mission17 t1_iwijbtk wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> There's obviously a historical disparity in victimizations based on the skin color.
Yes, but there is absolutely no historical discrepancy I'm aware of when it comes to rollercoaster safety based on race. You're being ridiculous.
> Do you think such historical disparity is a good (ethical/moral) argument to continue using two separate measuring sticks?
...you're the one who broke the measuring sticks in the first place! You are the one who cherry-picked exclusively Black people in New York and compared them to a group including Black and non-Black people in Florida. Why weren't you using the same measuring stick in both instances?
mission17 t1_iwih2un wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I cannot believe I'm going to engage with this stupid and bad-faith analogy, but alas.
We know that Black people face worse conditions when it comes to being victims of crime everywhere. But you're using evidence of Black people in New York facing more crime than a group including non-Black people in Jacksonville as evidence that New York is less safe. That's just not true. Because you should either be comparing solely Black people in the two cities or all people in both. Comparing one metric to the other just makes no sense.
In your analogy, what you're doing is comparing the rate of accidents involving just children in New York to the rate of accidents involving both children and adults in Jacksonville. That simply makes no sense.
mission17 t1_iwifwbb wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
You know everyone else can peep into your comments and realize you’re full of shit, right? Like, when you lie, people can see everything you post and realize that you’re being dishonest? This website is anonymous, but when you comment incessantly, people can discern pretty clearly what you stand for.
mission17 t1_iwiej9u wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> I'm only using one: the murder rate of any person in Jacksonville.
That’s literally not what you’re doing. You compared the rate of crime against exclusively Black people in New York to all people, Black or white, in Jacksonville:
> When taking into account that blacks/African-Americans accounts for 67.00% of the murder victims in NYC, but only 23.80% of the NYC population, it implies that a significant fraction of NYC is less safe than the typical person in Jacksonville
That is not an apples to apples comparison at all, no matter how many times you attempt to make it out to be and no matter how many times you will surely copy and paste the same paragraph over and over in the next week. You will be called out for the bullshit every time.
mission17 t1_iwie3hs wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
You seem confused about what progressivism is. Once again, progressive doesn’t mean /u/NetQuarterLatte’s favorite policy.
None of the policies you listed at the bottom are progressive. Progressives are not advocating for increasing police funding or discouraging BLM protests. Those are pretty clearly right-wing policies.
I’m sorry that progressives are not enacting your favorite conservative policies. But you are not a progressive. Earlier today, you used Lee Zeldin as an example of a moderate Republican.
mission17 t1_iwidmrw wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Congratulations, you discovered institutional racism! Progressives have been talking about this for well over a century to constant conservative denialism. Now let’s work together on the progressive policies that have been proven to reduce these inequities instead of the “tough-on-crime” policies that exacerbate them?
mission17 t1_iwiblsn wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> So now, if it turns out many in NYC are worse-off compared to that measuring stick, the problem is the measuring stick?
You’re using two different measuring sticks. Black people in New York are safer than Black people in Jacksonville. White people in New York are safer than white people in Jacksonville. The fact that Black people in New York have it worse off than white people in Jacksonville speaks miles to racial inequities which exist everywhere.
It in no way whatsoever indicates that Jacksonville is safer than New York in the slightest. None of your data says that. And you realize this.
> In other words, "good enough" for blacks?
No. Which is why I support measures that help eliminate the effects of racial inequities in New York. You’re getting really close to understanding why progressives so zealously advocate for policies like ending stop and frisk and enacting bail reform, both meant to combat the unfair treatment Black New Yorkers face relative to their white peers.
mission17 t1_iwi0sjd wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> People are not honestly asking about how blacks are victimized in Jacksonville to find a way to fix the problems in NYC.
They’re asking because you’re manipulating statistics in a bad faith effort to portray crime in New York as worse than crime in Jacksonville. We’re all incredibly cognizant of racial inequities.
However, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to compare the conditions of Black people in New York to a group including non-Black people in Jacksonville. It makes sense to compare the conditions of Black people in New York to Black people in Jacksonville if you’re going to cherry pick.
Black people are also the subject of inequities in Jacksonville. Just as they are in New York. Pointing out how white people are better situated in other places says nearly nothing about the relative conditions between Black people in the two places.
mission17 t1_iwi0083 wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> So why not continue the reform in the criminal justice system?
Did Progressives really give up on advocating for reforms, or do you just not like their proposals because they’re not right wing enough?
