
meowskywalker t1_j5u9c69 wrote

This is that “why should I have to pay for DLC when it should be ‘part of the game’?” logic. If you don’t think they provide enough content for the purchase price, don’t pay that purchase price. But they don’t magically owe you all content they’ve ever produced or own for one price just because you want it.


meowskywalker t1_j5pl1b1 wrote

It’s a fun show but after two years of “oh finally a good Superhero show from CW not like all the stupid shitty Arrowverse shows!” to watch it and find exactly the same shit you’d expect from Arrow or Flash was a little surprising. Did all these people who hate Flash and Arrow but love Superman and Lois actually watch Flash and Arrow, or did they just let the internet tell them they hated it?


meowskywalker t1_j4rmfd5 wrote

> Second, the Assassin's Creed series is known for its historical settings

Which is why it would make a terrible tv show. The movie, with an actual budget, it set almost entirely in modern times because all the animus scenes look like hot garbage. I can’t imagine a show would get anywhere near that kinda money. It’d be even fewer, even more claustrophobic sets than Rome, expect they built the sets on Rome assuming they’d be used for multiple seasons, these sets would be built assuming they’re all getting torn down for season 2.


meowskywalker t1_j29luan wrote

I powered through a whole season of Babylon 5 before I had to accept that I just hate it. Hate it so much. Everyone is so gross and mean and it all looks so crummy. There’s an episode with a Soul Stealer and everyone on board acts genuinely concerned that there’s a Soul Stealer on board and that almost ended it for me, but I kept going. Only to learn that the reason the bone crown people were so obsessed with humans is because the bone crown people discovered bone crown souls were being reincarnated into human bodies and holy shit that’s actually the resolution to the season long mystery they'd been teasing, reincarnated souls!


meowskywalker t1_j15l8ya wrote

My favorite is when they, with like six episodes remaining in the series, decide that Jackie is in love with Fez and they try to jam a whole season’s worth of “will they won’t they” in to those six episodes. At the beginning of one episode she won’t even acknowledge her feelings for Fez, by the end of the next episode she’s saying “I’ve wanted this for so long!” Fantastic writing guys.


meowskywalker t1_j15j7j8 wrote

No one is ever happy. It’s like misery porn. For five seconds they manage to pull themselves out of the muck and make enough money to pay their power bill or some depressing shit and then someone runs away or has a miscarriage or gets deported.

Plus it’s not just about rednecks, it’s for rednecks. I thought at first it was a show where we laughed at backwards morons who thought that Obama was a socialist, but we’re laughing with the backwards morons about how much of a socialist Obama is. Gross.


meowskywalker t1_iydzgxe wrote

Yeah I don’t give a shit if Charles whoever voices Mario, I give a shit that voice coming out of Mario isn’t fucking awful. And I feel this Chris Pratt voice is fucking awful. Literally anyone doing a better voice would be acceptable. Even Chris Pratt doing a different voice would be better than this.


meowskywalker t1_iy8adx6 wrote

It was too much House for me. I already watched a bazillion seasons of House, I didn’t need House Except He’s Got a Doctor’s Note to explain why he’s sometimes an asshole.

Plus “he’s a brilliant surgeon but he can’t be trusted to speak to patients” describes most surgeons. Just make sure someone is in the room to translate from autistic surgeon speak to patient speak and back. This is much less of a problem than the show insists it is.


meowskywalker t1_iy4kow5 wrote

It depends on the movie. You can’t do the T-1000 without CG. You cannot. You might get close with stop motion which looks one million times worse, but even then there’s stuff that just wouldn’t work.

I don’t see the difference, personally. You can have CG that’s clearly not real or you can have props and stop motion that’s clearly not real. On Mandalorian CG Luke Skywalker looks fucking fake, but animatronic puppet Kuill also looks fucking fake. We just have to accept the fake looking things one way or the other.


meowskywalker t1_iujpitv wrote

What world do you live in? While I have to give you credit for not using the word “underrated” this is the same “does anyone else think [beloved film] is underrated?” post again. Of course everyone thinks Lord of the Rings is amazing. They didn’t stretch the hobbit out to three films and then spend three quarters of a billion dollars on a television prequel because people don’t like this series.


meowskywalker t1_iujhaop wrote

Terminator 2 and Aliens are different enough from the originals that it seems pointless to compare the two. If you wanted another horror movie, Aliens is horrible. If you wanted Action, obviously Aliens is a million times better than Alien.

People also love to list Godfather but I don’t get it. The stuff with Robert Deniro In Godfather 2 is awesome, but I hate Michael’s whole story, and Michael’s story is most of the movie. Watching him slowly transform from the guy who didn’t want to be his dad to being a “better” version of his dad is cool, watching him just be a mobster for a while is boring.


meowskywalker t1_iujg0rr wrote

The only time I think it’s a little bit fair when they take something you love and turn it in to another one of these shows. it’s like “Hey, you love Neil Gaiman right? I heard they’re doing a show based on his comics.” Yes yes yes! “It’s a police procedural where Lucifer helps the cops catch people.” Oh no. That’s not what I wanna hear at all. I’m not angry another police procedural, I’m angry THAT is a police procedural.


meowskywalker t1_iu659iz wrote

None of them ever provide enough info unless you’ve already seen old episodes. Plus, like, Lord of the Rings has a previously on every episode even though it’s streaming and all the old episodes are available to watch at all times. But they released it weekly so they couldn’t trust people to remember the old episodes even over the course of 8 weeks. No, 7 weeks, because they put the first two out on one week, right?