
minor_thing2022 t1_iu5iaxp wrote

So just remember every little adjustment you make in one area of a guitar will require one in another. Like if your playing with your action, your intonation might go out. It's a lot of back and forth. YouTube videos are your best bet but remember one thing! Any adjustments you make can be unmade EXCEPT for over tightening your truss rod, you can permanently damage it like that so be very careful


minor_thing2022 t1_iu5dweu wrote

Well...a properly set up and properly played shouldn't really buzz at all. Remember that some buzz is player influenced, like not pressing down on the strings properly. I always tell newer players to get a set up before starting to learn cause sometimes it's night and day. Like the last Strat I got played fine out of the box but after a set up it played like an absolute dream


minor_thing2022 t1_iu4v221 wrote

I get mine set up once a year then do minor adjustments myself when the weather and humidity changes in my city. If you get it set up and there is still buzz and you're not happy, return it, there might be some uneven frets or something that's really expensive to fix


minor_thing2022 t1_iu4hyuz wrote

Some guitars just aren't great out of the box. Some sit on the shelf for a long time before being shipped so the humidity will warp the neck a little bit, which is no big deal as you can adjust the truss rod but if you don't know what your doing, I recommend getting a pro to do it