
michael_scarn_21 t1_iyedmv5 wrote

Place names are very interesting and often changed much over the centuries. For example Exeter (we have one in NH and one in RI locally) was founded by the Romans as "Isca," Over the centuries it became Exanceaster, Excester and finally Exeter.

If a town name ends in Cester or Chester, for example Gloucester, Exeter or Worcester, it comes from the old English ceaster which means a Roman fort or town. It is a borrowing from the Latin "castrum."

A name ending in sex denotes a Saxon origin. For example Essex was the land of the East Saxons. There is also Middlesex, Sussex etc.

Borough is a corruption of the Saxon burh which meant a fort or fortified town. King Alfred the great was famous for establishing burhs across his kingdom.

A town name ending in Ham meant village or estate.

Wic means trading settlement or dwelling place.


michael_scarn_21 t1_ivgtxxp wrote

It's slow compared to trains in other countries and it's like going back in time but it's better than the bus or flying. Book in advance to get a decent price, I was looking at $250 singles the other day for the regional which is crazy.


michael_scarn_21 t1_iuhnhyu wrote

Bear in mind that New England is much more seasonal than the UK and many things will be closed as it isn't summer. The "season" for everything being open is very much May to Sept here so while people recommending places like Rockport is nice, there won't be much open.

Portland Maine, Providence, Rhode island and Salem are all good train trips from Boston and have plenty to do. FYI the trains are very slow here so expect it to take longer than driving; Portland is a 2.5 hour train trip for less than 100 miles. You could also get a bus to Portsmouth, NH which is one of my favourite places to go albeit not on a train line.

Expect cold weather although honestly December temps are often similar to the UK. Jan through March is when it gets very cold here.


michael_scarn_21 t1_iu9gse2 wrote

Boston is walkable due to its size and it is pretty flat. There are also some great places to walk like the Esplanade. The infrastructure for pedestrians sucks (drivers sharing a turn with pedestrians has caused deaths and will cause more). Drivers stopping at lights and crosswalks needs to be enforced as does slowing the speed down on key roads.