
mission17 OP t1_j1bfgxp wrote

> It’s much simpler to deduce he is a piece of shit based on his record (of what he supported or didn’t) than trying to decide based on guessing his identity.

To be absolutely clear: being gay is not what makes him a piece of shit. It’s the not being forthright about his background in light of the fact he’s an advocate for anti-LGBTQ legislation. Being that sort of advocate is one brand of evil, but potentially lying about your sexuality in order to do so is especially egregious.

> There are factual stuff like resume and such that no politician should lie about.

Politicians should not be lying about anything, really. Or concealing if they are material to your representation of others.

> But how do you verify those other things? Did the reporter even asked him? Or the ex-wife? We are assuming here it’s a woman based on the name, and all sort of assumptions going around here.

You ask the politician? Like the reporters certainly are?


mission17 OP t1_j1bccnm wrote

Quickly: How many other politicians do you know have also hidden their past marriages? How many have hidden a marriage that ended months before their campaign began?

Did this man’s ex-wife know he was openly gay? And, even if so, did the people he was openly gay to (for a decade!) know he had a wife? Absent a total attitude of transparency, which this man certainly does not have, almost every potential answer to these questions is problematic.

Pretty much everyone else here has the ability to use context clues to realize concealing this marriage is a bad thing because he’s lied about so much else. Just because something isn’t mandatory doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to be dishonest about it.

Is there a single right-wing cause you’re not willing to go to bat for? Be honest. For once.


mission17 OP t1_j1b80fn wrote

> Zeldin swung voters to R for all positions, not just Gov. If Hochul won as hard as Schumer, Dems probably would have carried 3-5 more house seats.

That’s exactly what is being discussed here. From this very thread. NY Democrats underperforming relative to Democrats nationally and costing Democrats the U.S. House in the process. Maybe you thought you were talking about something else, but regardless, your characterization of the other user is totally unjustified.


mission17 OP t1_j1b2731 wrote

I’m not making that assumption and I think it’s fair to call in question even his sexuality. He’s lied about his Jewish ancestry, his parents fleeing the Holocaust, his work history, his educational background, and more. To assume this one aspect of his identity is truthful in light of this new information is an incredibly generous read.


mission17 OP t1_j1b1g57 wrote

> They could’ve highlighted the string of lies directly in the headline, for example.

You must have missed the dozens of other articles doing just this, including the ones that made this sub.

And once again, the disclosure is incredibly important, regardless of whether he is gay or not. You can quit the pearl clutching on behalf of gay people.


mission17 OP t1_j1azqka wrote

“Openly” is the key word. Did his wife know? Did anybody in his life actually know? Or is he just using this as a front to justify his support of anti-LGBTQ legislation, using the identity as a shield from criticism?

Even if he is gay, but wasn’t out, this is pretty clearly a lie he’s telling to win votes.

It may not be important at all if he wasn’t openly advocating for rolling back the rights of LGBTQ people.


mission17 OP t1_j1az2sb wrote

Even if he was openly gay and married to another woman, which is totally fine, disclosing this fact is clearly important considering he’s (a) a public official and owes transparency to his constituency, (b) is using his identity to justify anti-LGTBQ legislation, and (c) being married to a woman while also being an openly gay person is definitely a fact that warrants explanation.

I’ve been an out gay person for well over a decade so I don’t need to told how negative stereotypes work, either.

Most of us are well-acquainted with this guy after enough days of coverage to realize this comes in light of a string of exposed lies. You realize this too.


mission17 OP t1_j1ayiw1 wrote

I’m not entertaining that user with any more replies but in their edits: 1) nothing that the Times was saying is remotely untrue, 2) only a small fraction of the crimes coverage is represented, with much of the Time coverage having actually insinuating the narrative of a crime wave, and 3) absolutely none of this coverage would’ve precluded research into the candidates.

It’s exhausting how they try to make the “Democrats/left-wing media/whoever wasn’t right wing enough” answer fit every problem they can think of, even if it just takes a total lie to get to that result.


mission17 OP t1_j1aq25e wrote

That was quite literally not what was happening in The New York Times two months ago. And thus that is absolutely not the reason this did not happen. You very much understand this and understand you’re not being honest, anyways, so this will be my last comment clarifying it for everyone else here.

But furthermore The New York Times, or whatever your favorite liberal boogeyman newspaper may be, is not the only party responsible for fumbling the bag. Your favorite conservative outlets, if they actually have a fuck about holding the right accountable, equally could have uncovered this story. Or the Democratic Party. Or the Republican Party, if they actually cared about being represented by honest people. But they clearly do not.


mission17 OP t1_j1a9vna wrote

Lying about your sexuality, your grandparents fleeing the Holocaust, your resume, your educational background, and your criminal record is not “small potatoes” at all. Be real right now. I know you’ve seldom met a problem you haven’t tried to blame on progressives, but actual, widespread disclosure of this issue would have certainly clouded over any sort of policy differentiations between these two candidates.

This man is a flat-out fraud. The opposition did not adequately draw attention to that and its only now making headlines now. These headlines two months ago would’ve killed the campaign beyond the point where any New York Post headlines about crime could’ve possibly resurrected it.


mission17 OP t1_j1a67sw wrote

> “I am openly gay, have never had an issue with my sexual identity in the past decade, and I can tell you and assure you, I will always be an advocate for LGBTQ folks,” Santos told USA Today in October, responding to criticism about his support for Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill” signed into law this year by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Fourth paragraph of the article.


mission17 OP t1_j1a62di wrote

Oh brother. I get that it’s crime, crime with you in every thread and that’s your thesis statement— but this candidate would certainly not have been elected if these lies had been adequately transmitted to the public ahead of time with due diligence from the opposition. It really has nothing to do with Democratic “gaslighting.”