midmodmad t1_iui22vb wrote
I moved from a house with oil heat to an all electric house. I saved a fortune the first year. Installed a heat pump and saved more. It paid for itself in a few years. Added two more units last year so my whole house is heated/cooled and dehumidified. Not needing to use window ac and fans is much cheaper too. Highly recommend making the switch.
midmodmad t1_iu4lbyn wrote
Wow, you are very talented!
midmodmad t1_itz5f6e wrote
Reply to This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
r/bearsdoinghumanthings like leaving for work.
midmodmad t1_itz5bkr wrote
Reply to comment by BanditCT in This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
midmodmad t1_itwgbxo wrote
Reply to Backyard, right now. CT can be beautiful. by Malapple
midmodmad t1_it3xsgc wrote
Reply to comment by Wyndeward in Why is Bob Stefanowski even running by pinktwillshirt
According to his commercial he stands “extremely tall.” So cringey.
midmodmad t1_isaietu wrote
Very cool. Thanks for posting!
midmodmad t1_irbl3cs wrote
Reply to comment by BatteryPoweredPigeon in PsBattle: Beaker Muppets congregating in a city at night by rxdrug
I think it may be too soon for this.
midmodmad t1_iw37olo wrote
Reply to comment by rossiterpj in Cultural associations/memes specific to CT? by himlenpige
Forget r/takebackthenotch, r/takebackthewesternreserves! Ohio, you’re on notice.