
maskedpaki t1_j6hq48c wrote

Maybe not decades out but there were computers that played go several years prior to alphago with lower elo rating

In fact alphagos elo rating is continuous with previous systems that played go. It wasn't a breakthrough. Just a flashy display because it was against superstar Lee sedol.


maskedpaki t1_j6f0kfo wrote

Holy shit I missed the start and then didn't realise it was chatgpt until seeing a reply. It makes me realise how good chatgpt is at making text. It's pretty much perfect for short passages.


maskedpaki t1_j57922l wrote

Take the tinfoil hat off

These layoffs were because the economy in general is shit not because chatgpt or recent LLMs

There were tech layoffs even before chatgpt

Even if he had strong AI my guess would be the tech sector booms with tonnes of new positions to effectively utilise the new tech and make money with it.


maskedpaki t1_j4qo6vh wrote

I keep hearing this "AI will take long to blend into civilisation"

I don't buy it. We already have capitalist financial markets. If an AI driven growth engine gets 9% ROI and the market gets 6% then all the worlds capital gets channeled into the 9% growth engine. Especially when it's general purpose and can do everything so to speak.

Capitalism will drive the use of these ais the moment they are past AGI level. It's just a matter of reaching it.


maskedpaki t1_j3tcteo wrote

you have it all backwards

generating long term hype is perfect for a tech startup for 2 reasons

  1. it overvalues the company based on long term potential. open ai only makes 60m in revenue. standard 10x multiplier would have it valued at 600m at the most. but its valued at 30 billion because of the hope that revenues will billions in the future


  1. you dont have to keep your long term promises. if he makes a promise for gpt4 people will call him out when it fails. but saying AGI 2035 and chances are no one will care when its 2035 and he doesnt deliver since the whole field will be different by then.