mkt853 t1_jd5rqpw wrote
You'll be fine. At worst you can give them your name, DOB and/or social and they look it up to verify you are a licensed driver in good standing.
mkt853 t1_jd5hnhz wrote
Reply to comment by IrishWithoutPotatoes in News 12 Poll: Should Connecticut raise servers' wages? by jaydecay123
I wonder what percentage of people working in restaurants are doing so under the table or ineligible for employment?
mkt853 t1_jd5awqe wrote
Reply to Goodbye giant DD cup by realbusabusa
DD cups are the best cups.
mkt853 t1_jd4apd9 wrote
Reply to comment by JustADudeBeingADood in News 12 Poll: Should Connecticut raise servers' wages? by jaydecay123
Sounds like an unsustainable business model if you can't pay employees a living wage.
mkt853 t1_jd4aj6h wrote
Yes. No one should be making less than minimum wage.
mkt853 t1_jcr0ke6 wrote
Reply to comment by solomons-marbles in What's the deal with the front license plate requirement? by beowolf66
Does that actually work? What would really be useful is something that prevents plates from being recorded by red light cameras or the cameras at tolls.
mkt853 t1_jcmywwq wrote
Reply to comment by agelaius9416 in White BMW going 100+ weaving through traffic on 91N in Rocky Hill, state cop did nothing.. I’m so over it by JuiceOld5801
They are doing their jobs. I'm certainly no apologist for them, but they work long and odd hours and don't have an easy job.
mkt853 t1_jcmw2p3 wrote
Reply to comment by saltyslothy in White BMW going 100+ weaving through traffic on 91N in Rocky Hill, state cop did nothing.. I’m so over it by JuiceOld5801
There are videos of pursuits almost weekly on local news. I mean clearly based on video evidence they are allowed to pursue.
mkt853 t1_jcmutyr wrote
Reply to comment by linetrash42 in White BMW going 100+ weaving through traffic on 91N in Rocky Hill, state cop did nothing.. I’m so over it by JuiceOld5801
Chases still happen, and the accountability bill has little impact other than cops can't use the ol' "I smell weed" as a pretext.
mkt853 t1_jcmgsbr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in White BMW going 100+ weaving through traffic on 91N in Rocky Hill, state cop did nothing.. I’m so over it by JuiceOld5801
If you see one they are most likely working on administrative bulls*it and are just trying to sit somewhere central to their patrol area so they can respond to a call within their assigned area quickly. For those whose areas are mainly highway, the priority is clearing disabled vehicles and accidents to prevent traffic jams and the additional fender benders those bring.
mkt853 t1_jcmces3 wrote
Reply to White BMW going 100+ weaving through traffic on 91N in Rocky Hill, state cop did nothing.. I’m so over it by JuiceOld5801
Outside of holidays when they have extra staff on I would not expect much traffic enforcement. This is how it has been for nearly two decades now since the steep decline in officers began.
mkt853 t1_jckktrp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Report: Taxing the rich won't make them leave CT by ctkyle
You don't argue the point on the basis of income tax exclusively unless you have an agenda to push. Maybe you aren't in the loop, but it's almost word for word what gets pumped out daily by every Koch funded group. You see the same s*it here, on Facebook, in the media, so yeah, by that definition it doesn't seem "radical" because "everyone is saying it." The script almost writes itself: "I was recently in Ohio, and a big man, strong man, worked on the railroad his whole life and you could see it you know what I mean, came up to me, tears in his eyes, and said Mr. Trump I've lost everything and I don't have much, but please take more of my money so that income taxes are more fair because it's just so sad what we're doing to the rich people in this country treating them like dogs."
mkt853 t1_jckf3xz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Report: Taxing the rich won't make them leave CT by ctkyle
The original argument was that poor people don't pay taxes. I am refuting that because it is simply not true. That's all that is happening here. OP wanted to peddle their right wing propaganda, and I am calling them out on it. The entire argument is literally what gets put out daily by conservative "think tanks" and "study committees" funded by the top 0.01%, and Americans, bless their hearts, happily eat it up.
mkt853 t1_jck7x4x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Report: Taxing the rich won't make them leave CT by ctkyle
The people that benefit most from society and "the system" get to pay more in taxes for that privilege. That's just how it works in a progressive tax system. Most of the state's revenue comes from income and sales/use tax. In the 2021-22 fiscal year, the state took in $12B in income tax and $6B in sales tax which combined made up 72% of all revenue. Is it poor people or rich people that pay the bulk of that $6B in sales tax that accounts for nearly one quarter of the state's revenue? If anyone cares you can read all about it here:
mkt853 t1_jck58i3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Report: Taxing the rich won't make them leave CT by ctkyle
It isn't the "other guy." Every single person in the state pays taxes in one way or another. Cheery picking income taxes while ignoring all other revenue and who contributes to it is someone not arguing in good faith. The talking points are always structured exactly the same way and don't even try to hide the real message: we need lower taxes for the super rich and corporations. Only dumb people fall for this s*it.
mkt853 t1_jcjzkjs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Report: Taxing the rich won't make them leave CT by ctkyle
These are the same dumb arguments that go on at the federal level. This is nothing new and we've all seen this movie before. We can't continually live in fear that some group of richie rich types are gonna pick up and go live in some non-existent utopia where the quality of life is super high and taxes super low. If someone finds such a place, please let me know. Ironically the people that whine about this the most are those that don't have a pot to piss in - gotta carry that water for and be loyal to the top 1% and the corporations for they will surely reward you, Joe Q. Littleguy!
mkt853 t1_jcijsi3 wrote
Make no mistake, any tax rate above 0.0% is too much for the rich.
mkt853 t1_jcijj2d wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Connecticut State Rep involved in rollover, handcuffed after by Jawaka99
What does party affiliation have to do with it?
mkt853 t1_jc48q1f wrote
Reply to How much snow is Connecticut getting? by duskyxlops
Very little for the shoreline. Lots of cold rain for us.
mkt853 t1_jbf6w5i wrote
Reply to Don't NYC my Connecticut by houle333
Let's not forget without NYC Connecticut is basically West Rhode Island.
mkt853 t1_jay80wb wrote
Reply to comment by Prudent-Ball2698 in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
Wasn't that already investigated or looked into?
mkt853 t1_jay74jx wrote
Reply to comment by welcomebackjelly in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
South Carolina wants to execute a woman for taking abortion pills. But yeah totally the same as Connecticut!
mkt853 t1_jaw3mgr wrote
Reply to comment by DGJellyfish in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
They're pretty good for a northern state. did you know there are northern states that have unpaved roads and/or have signs saying "road not maintained in winter?" Can you imagine people in CT putting up with their road not being plowed in the winter?
mkt853 t1_jaf2rl9 wrote
Reply to Are the roads bad tonight? by TrashPandaShire
Main roads and highways will be fine. I'd be careful on the lesser traveled back roads in the hill towns though.
mkt853 t1_jd83fut wrote
Reply to comment by No-Ant9517 in Toll Brothers and Harris Realty Announce Joint Venture to Develop 393-Unit Luxury Rental Community in Norwalk by jr_reddit
It means it has nice new shiny appliances.