maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixr0uqy wrote
Reply to comment by Ceaseless-Discharge in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
This guy (or girl) knows how to have a good time 😂
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqasyx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
Lol. I actually just did that too. Got plenty left (like everyone else I'm sure). And hey look someone else who's not cranky! I know it's "black friday" but like negativity is bad for the soul. Stuff that face man. Yolo
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqaezy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
Okay. Sounds like ur doing something way better. GFY. Tool bag
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqaa1k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
I mean "trying to keep yesterday going" is a thing lol
Eta: u downvoting cranky gramps
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixqa54g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
If you don't know, then u probably aren't down. Lol
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ix64kwa wrote
Reply to comment by LoktheNomad in Cheap gas station coffee by TotalDebate6050
If you buy a gallon of milk, carton of eggs, or anything of that sort there it's insane.
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ix64c80 wrote
Reply to comment by GossamerGlenn in Cheap gas station coffee by TotalDebate6050
Tbh I like it. You make it yourself so it's gonna be how you want it everytime. Unlike going to Dunkin where one day it can be great then the next day you're like ew wtf
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ix643r1 wrote
Reply to comment by March_Latter in Cheap gas station coffee by TotalDebate6050
Def. When everything is bought in bulk it's easy to do.
Though I'm sure everyone has seen those people stuffing their pockets/purse/store bag with tons of flavored creamers for home. Prob doesn't help but they still make $$$
maybebullshitmaybe t1_iwj52n8 wrote
maybebullshitmaybe t1_iwavpad wrote
Reply to comment by nebuladrifting in Fitting by lmsupercereaI
Okay...I've never used that site before and just spent way too long playing with it 😂
maybebullshitmaybe t1_iua5owi wrote
Reply to comment by Competitive-Ad-5153 in Saw this sign at the rotary near the police station in Apponaug. This person is going full scorched-earth! by wyethswindows
Aw it's gone now "deleted by the author"
maybebullshitmaybe t1_iua3q2u wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Saw this sign at the rotary near the police station in Apponaug. This person is going full scorched-earth! by wyethswindows
maybebullshitmaybe t1_iua3eor wrote
Reply to comment by thirdtimesthemom in Saw this sign at the rotary near the police station in Apponaug. This person is going full scorched-earth! by wyethswindows
Thanks for explaining what this was about. I had no clue what was up. People tend to use the word "scammed" whenever they're unhappy with a service or end result when oftentimes there was zero scamming going on.
maybebullshitmaybe t1_itv16ex wrote
Reply to comment by jjayzx in Anyone else get this email but hasn't even turned their heat on yet? by jjayzx
😂 I don't doubt it
maybebullshitmaybe t1_itu8h39 wrote
Reply to comment by burton8493 in Anyone else get this email but hasn't even turned their heat on yet? by jjayzx
I just got the same one and I was like really? I'm also very sure that's not true. The people around me mostly all work from home, many have kids etc. I'm never home. I think that letter is even more douchey than this email, it makes it sound like they actually looked/checked.
maybebullshitmaybe t1_itlsdxz wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive-Boss-70 in The crypt in Exeter where Mercy Brown, "America's Last Vampire", was kept [OC] by TheUncommonSense
>I live in RI
I feel like most people on this sub probably do
maybebullshitmaybe t1_itlpuvs wrote
Reply to Local Author in Hot Water by LetsGoRedDevils
Well the description sounds just lovely..../s
Santa is in jail! Will Christmas be canceled? And what what role did Santa play in the January 6th riot at the Capitol?
maybebullshitmaybe t1_isjvwuv wrote
Reply to comment by astrangeday13 in Brewery Tin Tackers? by jennafoo33
Thanks for acknowledging that lol. I felt dumb there for a min. It definitely does look odd and isn't just me then.
maybebullshitmaybe t1_isj4o6h wrote
Reply to comment by astrangeday13 in Brewery Tin Tackers? by jennafoo33
Ohhhh okay. Duh. Thanks lol
maybebullshitmaybe t1_irza2tv wrote
Reply to A true leader for the people by shahahahaha
With the other choices we this even that bad? 😂
maybebullshitmaybe t1_irz9li4 wrote
Reply to comment by LionMcTastic in A true leader for the people by shahahahaha
"It's on the rise! FOX News told me!"
(Checks data)
Down 55% to the lowest it's been in 30 years.
"FOX News wouldn't lie to me"
maybebullshitmaybe t1_irz97tw wrote
Reply to comment by WarExciting in A true leader for the people by shahahahaha
🤣 Every comment you've made here is hilarious. I wish it was satire but you're actually being serious. They can really convince boomers of the dumbest shit if they throw it up on FOX 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
maybebullshitmaybe t1_irz8u1r wrote
Reply to comment by FlashbackBob in A true leader for the people by shahahahaha
Haha omg. Is he drunk or just a mess?
maybebullshitmaybe t1_irlyuno wrote
Reply to comment by goofyburrito94 in Difference in Medicaid plans! by RI-Transplant
Does it make a difference it's through medicaid tho versus say private/employer tufts or united?
maybebullshitmaybe t1_ixr19cn wrote
Reply to comment by Bflorp in Dunno if this is allowed but I'm bored af and trying to keep yesterday goin lmao. Anybody down? by [deleted]
Aw thanks! This made me laugh way harder than it probably should have. I imagined my parents in your place for whatever reason running around the house with Mardi Gras type beads, glow sticks, etc grabbing the ornaments/watching the parade being like woooooo yeahhhh! Macy's!!! 😂