mdurg68 t1_itbpctr wrote
Reply to PPL’s Rhode Island utility issues solicitation for up to 1,000 MW of offshore wind by ForHidingSquirrels
If it adds capacity to the market and it isn’t taxpayer subsidized then I’m for it.
I’m learning about home solar now and what I don’t understand is why they don’t let you overproduce and sell back to the grid if you have the roof space. Did the energy industry lobby the state to keep this power away from the people?
mdurg68 t1_itbore4 wrote
Reply to comment by glennjersey in PPL’s Rhode Island utility issues solicitation for up to 1,000 MW of offshore wind by ForHidingSquirrels
Why in the world are you getting downvoted for that? People don’t have common sense.
mdurg68 t1_itaic5d wrote
Reply to comment by pbNANDjelly in Hello, Providence. Kansas City couple visiting. Where's your best BBQ? by [deleted]
I was going to say about the same. I’m from upstate NY originally… I’ve had Durks and they don’t even come close to Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse. Most likely you’ll be disappointed anywhere you try.
mdurg68 t1_it0pbfg wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Elorza, Smiley at odds over $7 MILLION Kennedy Plaza pavilion by Beezlegrunk
Failing is probably too harsh a word, maybe in need of maintenance is a better term. There are drone shots on YouTube by a RI guy that does a lot of drone movies and he points out what the weather has done to the stone.
mdurg68 t1_it0nryc wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Elorza, Smiley at odds over $7 MILLION Kennedy Plaza pavilion by Beezlegrunk
The exterior is failing which is why the scaffolds are up on Fulton and Westminster sidewalks so you don’t get hit with anything. I wouldn’t think the extent of construction would extend over and across the street though.
I think it’s weird that they’ve given Kennedy plaza one maybe two makeovers since I’ve started working downtown 9 years ago. And now to do it again.
mdurg68 t1_it0lcvk wrote
Reply to comment by mkmck in What the hell does this even mean? by mkmck
Well sometimes you can be in a discussion which may be of interest to you and then some wing nut takes a right turn (see what I did there?) and starts ranting about politics.
mdurg68 t1_it0kdao wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in Rolling blackouts possible this winter in New England by Geri-psychiatrist-RI
mdurg68 t1_isw0gp7 wrote
Reply to comment by _wheresMySuperSuit in Anyone know exactly when TJs is opening? it looks almost finished! by keratinflowershop35
I don’t think I’ve ever had less than 2 circles to get to Fellini
mdurg68 t1_ismngms wrote
Reply to comment by Lukaze in Verizon Fios stopped broadcasting channel 12... it maybe time to dump cable! by newengland_schmuck
I’m paying 49.99 for cox. 250 down/10 up. Using YouTube tube for 65. I’d skip tv altogether but my SO watches a bunch.
mdurg68 t1_is8qi8t wrote
Reply to Visiting for Friday day and night, any tips for cool art or fun solo things to do, early 30s artist by Alternative_Dare_980
Not sure about the weather, but scooter tour of providence could be fun.
mdurg68 t1_is8pkx6 wrote
Reply to comment by leonpinneaple in Question about getting RI license after moving here by [deleted]
Same here I kept my NY license for a while but finally converted to RI so I could register the homestead credit for property taxes. Luckily that was like a week or two before the pandemic shut everything down. Also I think the license is only good for like 1 year then you have to renew it. Luckily that is just sending them money in the mail.
mdurg68 t1_irpokkx wrote
Reply to comment by James_Skyvaper in Going to The Strand/Lupos tonight, best burger or wings in walking distance!? by TiredEyes_
I miss Luxe too.
mdurg68 OP t1_irpcjam wrote
Reply to comment by elyssespieces in Best Apple Cider? by mdurg68
Thanks, this seems closest to me (Johnston) Apple cider donuts sound good too.
Submitted by mdurg68 t3_xzxttr in RhodeIsland
mdurg68 t1_itdty05 wrote
Reply to State Senator stealing my land by Silly_Yak_3741
I had always wondered how adverse possession works when a new owner comes on. If I was encroaching and using some property and someone called me on it I would concede. Because you bought property based on established property lines not where the row of bushes is. You’ll definitely need to see a lawyer to see what your options are. I wonder if there is any recourse with title insurance? Good luck, I hope you succeed.