megapuffranger t1_j485tpk wrote
Reply to comment by ceton33 in Idaho Republican Apologizes for Comparing Women to Farm Animals by wallstreetegg
Republicans yearn for the old days where women were subservient to men. If a woman talked back you could slap the shit out of her and no one would lift a finger to help. If a woman turns you down you just harass the shit out of her until she gives in out of fear. Women stayed home and cooked and cleaned and served, the man was always right too so no more being called on their bullshit.
Republicans want to go back to the old days for minorities too.
megapuffranger t1_j27256m wrote
Reply to comment by welshmanec2 in TIL that an unknown 19th century Japanese artist painted a parody of the sacred scene of the Buddha's death that is commonly called the "Penis Paranirvana", in which the dying Buddha is replaced by a giant anthropomorphic penis being mourned by women and other penises. by JosephvonEichendorff
Is that not just a woman? (/s please it’s only joke, I have a family)
megapuffranger t1_j25qkag wrote
Reply to comment by ManInBlack829 in TIL: Weezer's first gig was opening for Keanu Reeves' band Dogstar by quegrawks
That’s not really a theory so much as just common knowledge. It’s pretty rare to make it in the business without already having connections or just pure nepotism.
megapuffranger t1_j22pzrp wrote
Why? Look how strong you are!
megapuffranger t1_ishid7v wrote
Reply to comment by myeff in TIL: Sperms were thought to move by wiggling their tails side-to-side, like eels, for 350 years. But research shows that they roll as they move forward like a spinning top. by vect77
Ok sure it’s not a tiny human but sperm is still kinda weird. Doesn’t anyone else find it weird we shoot out little moving things that look for something to impregnate? It’s fucking weird… not gonna stop me from shooting it into a napkin but… it’s weird man… like describing sounds like describing an alien species.
megapuffranger t1_j48iq8d wrote
Reply to comment by Final-Distribution97 in Idaho Republican Apologizes for Comparing Women to Farm Animals by wallstreetegg
They prefer girls. And they do