meowskywalker t1_iu53zki wrote
Reply to comment by Ha1rBall in ’The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira Writing Rick/Michonne Spin-Off, Credited as Co-Creator by MarvelsGrantMan136
I work from home so there’s a lot of shows I watch with 25-30 percent of my brain. I certainly couldn’t make it through Once Upon a Time or Superman and Lois if I focused my whole attention on them.
meowskywalker t1_iu52ext wrote
Reply to ’The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira Writing Rick/Michonne Spin-Off, Credited as Co-Creator by MarvelsGrantMan136
So did those movies he was supposed to be in fall through. I didn’t see anything about them in this article but I also kinda just skimmed it so I might be asking a dumb question.
Related question: is every episode of this show on AMC+? I’m probably gonna sign up once Interview with a Vampire’s season is complete and I might try to power through this show again when I do.
meowskywalker t1_iu4z0wm wrote
Reply to comment by Skavau in [Discussion] Anyone else struggles with following shows because of the increasingly longer breaks between seasons? by IBoris
> They're just stuff that happens
That describes all shows.
meowskywalker t1_iu4ymv1 wrote
Reply to comment by Skavau in [Discussion] Anyone else struggles with following shows because of the increasingly longer breaks between seasons? by IBoris
> The Witcher, it doesn't matter
Yeah no I didn’t remember shit from the first season. I had to rewatch the whole thing to remember who anyone but Geralt, Yennifer and Jaskier were.
meowskywalker t1_iu4wfhc wrote
Reply to comment by Archamasse in Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
See I guess I have the same issue of why do we need a different term for “Hitler” and “grandfather” paradox. They both describe the same logical problem. You can’t go in to the past to change the past because by changing the past you create a present where you wouldn’t be able to go back and change the past. Whether it’s because you were never born or because you’ve never heard of Hitler seems to be splitting hairs.
meowskywalker t1_iu4u3wr wrote
Reply to [Discussion] Anyone else struggles with following shows because of the increasingly longer breaks between seasons? by IBoris
People always had this problem even when there were only 12 weeks between seasons. That’s why previously on has to exist.
meowskywalker t1_iu4s6qp wrote
Reply to comment by Archamasse in Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
Weird. I always heard it used to describe how Skynet can’t exist unless it’s sends terminator back to be used as the building blocks for Skynet, long before Futurama. Why do we need that term when paradox already describes it? I understand why we need bootstrap or predestination because it describes a scenario where we sidestep that issue even while the paradox already exists.
meowskywalker t1_iu4pco9 wrote
Reply to comment by Archamasse in Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
Bootstrap and grandfather paradox are both the same thing. The only way Fry can be his own grandfather is because he already was his own grandfather. Terminator 2 is just a normal old could never happen because by changing the past you create a new future where time travelers will never try to change the past paradox.
meowskywalker t1_iu4ouej wrote
Reply to comment by 16incheslong in Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
What? Arrival claims that fate is inexorable and even being able to see the future means nothing because you’re doomed to live out the future you’ve already seen. That’s the exact opposite of changing fate.
meowskywalker t1_iu3w9sp wrote
Reply to Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
T2 claims there is no fate but what you make, but all the following movies go back on that and suggest that at best you can delay fate, but fate will always happen in some form.
meowskywalker t1_iu1m9rr wrote
Reply to comment by deignguy1989 in When people say Buffy the Vampire Slater is a good show are they being sarcastic? by BitCharacter1951
Everyone knows there’s one correct objective rating that every piece of art deserves, and so if two people have different opinions on art at least one of them must be wrong. It’s why we have so many “this show is overrated/underrated” and “explain why you enjoy a show I do not” threads here every day.
meowskywalker t1_iu0dcfb wrote
Reply to comment by RandomStranger79 in Another post claiming someone has had enough of modern sound engineering. This by Elbradamontes
“Does anyone else hate it when people don’t say goodbye at the end of phones calls?” was once again a top post in this subreddit yesterday. People here don’t actually care that they’ve having the same conversations over and over and over.
meowskywalker t1_itwvo3e wrote
Reply to Would Conan the Barbarian be so fondly remembered if Schwarzenegger hadn't become such a megastar? by Herne8
It got a sequel before Terminator happened. People loved Conan even before Schwarzenegger became a very long and difficult to spell household name.
meowskywalker t1_itvskcu wrote
Reply to comment by DaveLambert in Michael Kopsa, ‘X-Files’ and ‘Stargate SG-1’ Actor, Dies at 66 by MarvelsGrantMan136
I was gonna say I’ve watched SG-1 at least four times all the way through, even after looking up his character on the wiki I was like “who?” One of the guys in the room when in that clip episode where Hammond explains the SG-1 program to the new president maybe?
