
mkt853 t1_j6pg5l2 wrote

I don't believe they can turn off your power in the winter, so technically you would have until May 1st to pay your bills. Maybe if everyone just didn't pay until then they'd cave well before they could start turning people off for non-payment? A whole quarter of no revenue would be pretty devastating to the company, and quarterly earnings is the only language they seem to understand.


mkt853 t1_j64j5o6 wrote

You should have seen it 20 years ago when it was being reconstructed. Today, you're looking at the new and improved CBX. Traveling through NYC during that time forced me to use 287 if coming from well into NJ, or doing the whole GW to HH Parkway bypass because it royally sucked trying to get through all that construction.


mkt853 t1_j64hdbh wrote

There are usually shuttles in Greenwich, Stamford, and Norwalk that take you from a certain point where there are a bunch of office buildings straight to the train. I used to work in an office like that where there was a shuttle that ran all day and made 4 round trips per hour.


mkt853 t1_j5u0des wrote

Take this one step further: you will be provided a roof over your head, health care, and even staples like food in exchange for your labor. That's where this is headed. I feel like we tried this once before though and it didn't end well.