
masterofshadows t1_j9wkfro wrote

And others immediately jumped to pre-existing domestic violence and her leaving. Both are equally without proof. Both are possible. But your automatic assumption that I have some kind of issue with women is problematic and I will not sit by and be slandered. This will be my last reply as this is not a productive conversation. Good night.


masterofshadows t1_j93ijfz wrote

They've already invented carbon negative concrete. They just don't use it due to cost. Is this process going to be cheaper than traditional concrete/steel? Probably not, so it will not be used as well unless we start mandating it.


masterofshadows t1_j8gp7z2 wrote

>elementary particles are all fungible. That means, they are truly identical, and they are impossible to label. So, if a photon is absorbed and then remitted, it doesn't really make sense to say "is it the same photon or a different one?" There aren't really "same" or "different" photons, there's just photons, unlabeled.

So then do we know for sure photons actually move and don't just vibrate or something causing the next one in the chain to vibrate or something like that? Kind of how AC current works except with photons?


masterofshadows t1_j1m00bv wrote

I'm not the op, but I'm a Walmart employee and while they're not perfect they do in fact take overtime seriously. Wages have gone up significantly. I've received a 50% increase in wages since 2020, where I was already making over 15 in a state that's still on federal minimum. The insurance isn't the best but it's definitely not bad. I can see a virtual doctor for free and most generic drugs are $4. Seeing an in person doctor is $35, which isn't super cheap it's also not super expensive either. They stopped pushing for part time and look to mostly have full time now with set schedules when possible.

In retail this is a good employer. Could they improve on some stuff? Yes. But they're not the evil empire. Like many jobs it really depends on who your management is.