meowskywalker t1_itmfa5h wrote
Reply to Will The Expanse ever get the last 3 seasons to finish out the last 3 books? by MajorRichardHead7
Considering how godawful the budgets are on the Amazon episodes, I don’t really wanna see it come back until either humanity magically decides to start giving sci-fi the credit it deserves, or until television budgets are no longer assigned based on potential profitability.
meowskywalker t1_itdhbn1 wrote
Reply to comment by INMATEofARKHAM in It Still Stings: Quantum Leap's Title Card Typo and the Series Finale that Never Made It Home by SanderSo47
Oh man I managed to bury the memory of the evil leapers
meowskywalker t1_itd97vf wrote
Reply to comment by frytaj in It Still Stings: Quantum Leap's Title Card Typo and the Series Finale that Never Made It Home by SanderSo47
Nah I’ve played Final Fantasy VIII and I know you shouldn’t fuck about with time compression.
meowskywalker t1_itcsy8w wrote
Reply to comment by INMATEofARKHAM in It Still Stings: Quantum Leap's Title Card Typo and the Series Finale that Never Made It Home by SanderSo47
Yeah, I would have liked to see a more complete finale certainly, but I find it strange how many people are certain we would have gotten a happier ending if it had continued. They could have written anything on that title card they wanted, they told us he never made it home.
Course when time travel is involved no rules really apply. This new guy could have a plot where he pops into a person who somehow manages to give Sam a way out. Hw could jump back inside someone at a place and time where Sam is also occupying someon, Sam realizes someone else is out there striving to put right what once went wrong, and then Sam allows himself to stop leaping. Wouldn’t even need to get Scott Bakula to guest star, if that’s the issue, because we could just see the person he’s inhabiting.
meowskywalker t1_itanxmd wrote
Reply to comment by CyroSwitchBlade in Why 2021 Stephen King’s The Stand altered the cast to be relatable by RSwoon
It’s super crazy that It is released linear when the book was non linear and then The Stand non linear when the book is linear. You’re just changing things to change things!
meowskywalker t1_it80mvl wrote
Reply to comment by __bobafett__ in What made Bones so bad and when did it start? by ResponsibilityOk5050
Reminded me of Dark Knight Rises when the stock exchange is attacked by terrorists who hacked in to the computer but they still assume all of Bruce Wayne’s terrible stock purchases were definitely totally legit. No way to fix it, I guess.
meowskywalker t1_it7hhj5 wrote
Like any police procedural it eventually gets boring doing the same plots over and over. Until suddenly there’s a man who can hack into a computer by carving code onto Bones.
Also holy shit Booth’s interrogation style of assuming everyone in the interrogation room must be guilty and treating them like scum gets irritating fast. He’s needlessly antagonizing innocent people who might be able to help the investigation in a less confrontational conversation. I understand it’s accurate to real life but this is a fantasy show why can’t I have a fantasy cop that isn’t that?
meowskywalker t1_it48qac wrote
Reply to comment by bowromir in If You Could Apply Rings of Power Budget to Any IP Adaptation, What Would You Choose? by Any-Low9727
Anyone who thinks the series should start with content from the fourth book is someone I don’t think should be trusted to make the series. Susan is supposed to be this mysterious figure for half the story, we’re not supposed to meet Cuthbert and Alain until after we know Eddie and Susannah so that we can appreciate how his new Ka-Tet echoes his old one. But everyone who adapts it insists for some reason to start with these characters and ruin all of that.
meowskywalker t1_it3q76u wrote
Reply to comment by austinrose7 in If You Could Apply Rings of Power Budget to Any IP Adaptation, What Would You Choose? by Any-Low9727
How can it possibly be faithful to the games when even the games aren’t faithful to the games? Entire species were genocided in my roommate’s game, while they were saved in mine. Which option do you pick? If we make it to the end of the series, what outcome will a Commander Shepard that isn’t even the same gender as in my game choose for the entire Galaxy? No matter what he chooses two thirds of players are going to see it as inaccurate.
meowskywalker t1_it3pjno wrote
Reply to comment by GeekdomCentral in If You Could Apply Rings of Power Budget to Any IP Adaptation, What Would You Choose? by Any-Low9727
Ten years ago she might have looked the part, but I think Kate Beckinsdale is quite a terrible actress, so I still wouldn’t want to see her in the role.
meowskywalker t1_iu5czdm wrote
Reply to comment by EZPassTrollToll in ’The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira Writing Rick/Michonne Spin-Off, Credited as Co-Creator by MarvelsGrantMan136
Yup you got me. Signed up for Reddit ten years ago so that I could suggest binging a show that AMC clearly wants me to watch weekly. And say that their most popular show is so dumb I can’t watch it unless I’m using most of my brain on other tasks to distract me from the dumb. Truly the greatest advertising scheme in the history of time.