maybe_little_pinch t1_iy9zv3f wrote
Reply to comment by noseboy1 in Range Rover driver clocked at 132 mph on Rte 2. State police catch up with him. by fprintf
Yes, counts as an arrest.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iy0e0xi wrote
Reply to comment by tonyforeman in Grocery shopping and 25 cheerleaders asking for $ by [deleted]
Not everyone on that team is as fortunate as what you are perceiving as wealth. Without those fundraisers, there are plenty of people on those teams who would never be able to afford such experiences.
maybe_little_pinch t1_ixyuu7d wrote
Reply to Woodbury CT by justmaxmeup
Well, it's a small town in Connecticut, located near other small towns in Connecticut. It has trees and people and I think some cows. Maybe some llamas. Or goats. I want to say there is some goat yoga near there. There's also the "salt cave" place I hear my crunchy granola friends rave about.
maybe_little_pinch t1_ixnfajc wrote
Reply to comment by 1234nameuser in 71-year-old man cited for driving the wrong way on Route 8 by Usedtoknowsomeone46
My uncle, who I would say is no less with it in his early 70s than he was when he was younger, ripped up his truck when he fell asleep at the wheel driving from NC to CT. He hit some of those metal poles along the side of the road that I guess are there for that purpose?
People really need to be really fucking careful. Driving long hours, especially this time of year when you have less sunlight, is extremely hazardous.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iww2jws wrote
Reply to "What suggestions do you have for the transportation system across the region?" by d_c_chillin
I answered, but I don't think they will like how many times I suggested the revival of the trolley system or an equivalent. Oh. And saying that making roadways safe for pedestrians and bikes shouldn't mean drivers have to spend more time on the road? Lol why? Unless you are going to take away lanes to make pedestrian spaces? If it were safer and more feasible for people to commute by walking or biking wouldn't that free up the road...?
maybe_little_pinch t1_iwqrce2 wrote
Reply to comment by QueenOfQuok in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
It probably lasted longer because of that, but we have lost a lot of department stores that were standalone businesses to ones attached to malls.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iwgqg1w wrote
Reply to comment by VanPattensCard in Any burger restaurant in CT that mimics “in and out burger?” ( the west coast chain? by Used-Examination1439
Wayback is my burger place of choice. I will occasionally do G's burger in Naugy just because it's closer, but way back does impossible burgers and I am allergic to red meat. If you want to know where I can't eat, you will know what chains actually have better quality meat.
maybe_little_pinch t1_ivmmq9c wrote
Give it until at least 10. My polling place is still counting.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iuu0dam wrote
Reply to comment by G3Saint in Connecticut governor candidates clash over police deaths by jr_reddit
He has to rile up the 2a people to have a chance. Those people have almost a complete overlap with the "thin blue line" people, so he has to target gun laws and police reform to get the most chaos going.
He is also putting out mailers about tolls because people may not realize those are a nonstarter.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iujb2fa wrote
Reply to comment by PettyWitch in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
I think because snowmobiles and horses are considered assets. They are part of your net worth.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iuintgl wrote
Reply to comment by PettyWitch in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
You are missing that it is about business related items. You aren't getting taxed for your couch. But if you have a farm stand on your property and you sell vegetables, you should be paying tax on that. It says "business related" and then a list of items. You are reading that sentence wrong.
If you own luxury items like a horse, snowmobile, ATV, etc. those are also taxed.
If your ponies were used as work animals they would be exempt. The fact that you occasionally use them as work animals does not count. It would like me trying to write off my truck as a work vehicle because I occasionally haul stuff.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iufina0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ordinary_Guitar_5074 in How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
The only places I still see plastic bags is restaurants.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iuayxd5 wrote
Reply to comment by Captain_SpaceRaptor in When is trick or treating? by Captain_SpaceRaptor
Some places around the state do it on other days, but generally they are restricted to just locals. One neighborhood in Naugatuck comes to mind.
There have been pushes to make it the last Saturday of the month, but there has been public outrage at the idea.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iuah3do wrote
Reply to comment by kay14jay in TIL We are currently amidst the longest gap between EF5 tornadoes in history by Danielnrg
And east. We aren't getting big ones, but CT is seeing more tornadoes. We had a biggish one back in the 90s I think and I don't really remember any others. There was a sheer that hit a couple towns over in like 2008ish and that was big news. 2015 we got stomped by three, one went right by my house.
Submitted by maybe_little_pinch t3_yfom1k in Connecticut
maybe_little_pinch t1_iu2jpjk wrote
Reply to comment by RepresentativeYou172 in Counterfeit Connecticut licenses seized in Kentucky by lokitdwn
Yup. Maine, especially when they were simply laminated. New Hampshire was the other one, but I vaguely recall them getting rejected more often
maybe_little_pinch t1_iu1q7m0 wrote
Reply to comment by AncientBellybutton in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
They don't have to show up for court because their report is considered as evidence or testimony or whatever. They didn't fail to show up, they weren't required. They already documented their account in an acceptable legal fashion.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iu1puo5 wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in how was this POS allowed to walk? by AdHistorical7107
So..... Yeah it has been. I have actually been the victim of DV. My brother attacked me and my dad. As a result he was mandated to go into counseling and take anger management classes. This is actually fairly standard in DV cases.
maybe_little_pinch t1_its9130 wrote
Reply to comment by mkt853 in New Poll Shows Lamont Up 11 Points by NewsHugh
I would have done my homework more if a reward was time on a pole. It's fun as hell!
maybe_little_pinch t1_isvg5au wrote
Reply to comment by Purple-Blood9669 in This whole sub right now V3 by KJK998
But a bungee cord snake would totally fit the golden retriever lion post trend.
maybe_little_pinch t1_iyamwr1 wrote
Reply to comment by MedicalJargon-itis in TIL that, to prove that a jellyfish caused Irukandji syndrome, a scientist stung himself, his son, and a lifeguard with the jellyfish. by SabreYT
It looks like from the Wikipedia that they do use pain medication.