mikevago t1_irfjs3d wrote
Reply to More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
Does anyone know about this "Kindle Education" that's running the school? The rest of Jersey City's charters are community run. If they're introducing a corporate-run charter into the district, that doesn't bode well for the rest of our schools.
mikevago t1_ir5i5vs wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in How does everyone feel about folks charging their electric vehicle with the power cord on the sidewalk? I want an EV but also want to be a considerate neighbor. Pic is not JC, just an example I found online. by peastu
Right, but even if that were true (a fair amount of NJ's power is nuclear or solar), the $6 of electricity it takes to charge a car is using a lot less fossil fuels than a full tank of gasoline.
mikevago t1_irw40pg wrote
Reply to comment by DieselNewmanArthur in More BS from Firestone trying to pave over Liberty State Park by LateralEntry
That's what Fireman's been trying to do for decades, but thus far the city and the state have stopped him. State Senator Brian Stack introduced a bill that would open up the park to private development, and squashed a bill that would protect Caven Point from developers. Then, after some backlash, introduced a bill to protect Caven Point.
If that passes, then our public land (and vital habitat to several threatened bird and fish species) is safe. Except the governor is pals with Fireman. So it's going to come down to who Phil Murphy values more — each and every one of his constituents put together, or one out-of-state bilionaire.