger with Call of Duty maker Activision Blizzard.

>The lawsuit filed in a US federal court says the $69bn (£56bn) deal by the Xbox console maker to purchase its rival will "create a monopoly in the video game industry".

>The proposed acquisition would give Microsoft "far-outsized market power in the video game industry," according to the complaint "with the ability to foreclose rivals, limit output, reduce consumer choice, raise prices, and further inhibit competition."

>The complaint comes two weeks after US regulators filed a case with an administrative judge to block the deal.

>The takeover, which was announced in January, also faces legal action in the European Union and the UK.

>Microsoft has not responded to the BBC for comment.

Monica Miller in Singapore, 21 December 2022.


marketrent OP t1_j13ifby wrote


>Not to rain in anyones parade but was there any reason said scientists thought antimatter couldn’t travel through space?

In my excerpt comment, from the linked article:

>most antinuclei are forged in the dense messy region near the center of our galaxy, tens of thousands of light years away from Earth, so it’s not clear how many of these messengers can reach us across that vast distance.


>The results revealed that antinuclei may indeed voyage across the Milky Way to reach Earth, making them “a very promising channel for the discovery of dark matter” now that we know we can likely detect them here, according to a study published on Monday [Dec. 12] in Nature Physics.

ETA: Perhaps read the linked article?


marketrent OP t1_j13i32q wrote

Becky Ferreira, 13 December 2022, Motherboard (Vice Media)


>One possible method to search for dark matter is to capture “antinuclei,” which are the antimatter versions of the nuclei found in normal atoms. Antinuclei might be generated by interactions between dark matter particles, distinguishing them as a potential window into the longstanding question the nature of this elusive material.

>However, most antinuclei are forged in the dense messy region near the center of our galaxy, tens of thousands of light years away from Earth, so it’s not clear how many of these messengers can reach us across that vast distance.

>Now, scientists have used the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest particle accelerator on Earth, to estimate the “transparency” of our galaxy to helium antinuclei, a measurement that makes it possible to estimate how far these particles can travel before they encounter regular matter and disappear.


>The results revealed that antinuclei may indeed voyage across the Milky Way to reach Earth, making them “a very promising channel for the discovery of dark matter” now that we know we can likely detect them here, according to a study published on Monday [Dec. 12] in Nature Physics.

>“Antinuclei don’t travel straight through the galaxy because they are charged and there are magnetic fields” in the Milky Way, said Maximiliano Puccio, a member of the ALICE collaboration and a co-author of the new study, in a call with Motherboard.

>“This means they have a very contorted path of coming to the Earth that is much longer than the linear distance from the center of the galaxy.”

>“When we put all the ingredients together” at CERN “and we saw that half of the [antinuclei] survive, that was quite something,” he added, noting that the finding suggests that these strange particles can wind up around Earth.

Nature Physics, 2022. DOI 10.1038/s41567-022-01804-8


marketrent OP t1_j13dh40 wrote

Becky Ferreira, 13 December 2022, Motherboard (Vice Media)


>One possible method to search for dark matter is to capture “antinuclei,” which are the antimatter versions of the nuclei found in normal atoms. Antinuclei might be generated by interactions between dark matter particles, distinguishing them as a potential window into the longstanding question the nature of this elusive material.

>However, most antinuclei are forged in the dense messy region near the center of our galaxy, tens of thousands of light years away from Earth, so it’s not clear how many of these messengers can reach us across that vast distance.

>Now, scientists have used the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest particle accelerator on Earth, to estimate the “transparency” of our galaxy to helium antinuclei, a measurement that makes it possible to estimate how far these particles can travel before they encounter regular matter and disappear.


>The results revealed that antinuclei may indeed voyage across the Milky Way to reach Earth, making them “a very promising channel for the discovery of dark matter” now that we know we can likely detect them here, according to a study published on Monday [Dec. 12] in Nature Physics.

>“Antinuclei don’t travel straight through the galaxy because they are charged and there are magnetic fields” in the Milky Way, said Maximiliano Puccio, a member of the ALICE collaboration and a co-author of the new study, in a call with Motherboard.

>“This means they have a very contorted path of coming to the Earth that is much longer than the linear distance from the center of the galaxy.”

>“When we put all the ingredients together” at CERN “and we saw that half of the [antinuclei] survive, that was quite something,” he added, noting that the finding suggests that these strange particles can wind up around Earth.

Nature Physics, 2022. DOI 10.1038/s41567-022-01804-8