mission17 t1_j19l76v wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Just because you want it doesn’t make it suddenly ethical to give you that.
mission17 t1_j197aju wrote
Reply to comment by Elaine_Benes_Lovr in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
Maybe the business model is garbage then, considering it’s a hospital.
mission17 t1_j15tn7f wrote
Reply to comment by kyogreblue in Gay NYC Councilman Erik Bottcher Offered Police Protection After Home Targeted by irish_fellow_nyc
Literally what are you talking about? It’s impossible to find a coherent point through all the nonsense you’re spewing here.
mission17 t1_j10msfc wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Over Half of NYC’s Food Stamp Applicants Left Waiting as Staffing Shortage Deepens by Lilyo
Unironically that is not a substitute for giving people immediate access to the assistance that will put food on their tables.
mission17 t1_j0t8ymf wrote
Reply to comment by DoctorSalty in Thousands of NYC nurses begin vote to authorize strike: 'We were the heroes' by thonioand
mission17 t1_j0p6i6a wrote
Reply to comment by Pale_Cockroach_1790 in Dominican teachers threatened by DOE staffers to keep quiet over steep living costs — or face deportation by PichuLovy
You don’t think homeless people aren’t the most aware of that?
mission17 t1_ixvizxk wrote
Reply to comment by sysyphusishappy in NYC’s delivery workers navigating low pay, dangerous shifts and the loss of their own – Bronx Times by k1lk1
I too would be happy to see this sub retire NY Post articles.
mission17 t1_ixidicq wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
They help prevent escalating already precarious conditions for other driver and needless accidents, yes.
mission17 t1_ixhf4bw wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
You’re right. Why aren’t Queer people more grateful to the NYPD for kicking off the modern gay rights movement? /s
^^^ this user is also making transphobic comments in /r/AskConservatives if you want to know what they’re up to when they’re not here
mission17 t1_ixf2myy wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Yeah. That’s what the article would indicate.
mission17 t1_ixf236l wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
A fair reading would pretty much indicate the entire families are getting fucked in these situations.
mission17 t1_ixf10jh wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say here, but is there really any evidence that victims are being protected equally now? Here is what the ACS workers themselves indicated per the article:
> But according to the survey, A.C.S. workers and other participants said that rather than starting from a presumption of innocence, “Black and brown parents are treated at every juncture as if they are not competent parents capable of providing acceptable care to their children.”
> Caseworkers said they felt pressured to push their way into people’s homes and not tell parents their rights. They “feel complicit in the harm that A.C.S. can cause Black and brown families” and powerless to change the system, the report stated. Most A.C.S. caseworkers are Black, as is most leadership in the agency’s Division of Child Protection, the agency said.
mission17 t1_ixeteap wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Imagine this: the composition of ACS can be totally removed from the actual results the agency creates. Especially considering the NYT article poses problems with the agency's standards and not its composition.
mission17 t1_ixem4j0 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Not exactly sure what any of that has to do with the unrestricted right to totally spam this subreddit, but alright.
mission17 t1_ixek718 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
The gay bar owners are posting in this thread? I haven’t seen them here.
mission17 t1_ixe49qh wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
> You do, and many like you on this sub. You'll never say it out loud, you won't admit it to yourselves, you don't think you do, but you do. You're interested in letting any number of incidents of crime and abuse slide a bit, loosening standards of reporting, etc to try to help abusers and criminals that you see as victims.
No. More crime and more child abuse is not my goal. What is wrong with you? How do you expect people to rationally engage with your philosophy on addressing crime when this is how you address anybody who doesn’t agree with you?
mission17 t1_ixe1c5m wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
> What if the goals are diametrically opposed?
Unraveling systematic biases would make stopping child abuse impossible? Really? I would like to imagine there is a world where policing and child welfare could go the slightest bit further to not disproportionately punish Black folk.
> What if abuse is more common in some groups than others, and you simultaneously want to protect children and have equal outcomes?
Even the numbers in the article you gave for homicides don't begin to track the outcomes we're talking about here.
> but it is nonetheless the policy that many people would like
Who would like that? Who's saying it? Please be specific. None of these people you're talking about are quoted in the article.
You've created a boogeyman here and we see you use it repeatedly. You're not going to find a single person in this sub that would actually claim crime and child abuse don't exist. Nonetheless, an incredibly large contingent of people in this sub do much prefer the entire sub not to be flooded with crime spam. You seem to mistake those two things for being the same, perhaps intentionally because it's useful to portray them as "pro-crime" (your own words).
mission17 t1_ixds23m wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
I know it’s hard to fathom, but you can certainly reform something to treat people more equally while still protecting victims. And without “ignor[ing] crime and child abuse” (nobody in this article offers ignoring them as a solution).
If Black parents are 13x more likely to have their children removed from their homes then white children, are the benefits for children here really outweighing the disparities this program is perpetuating? Do we believe that Black parents are actually 13x less fit to parent?
mission17 t1_ix4zrre wrote
Reply to comment by mechadizzy in Students at NYC high school get third grade-level lessons on Goldilocks by fppencollector
Congratulations, I guess.
mission17 t1_iwx1wl9 wrote
Reply to comment by watchutalkinbowt in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Surprise, surprise. Who could’ve predicted that?
mission17 t1_iwx17x3 wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
> American progressives deserve to suffer.
Take a deep breath. I can read you seething through your teeth as you type.
mission17 t1_iwthkbb wrote
Reply to comment by RecommendationOld525 in Federal Monitor Who Watches Over Rikers Island Has Made $18 million from NYC Taxpayers...and counting by mattkatz00
They claim to care about POC but compared the BLM protests to January 6th. Oh brother.
mission17 t1_iwixm5p wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Glad you totally ignored the entire point of our conversation and pivoted upon realization that your stats didn’t say what you purported them to say at all.
> Alright, now that we established that there's a valid concern about crimes in NYC
I think now would be an appropriate time to apologize for lying about what your statistics said.
mission17 t1_j19ldck wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
All of these conversations are ones that middle class Americans already have.