mind_the_umlaut t1_j1j0jhv wrote
Reply to [I Ate] Banana Sized Gyouza by Osaka_Rambling
Now THIS is a proper-sized gyouza!
mind_the_umlaut t1_j04zczy wrote
Reply to comment by CatOfGrey in Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination by Razariousnefarian
Thank you for your careful reading !
mind_the_umlaut t1_j04z8q3 wrote
Reply to Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination by Razariousnefarian
Risk of myocarditis from any type sars-co-v vaccine is low (their own conclusion). Many of their 25 subjects (small sample size) had additional complications present like COPD. A laborious study, with the conclusion of 'it's good to know'. Non-significant results won't change any behavior or medical protocols.
mind_the_umlaut t1_iybi51l wrote
Stays superficial. And there is no magical solution to depression.
mind_the_umlaut t1_ixv1x2i wrote
Reply to [Homemade] Raclette by Calcifer1
Without the melty photos, it didn't happen.
mind_the_umlaut t1_ixkxuoq wrote
Reply to [Homemade] lemon meringue pie by AlternativeBasket
Beautiful meringue pattern!
mind_the_umlaut t1_iuiezm9 wrote
Reply to Connie Willis by ricocrispies
I love her books and her imagination! She casually predicted the pandemic!
mind_the_umlaut t1_irnn1te wrote
Reply to How the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak. Scientists found even children whose mothers suffer from mild depressive mood that do not yet require medical treatment show early signs of delayed language development. by Wagamaga
Is this because the number, frequency, intensity, duration, and variety of interactions are reduced? Maybe there are more causes of that than depression?
mind_the_umlaut t1_j1kapu9 wrote
Reply to comment by train_spotting in [I Ate] A cheese & olive Christmas Tree! by train_spotting
Whoops! Can't go to Hobby Lobby for one, but I bet they are available elsewhere!