mkt853 t1_iyf67af wrote
Drive west to Brewster, first town on 84 over the state line, and take the Harlem line from there, or drive down to one of the shoreline train stations and take the New Haven line.
mkt853 t1_iybeomj wrote
Reply to comment by realbusabusa in Eversource, Frontier Litter Connecticut with Broken Utility Poles by lonseidman
$1 million per pole per day. Bet those poles get cleaned up quickly.
mkt853 t1_iy8yt0z wrote
Greenwich is the closest CT comes to the ostentatious wealth you find in the Hamptons or some wealthy enclaves of LA.
mkt853 t1_ixx1uoq wrote
Reply to comment by sumsol1 in I’m a minor in connecticut, what am i allowed to carry for self defense legally? by connoqr
What do you mean poke their eyes out and hope to get their brain?
mkt853 t1_ixk5uwh wrote
Reply to Commute from CT to Boston. by Lucky-Front7675
Old Saybrook or New London, but be prepared for 2+ hr train rides each way.
mkt853 t1_ix4089e wrote
Reply to Connecticut’s Blumenthal, other senators to FTC: Probe Twitter security, take needed action by jr_reddit
How about we stop worrying about social media web sites, and start looking into the bulls*it that is Eversource?
mkt853 t1_iwzzyi0 wrote
CT averages a couple inches of snow in November. What's the big deal about a couple of flurries? We will likely finish the month below normal in snowfall.
mkt853 t1_iwzzun6 wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
Anyone can beat the governor of Florida. He's a pussy.
mkt853 t1_iwiyqx4 wrote
Reply to comment by NLCmanure in Do you get a real Christmas tree or a fake tree?🎄 by duskyxlops
you can get the sprays and ornaments that give off the pine tree smell
mkt853 t1_ivmj56k wrote
Reply to comment by 0cclumency in It's 8pm. Things are about to get real interesting in Connecticut… by ctnutmegger
Poor Discount Betsy DeVos. Back to doing whatever she was doing up until this past year.
mkt853 t1_iv7uzd7 wrote
Reply to comment by krispzz in When it's 73 degrees in Connecticut in November, it's the perfect time for a lobster roll at Stew's.... by RedditDadofCT
Like the Costco hot dog!
mkt853 t1_iv7rfm7 wrote
Well aren't you just too cool for school.
mkt853 t1_iujc345 wrote
Reply to comment by Fearless-Mix4663 in And What is the Deal with CT Drivers SPEEDING UP as you go around them...? by SnooPeripherals5518
Nothing to do with Covid. Been this way ever since we went from 1300 state troopers to less than 900, and that happened several union contracts ago.
mkt853 t1_iuj9bxu wrote
Republicans believe kids are p!ssing in litter boxes and dancing on stripper poles while wanting books banned. 0.0% chance I'm voting for Republicans.
mkt853 t1_iuicgq8 wrote
Reply to comment by purpleflyingmonster in CNN calls out false attack ads against George Logan by Democrats in CT05 race - “facts first” by Afraid-Pattern4478
The codified thing is the latest talking point. Just like they can never directly admit Biden won the 2020 election, so they substitute an answer to that question with "Biden is the president."
mkt853 t1_iub7v6n wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious-Tie2049 in Fellow residents I know many of you are worried about heating/utility prices for winter but prepare yourself for food prices also. by IndicationOver
Why do doomers live their lives in fear? Every day it's something new that they are scared of.
mkt853 t1_iuap3za wrote
Reply to comment by Captain_SpaceRaptor in When is trick or treating? by Captain_SpaceRaptor
Where's that? Russia?
mkt853 t1_iu59tle wrote
Reply to Just finished filling out my absentee ballot by Kodiak01
I always get a sample ballot ahead of time and research the candidates. These days you don't even have to do that. One party believes in Jewish space lasers, taking away rights, making the country a Nationalist Christian one, litter boxes and stripper poles in schools, banning books, and sexy M&Ms. The other is the Democratic Party. Pretty easy choice even if you don't necessarily like the candidate with a D next to their name.
mkt853 t1_iu4qh5g wrote
Reply to comment by CaptServo in Connecticut ranked most stressed state in the country, new study reveals by Qbase11
NY as well. Otherwise Rudy Giuliani would still be single after his 3rd divorce.
mkt853 t1_iu2jv4s wrote
Reply to comment by iwanttobehappy2022 in Aquarion a subsidiary of eversource recently aquired my towns public water. I am the only person still furious about this corporations absurd monopoly in CT? by writingonthefall
Yep the next commodity that we'll be able to speculate on and see wild swings in prices just like oil.
mkt853 t1_iu28bni wrote
Reply to comment by nikedude in Anyone know why the renumbered exits are blacked out? by JMPopaleetus
I live in Connecticut. 90% of our exits are like 1 mile or less apart.
mkt853 t1_iu15axj wrote
Reply to comment by houle333 in Anyone know why the renumbered exits are blacked out? by JMPopaleetus
Yeah remember when we had those yellow call boxes on the side of the highway every mile or so? At least with those they acknowledged that technology had rendered them obsolete so they were removed. At that point they should have shelved the exit renumbering plan for the same reason. CT likely won't be done with its renumbering until the 2030s. The state is probably hoping if they drag it out long enough the problem will just go away on its own.
mkt853 t1_iu10wfn wrote
Reply to comment by Down_vote_david in Connecticut's Candidates for Congress Weigh in on Continued Aid for Ukraine by jr_reddit
Let me guess... you're one of those isolationist wingers that think we get no tangible benefits from being the global superpower?
mkt853 t1_iu0p13x wrote
Reply to Any CT teachers in here? by [deleted]
CRT is something they teach in law school. Is Mirrors and Windows a law school I've never heard of?
mkt853 t1_iysbjb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Sinking_The_Sea in When do bears hibernate in the greater Hartford area? by Academic_Doubt5737
Why in Goshen? Put them in Salisbury so they can go on Bear Mountain!