
meowskywalker t1_jar9cf4 wrote

It’s a weird idea right off the bat, you’re being trained in self defense to fight off a rapist or kidnapper or something. Of course the average self defense trainer isn’t going to be prepared to fight a professional martial artist. I don’t know what this would prove except to make people look dumb. And not even necessarily the instructors, some expert martial artists trouncing the guy who normally teaches people “keys to the face, stomp your heel on the ankle, run like fuck” the martial artists are going to come off like bullies.

But then all the obsession with Muay Thai. You just wanna see people do Muay Thai. That’s cool, but just suggest that show then. “I like Ong-Bak and also the slightly dumber one with the elephants, I wanna see more of that.”


meowskywalker t1_ja2twxd wrote

If you use the word “overrated” you’re claiming there is an objective correct answer. That’s what I’m saying. Something can’t be over or under rated unless there ls an objectively correct answer that people are missing when they rate it.


meowskywalker t1_ja2pigm wrote

How can you admit comedy is subjective and still claim something is “overrated” in the same post? If it’s overrated that means there’s an objective correct rating that people should be giving it, but instead they’re rating it too highly. But there’s not “too” anything if we admit that artwork is subjective. You don’t like it as much as many other people but no one is under or over rating it because that’s not possible.


meowskywalker t1_j9tza6o wrote

The good news is the last season had a flashback to Marge’s high school musical about Y2K that took place before Homer and Marge officially “met” so they couldn’t possibly have been dating in the nineties and that episode has also been retconned.

The truth is neither of those were retcons. Marge and Homer met in high school in the 70s and they on and off dated in the 90s while Homer was in a grunge band (unrelated to the massive success he had as part of a barbershop quartet in the 80s) and also they’re 38 in 2023 and all of these things are somehow true at the same time.


meowskywalker t1_j9rwuk7 wrote

I genuinely do not understand how anyone who enjoyed the first 8 seasons of the Simpsons could think that Armin Tanzanian is anything but hilarious.

And it’s barely a retcon. The only thing we knew about him before Principal and the Pauper that wasn’t true was his name. He’s still the principal that Bart has been screwing with for years, he’s still a Vietnam vet, he’s still strangely subservient to Agnes Skinner, he still a nerd who loves being a principal despite the fact he’s quite bad at it. And even his name stops being fake by the end of the episode, by court order.


meowskywalker t1_j9q2ez8 wrote

If we don’t at least watch each season as it comes out the show will be cancelled before they ever get to end it. I’m not gonna start watching a season until all the episodes are available but I can’t expect them to just make seasons and seasons of television for me without showing them some sort of return.


meowskywalker t1_j9pxpnz wrote

Arcane is an excellent show, but as someone who never played LoL how much of it is actually an “adaptation”? Does the game somehow explain that Vi and Jinx grew up raised by Vander and then we’re separated and taken in by various factions in the criminal underground, their eventual reunification marred and eventually ruined by the affection Vi has for a pretty young cop lady? Or is it’s like “Vi and Jinx are sisters who hate each other, now fight!”? It’s a hell of a lot easier to “adapt” a game which contains little to no plot (though admittedly the three mortal Kombat movies and a tv show and a weird web series suggests you can still fuck it up even then.)


meowskywalker t1_j7whfz9 wrote

The other ones work “better” right? Like I just wanna go to New York City on October 30th 1929 to buy some stocks, I don’t want my TARDIS to “screw up” and land me in Buffalo on October 29, 1930 so I can stop an alien microbe from taking over the earth. I just want it to go where I tell it. If it’s gonna have it’s own opinions I’m gonna have to go with the Delorean.


meowskywalker t1_j6nzhct wrote

The whole point of D&D is making your own stories, so I’m not sure why you’d want a movie at all, but if you’re gonna make a movie I’d sure like it to be about original characters, instead of having to hear about goddamn Drizz’t again.


meowskywalker t1_j6a0o0j wrote

> Look at how lambasted the witcher was because no one could bother to pay attention and instead blamed the showrunners

There’s absolutely no good reason not to tell me when the timeline switches, though. It doesn’t have to be huge, I don’t need text on the screen or anything, but at least a woosh like on Lost or something. It’s frustrating to have to be like “oh okay which set of people are we following now?” after every cut.


meowskywalker t1_j63o1ok wrote

“Why do they keep cancelling unpopular shows?” is a frustratingly popular question around these parts when the answer would seem to be self evident. But “why won’t they cancel a popular show?” is a new kind of ridiculous. “The government should make a law forcing networks to cancel popular shows that I personally don’t enjoy.” Fuck you.


meowskywalker t1_j5yt7tf wrote

It was always fiction though? I don’t understand what the “this is fiction” disclaimer has to do with anything. Yes, it sucks ever since Adam left, he was the heart of the show, without him there’s definitely writers googling “popular thing eighties” and jamming the result into a boring ass spec script they wrote for Boy Meets World or some shit. But even when Adam was weaving actual parts of his life into the plots the plots were still made up super exaggerated stories.