mces97 t1_isqo6pv wrote
Reply to In a novel experiment, brain-like human tissue implanted in rat brains influenced the rodents' behavior by le75
Can we implant brain like tissue in some humans? Cause a lot of people these days seem like they can use some more brain tissue.
mces97 t1_isqo3lx wrote
Reply to comment by Otherwise_Hunt7296 in In a novel experiment, brain-like human tissue implanted in rat brains influenced the rodents' behavior by le75
Ok, I saw this movie when I was younger but I don't remember anything about it. Was this just a pun, or was the movie about smart rats? I know they talked.
mces97 t1_isg8rws wrote
Reply to comment by HaCo111 in Parkland prosecutors ask for an investigation after a juror says she was threatened by ‘a fellow juror’ during deliberations - CNN by SilentR0b
Oh wow, you can get disqualified for having Tinnitus. Good to know. I have Tinnitus. I got disqualified because I said my brother got a shit deal when he was mentally ill and was ruled not competent to stand trial, but competent enough to somehow be found guilty. I've always actually wanted to serve, but the case I was on I wanted no part of. This person was charged with a dozen felonies. One was attempted murder against a cop. And that cop was given a medal from Obama for what happened to him. Fuck that, I ain't gonna be the person to look at evidence and what if there was a struggle and it looks like the gun accidentally went off? I don't want to be the guy who says no guilty and get on a shit list.
mces97 t1_isy35xb wrote
Reply to comment by Logistocrate in Sheriffs Offered Caribbean Cruises and Florida Retreats as Part of Jail Telecom Contracts by 1angrylittlevoice
Why haven't the Democrats said let's introduce a constitutional amendment outlawing slavery? Conservatives always say the Democrats started the KKK. So call their bluff and have the Democrats amend the 13ths and truly make all forms of slavery illegal.