marmorset t1_je9wdv3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that children born earlier in the academic year have a higher chance of participating in upper echelons of sports or academia. This is known as the Relative Age Effect. by ThatFaultyGamer
Apparently we're the only ones who liked it, but I still think it's funny.
marmorset t1_je5ynce wrote
Reply to comment by hoarder59 in TIL that children born earlier in the academic year have a higher chance of participating in upper echelons of sports or academia. This is known as the Relative Age Effect. by ThatFaultyGamer
I don't know that it's helping, horses are very rarely hired to be professors.
marmorset t1_jdnbxws wrote
Shoe size in the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Pakistan and South Africa is based on the length of the last [a last is a foot-shaped template] used to make the shoes, measured in barleycorns (1⁄3 inch) starting from the smallest size deemed practical, which is called size zero. It is not formally standardised.
Note that the last is typically longer than the foot heel to toe length by 1⁄2 to 2⁄3 in or 1+1⁄2 to 2 barleycorns, so to determine the shoe size based on actual foot length one must add 2 barleycorns.
A child's size zero is equivalent to 4 inches (a hand = 12 barleycorns = 10.16 cm), and the sizes go up to size 13+1⁄2 (measuring 25+1⁄2 barleycorns, or 8+1⁄2 inches (21.59 cm)). Thus, the calculation for a children's shoe size in the UK is:child shoe size (barleycorns) = 3 × last length (in) − 12equivalent to:child shoe size (barleycorns) ≈ 3 × foot length (in) − 10.
An adult size one is then the next size up (26 barleycorns, or 8+2⁄3 in (22.01 cm)) and each size up continues the progression in barleycorns.[5] The calculation for an adult shoe size in the UK is thus:adult shoe size (barleycorns) = 3 × last length (in) − 25equivalent to:adult shoe size (barleycorns) ≈ 3 × foot length (in) − 23.
Although this sizing standard is nominally for both men and women, some manufacturers use different numbering for women's UK sizing.In Australia and New Zealand, the UK system is followed for men and children's footwear [Essentially the UK system, but they count the UK size zeros as the US size 1 and go from there]. Women's footwear follows the US sizings.
In Mexico, shoes are sized either according to the foot length they are intended to fit, in cm, or alternatively to another variation of the barleycorn system, with sizes calculated approximately as:adult shoe size (barleycorns) = 3 × last length (in) − 25+1⁄2equivalent to:adult shoe size (barleycorns) ≈ 3 × foot length (in) − 23+1⁄2.
marmorset t1_jd8ukn6 wrote
Reply to comment by lightninhopkins in TIL The Dick Van Dyke Show was originally written entirely by Carl Reiner, about stories from Reiner's life, and starred Carl Reiner. The pilot was unsuccessful so it was reworked with Dick Van Dyke playing Robert Petrie. by jamescookenotthatone
Sid Caesar was Jewish, and so was Milton Berle, and both had shows that had aired on TV before The Dick Van Dyke Show.
marmorset t1_jd8u18v wrote
Reply to comment by jamescookenotthatone in TIL The Dick Van Dyke Show was originally written entirely by Carl Reiner, about stories from Reiner's life, and starred Carl Reiner. The pilot was unsuccessful so it was reworked with Dick Van Dyke playing Robert Petrie. by jamescookenotthatone
Van isn't a middle name, it's part of a Dutch surname. Dick is his first name, Van Dyke is his last name.
marmorset t1_jd525y1 wrote
Reply to TIL Marilyn Monroe's likeness does not have any post-mortem protection as she was domiciled in New York at the time of her death and there are no federal publicity rights. by AudibleNod
And if you lick the Marilyn Monroe stamp they'll make you an honorary Kennedy.
marmorset OP t1_jcfkall wrote
Reply to comment by CornelXCVI in TIL about Saint-Malo, Brittany. This city on the French coast has some of the highest tides in Europe, rising as high as 40 feet during parts of the year, and the water withdrawing hundreds of yards. A sea wall, built in the 17th century, protects the city from the tides. by marmorset
The website is all in English, I suspect it's meant for American travelers. And 12 meters doesn't seem that high, but 40 feet is a lot.
marmorset OP t1_jcfjfop wrote
Reply to comment by Dawnawaken92 in TIL about Saint-Malo, Brittany. This city on the French coast has some of the highest tides in Europe, rising as high as 40 feet during parts of the year, and the water withdrawing hundreds of yards. A sea wall, built in the 17th century, protects the city from the tides. by marmorset
There are numerous pictures and even a time-lapse video online. I don't like traveling, but that's one place I'd like to visit, everything looks amazing.
marmorset OP t1_jcfedf2 wrote
Reply to TIL about Saint-Malo, Brittany. This city on the French coast has some of the highest tides in Europe, rising as high as 40 feet during parts of the year, and the water withdrawing hundreds of yards. A sea wall, built in the 17th century, protects the city from the tides. by marmorset
The buildings along the coast are also built as breakwaters, and multiple layers of glass are required to withstand the waves. The first expeditions to Canada sailed from Saint-Malo, and it later became a home to pirates that would harass British ships in the channel.
marmorset t1_jcdy7ex wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL: Black Herons turn their wings into an umbrella to “canopy feed”. The umbrella provides shade, which draws fish to the surface where they can be seen and caught more easily. by Geek_Nan
No, but I didn't then decide to fish. And the sun isn't in their eyes, they're doing it because the fish prefer shaded areas. That's a whole different level of thinking. My hand blocks the sun, now I can see better, versus, my wing blocks the sun, now a separate animal will change its behavior.
