missanthropocenex t1_jb8r6ac wrote
Reply to comment by General-Art-7153 in In the corner of the room. by daveyjonsies
Reminds me of the reveal in the book IT that Pennywise is a biologically female, pregnant, spider
missanthropocenex t1_j6by5ai wrote
Reply to comment by r2k-in-the-vortex in Why not use chat gpt to spot obvious fake news? by Irate_Librarian1503
Boy people just can’t wait to outsource critical thinking to AI can’t they? Listen you have an awesome computer called your BRAIN. It’s really good at helping determine what is and isn’t real and be discerning on deciding about what is being put in front of you being real.
The second you think AI is some infallible, unbiased voice you’ve lost.
missanthropocenex t1_j62acvn wrote
Reply to comment by dhrisc in Dozens of pre-Hispanic Zapotec tombs found in San Pedro Nexicho in Mexico by MeatballDom
Reminds of the whole Cleopatra was closer to our time than the ancient Egyptians timeline thing.
missanthropocenex t1_j51ae6m wrote
Reply to comment by piedamon in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
It’s nowhere remotely close. AI is a nifty tool but it’s really limited still. Yes it’s growing but it really has along way to go
missanthropocenex t1_j2aju30 wrote
Reply to comment by Kelvin_Inman in After watching a few videos on the source of the real Men In Black conspiracy from which the comedy movie is based off on do you think they should reboot the movie and make it into more of a horror science fiction movie? by herewego199209
OP is asking for a more “accurate version” In which case I would highly recommend the show FRINGE because it’s basically centered entirely around a more accurate MIB depiction. And also great.
missanthropocenex t1_j23vesv wrote
Reply to comment by musickeeper94 in Quentin Tarantino Character Battle Royal by Kitchen_Shine
I believe the Gogo Yubari actress was from Battle Royale, complete with the school uniform.
missanthropocenex t1_j20893j wrote
Reply to comment by edrenfro in In Return to Oz (1985) the nightmare fueled sequel to the Wizard of Oz, why do so many of the characters look completely different from the first film? by ilovemychickens
The characters in RTO were much more Book accurate to the illustrations.
missanthropocenex t1_j1r732v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NYC's AI bias law is delayed until April 2023, but when it comes into effect, NYC will be the first jurisdiction mandating an AI bias order in the world, revolutionizing the use of AI tools in recruiting by Background-Net-4715
You’re saying it’s a good thing for AI to read faces and intensity people?
missanthropocenex t1_j1r3jeu wrote
Reply to comment by Biirke in Interstellar - is Coop a terrible father? by [deleted]
He was a terrible father in the moment. By typical standards abandoning your children is an awful thing to do, and his daughter spends her whole youth waging war against it. However later she realizes in fact what a sacrifice it really was and furthers his goals by joining.
missanthropocenex t1_ixqljft wrote
Reply to comment by The_Pirate_Cowboy in I love The Catcher in the Rye by zak_zman
Maybe I read it wrong but to me, Holden was never someone we were supposed to fully align with. He’s even sort of an unreliable narrator I would even say. I think we’re always meant to laugh at him a bit.
missanthropocenex t1_jdujk9g wrote
Reply to comment by Kavbastyrd in Oldest tartan found to date back to 16th Century - A scrap of fabric found in a Highland peat bog 40 years ago is likely to be the oldest tartan ever discovered in Scotland, new tests have established. by ArtOak
Yeah go look at old illustrations even. They do have kilt like clothing but they were generally solid colors and I believe were yellow mostly.