> and switched towards defending the status quo real quick
They’re actually spending a lot of time defending the policies they enacted from attacks from the right and the center, in case you haven’t noticed. You know all those New York Post articles about bail reform you’re in always in the comments for? How are supporters of progressive policies benefitting at all from these programs being rolled back? Please be for real right now.
> It's almost as if some politicians actually benefit from perpetuating the issues, while posing as the "advocates".
What issues? Who are the “advocates”? How are they benefitting? This vague progressive boogeyman shit is exhausting.
mission17 t1_iwhwqvg wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Then maybe let’s support efforts that encourage racial equity in the justice system, like bail reform.
mission17 t1_ivyw8nl wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Andrew Cuomo says Zeldin coming within 5 points of victory ‘a real wake-up call’ by PichuLovy
The fact I care about precise wording is because you incessantly spread misinformation and far right bullshit on this subreddit, including trying to “both sides” fascism— a clearly far-right ideology.
mission17 t1_ivyvic5 wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Andrew Cuomo says Zeldin coming within 5 points of victory ‘a real wake-up call’ by PichuLovy
> Some people think that fighting fascism requires employing fascism.
You’ve been called out for this before. Fascism is a far right, ultranationalist ideology. Not a leftist ideology. Nor a center right ideology.
Fascism is not employing political tactics like this. And antifascism is not fascism. You’re trivializing the reality of far right rule when you spew bullshit like this.
mission17 t1_ivytafu wrote
Reply to comment by HayPlaceAPlaceforHay in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Be honest do you know anything about people who live in New York?
mission17 t1_ivw3mxe wrote
Reply to comment by unndunn in New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
Very few things are more paranoid than a car owner in a thread about bike lanes on /r/nyc, that’s for sure.
mission17 t1_ivw3dwc wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
God forbid the design of the city gets discussed in a sub about the city. The horror.
mission17 t1_ivhxis1 wrote
Reply to comment by Kriegmannn in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
No worries.
mission17 t1_ivhx7wx wrote
Reply to comment by Kriegmannn in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
mission17 t1_ivhaex6 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
Riker’s comes before the trial and before any guilty verdict. Riker’s is not a prison.
mission17 t1_ivg1e4w wrote
Reply to comment by Im_Not_Really_Here_ in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
It might be cute if they weren’t using it to constantly platform unfounded conspiracy theories and frame progressive boogeymen at every opportunity.
mission17 t1_ivfz5x6 wrote
Reply to comment by Im_Not_Really_Here_ in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
/u/NewQuarterLatte purposely blocks users they disagree with in order to block them from commenting on any comment chain they’re on to avoid confronting any pushback to their ideology.
mission17 t1_ivfxpyu wrote
Reply to Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
Friendly reminder to everyone that /u/NetQuarterLatte spent the entire last thread on this topic pushing unfounded conspiracy theories that there was a mass murder coverup on Riker’s Island. And then tried to play the 18 deaths in Riker's this year alone off as acceptable because “People outside of Riker's don't enjoy the privilege of not being murdered.”
Additionally, just today they tried to deny that fascism was a far-right ideology. And they also claim New York is more dangerous than Jacksonville despite having a significantly lower crime rate. In case you were wondering what their relationship with reality looks like.
mission17 t1_iu5vwar wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in I Spent Over 40 Years Working in Corrections. I Wasn’t Ready for Rikers. by marshall_project
Yet still the jail is seeing record deaths this year. Really speaks well to our ability to incarcerate well when this is what life pre-trial looks like.
mission17 t1_itx5le8 wrote
Reply to comment by pokemin49 in More Than 104,000 New York City Students Were Homeless Last Year by Lilyo
Progressives agree with this sentiment.
mission17 t1_itwl7bk wrote
Reply to comment by elizabeth-cooper in More Than 104,000 New York City Students Were Homeless Last Year by Lilyo
The Nordic model is capitalist. But it’s clearly magnitudes more in line with the ideals of socialism than the style of capitalism we embrace domestically.
But if American conservatives want to claim the Nordic model as a capitalist ideal now, I’m all for that.
mission17 t1_iwiqctm wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Okay, /u/NetQuarterLatte. Now do the inverse for a holistic understanding here. What is the murder rate of Black people in Jacksonville relative to the overall murder rate in New York. You are going to find what we already know, that Black Americans have it worse off everywhere.
You’re making the arguments of progressives for them, that intense efforts should be made to reduce racial inequities. Now it’s time for you to do the heavy lifting and actually advocate for the policies that are demonstrated to do this.