marmorset t1_jccvdqg wrote
Reply to comment by RedSonGamble in TIL: Black Herons turn their wings into an umbrella to “canopy feed”. The umbrella provides shade, which draws fish to the surface where they can be seen and caught more easily. by Geek_Nan
What's compelling them to do it? There's an advantage to doing it so the birds who did it initially had a better chance to survive and reproduce, but what was initiating the behavior in those early bird to create shade while hunting fish?
marmorset t1_jccr94v wrote
Reply to comment by BlueRaider731 in TIL: Black Herons turn their wings into an umbrella to “canopy feed”. The umbrella provides shade, which draws fish to the surface where they can be seen and caught more easily. by Geek_Nan
That's an interesting theory.
marmorset t1_jcc91z2 wrote
Reply to TIL: Black Herons turn their wings into an umbrella to “canopy feed”. The umbrella provides shade, which draws fish to the surface where they can be seen and caught more easily. by Geek_Nan
This is what always confuses me about evolution. Black herons in different areas all do this, it's not a learned behavior that's taught to each generation. It's an instinctual action, they all do it naturally. How is something like this instinctual? How is a bird hatched already knowing how to use this hunting strategy?
marmorset t1_jcb3yks wrote
Reply to TIL that Prince is credited for “discovering” Carmen Electra when she began her career as a singer after moving to Minneapolis where they met and he produced her self-titled debut studio album, released in 1993. by puzzledplatypus
That is pretty much the definition of discovering, Prince should get credit.
marmorset t1_jc2j8uz wrote
Reply to TIL Helen Keller is credited with having introduced the Akita, a Japanese dog breed, to the United States by berkosaurus
Why was Helen Keller such a bad driver?
She was a woman.
marmorset t1_jas4ec1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL Poland uses clams to test their water supply by Zrgaloin
Getting a mollusk to pee into a cup is even more difficult than you can imagine.
marmorset t1_jaess7c wrote
Reply to comment by Glancing-Thought in TIL that in the period of time since the introduction of the consumer price index, the highest inflation rate observed in the U.S. was 20.49% in 1917. by ringopendragon
Although some US bills are embossed, the government provides a free electronic device called a bill reader to blind people upon request. It's a foolish system. Bills stay in circulation less than ten years and the twenty is always being redesigned. If the treasury had started embossing the numerals when the issue was first brought up all the money would be fixed, but they're still just holding meetings. The US worries about BS and ignores actual problems. All the touch card or phone apps must be of incredible benefit to blind people.
When I was in China they had paper money for fractions of a yuan. There were coins for amounts under a yuan, but also tiny, little paper bill for cents. I seem to remember that all the regular bills had Mao on them, regardless of denomination, but the tiny bills had allegorical figures.
marmorset t1_jaeik51 wrote
Reply to comment by Glancing-Thought in TIL that in the period of time since the introduction of the consumer price index, the highest inflation rate observed in the U.S. was 20.49% in 1917. by ringopendragon
And some countries have orange or pink money, that's not even real.
marmorset t1_jadgpwv wrote
Reply to comment by fatDaddy21 in TIL: You Can Tattoo Your Eyes But Eye Tattooing Comes with Dangerous Risks by Malixshak
Who said to inject bleach? That never happened. You were told it happened, but if you read what was actually said it's very clear that no such thing happened.
marmorset t1_jadeboi wrote
Reply to comment by BrokenEye3 in TIL: You Can Tattoo Your Eyes But Eye Tattooing Comes with Dangerous Risks by Malixshak
I can't, I got my eyes tattooed.
marmorset t1_jabm0az wrote
Reply to comment by AgentElman in TIL that in the period of time since the introduction of the consumer price index, the highest inflation rate observed in the U.S. was 20.49% in 1917. by ringopendragon
I'm a real estate agent, housing sales have slowed down, but prices have not dropped at all. They're not as high as the rate of inflation, but they're rising. Demand has dropped because mortgage interest rates have gone up, but supply is down since construction slowed/stopped during the pandemic and that's kept the cost up.
No, the government should not be declaring that housing prices are deflating because that's not at all true.
marmorset t1_ja97hcb wrote
Reply to comment by ninjabell in TIL that in the period of time since the introduction of the consumer price index, the highest inflation rate observed in the U.S. was 20.49% in 1917. by ringopendragon
You should have checked your math before being critical.
$2.45/2 is $1.23
$2.45 + $1.23 is $3.68
$3.75 is over 50% more expensive than $2.45
marmorset t1_ja8wpf7 wrote
Reply to TIL that in the period of time since the introduction of the consumer price index, the highest inflation rate observed in the U.S. was 20.49% in 1917. by ringopendragon
The government has changed the way a lot of things are calculated now, the new numbers aren't comparable. Food and energy, which often rise the most, sometimes aren't figured into the inflation rate.
The unemployment rate isn't trustworthy either. It used to estimate the unemployed, but now sometimes they exclude people who are unemployed but aren't collecting unemployment anymore. If you lose your job and collect unemployment, you count, but if after you lose your benefits and are still unemployed, you don't count.
I used to buy chicken breast at $1.79 a pound, now I pay $2.99 a pound. Milk was $2.45 a gallon, now it's $3.75 a gallon. That's just two years ago, and they're both over 50% more expensive, a far cry from the 10% the government claims.
marmorset t1_ja0cac4 wrote
Reply to comment by DirtyDanTheManlyMan in TIL about the only double barrel cannon in the world. When it was its first tested during the American Civil War, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly. by ExpertPreference8481
I believe this is shown in a post credit scene of the documentary Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
marmorset t1_jeacbn1 wrote
Reply to comment by saliczar in TIL over the course of his 23 published adventures, Herge's Tintin was knocked unconscious 43 times. Between 1929 and 1973, he was hit with a rake, a brick, a whisky bottle, an oar, a giant apple, a camel femur, a block of ice, and countless punches and clubs. by morerubberstamps
Do you ever think maybe you're not making the best life choices?