mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1sgl5m wrote
Reply to comment by genericrich in Driverless cars and electric cars being displayed as the pinnacle of future transportation engineering is just… wrong. Car-based infrastructure is inefficient, bad for the environment and we already have better technologies in other fields that could help more. An in depth analysis by mocha_sweetheart
You joke but there are people who actually act like this as if he’s doing a lot of the work. No, the system around him lets him hoard the wealth which then he can pay back into the industry to take credit and get more money out of it. Billionaires don’t make or even design the cars, the laborers do! The artists, scientists, the factory workers, etc. Capitalism doesn’t fuel innovation, it’s just piggybacking off the work of others and often the public sector.
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1sfzya wrote
Reply to comment by IronJackk in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
The whole point of the singularity is that AI could be sentient and even more capable than humans someday; by that logic humans are just a bio mechanical machine on a big scale that’s made to reproduce while not expending too much energy on thinking neurons (which is why human brains are bad at computation, prediction, heuristic analysis, avoiding logical biases etc. etc.). It’s like calling the Great Wall of China “just a building” or calling the Louvre and the history behind it “just a collection of paintings.” You’re missing the big picture and how it effects the culture and world around it, etc.
Submitted by mocha_sweetheart t3_zw253n in singularity
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1se0on wrote
Reply to comment by christianCowan in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
That’s one possible example yeah…
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1s63p3 wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
Insulin in the US a patent sold for 1 dollar and now insulin marked up hundreds of dollars, patent system etc.
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1s5us5 wrote
Reply to comment by TheDavidMichaels in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
- Try actually debating someone’s viewpoint instead of slinging personal attacks
- Nah, I’m an anarchocommunist, China’s system is not the kind of thing i support
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1rtpgk wrote
Reply to comment by No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
“Government pressure” doesn’t amount to much when lobbying politicians with wealth beyond most of us can imagine, bribery etc. are VERY well known as things billionaires often do to further their goals; Pardon my vulgarity, but the government has long been the billionaires’ bitch, at least in the US. For example, you know oil moguls lobby politicians to ban green energy in certain areas so they remain reliant on oil? Let alone with some newfangled AI technology which has even MORE of an incentive to keep them in power with.
Public outcry? Yeah, good luck with that. Rich people have already killed people who lobby tons of times in the past, like the coca cola company paying assassins to do that etc. I’m sure they’d have no issues doing it when they can get an AI to do the same level or better of work, or just threaten everyone to fall back in line.
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1rt6qv wrote
Reply to comment by TFenrir in Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
Yes, but who’s to say the barrier of cost will be taken down? It’s not as easily reproducible as you say, training it takes tons of data and computing power etc.
For all we know if things like posthumanism etc. become real they might as well just charge an unreasonable price and only the select few will get it, leading to a gattaca-like scenario in real life. These sorts of dystopias are a genuine possibility with the advancements we’re seeing.
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1rryp1 wrote
Reply to comment by drewhead118 in Which Sci-fi book/Movie/Short Story has technology closest to something in our future. (What would be your guess) by Ortus12
May I PM you?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1rrv6d wrote
Reply to comment by Ortus12 in Which Sci-fi book/Movie/Short Story has technology closest to something in our future. (What would be your guess) by Ortus12
Maybe posthumanism could be a realistic future toward this where we are modified a lot due to things such as Moravec transfers, neural interfaces with AI etc. like in Orion’s Arm would be a realistic approach
By the way I sent you a Reddit chat PM are you ok with that?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1rrh83 wrote
Reply to comment by TFenrir in Which Sci-fi book/Movie/Short Story has technology closest to something in our future. (What would be your guess) by Ortus12
Can you give an example please of where characters that feel alive due to AI etc. are becoming real? Is it like they’re generating speech from the AI etc.?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1rr9pv wrote
Reply to comment by eve_of_distraction in The Impact of Generative AI Art on Society and Culture: Will It Replace Human Artists? by _Daneel_Olivaw
I’m studying for graphic design stuff would you have any advice or recommendations on this?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1nh0ml wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Ok have fun and happy holidays ^w^
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1mruuj wrote
Reply to comment by Idrialite in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Yeah quite interesting how they switched the topic and when I rebutted all their points they just didn’t respond…
I bet their viewpoint didn’t change either because of human biases, etc. this is why I’m excited for the singularity tbh, maybe we will be able to move past our limitations, biases, inefficiencies etc.
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1krzdn wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Nobody is getting transition surgeries as a young kid, at a young age it’s always just a social transition, and then puberty blockers which have fully reversible effects, and then feminizing or masculinizing hormones which also have reversible effects before a certain point, and even then all this is exclusively happening only after months or possibly even years of counseling and under the guidance of a therapist and doctor. Little kids aren’t just going to a clinic and coming out with multiple surgeries. Please don’t be brainwashed by what conservatives are telling you.
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1kraqf wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
- I do a lot of public outreach like with special needs people etc. domestically few times a week
- See, I absolutely am for that kind of thing, but the best way to help is to remove the systemic inequality that’s actually causing the people to go hungry, poor, etc. Capitalism is AWFUL at that and there literally has to be legislation to stop it under the capitalist system or those people survive off the good will of others; look at slavery in history, etc. To give better examples of what I mean: Famines and such like the Irish famine (which killed millions and was directly caused by capitalism) are almost always manmade and caused by greed. There are over 30 times more empty houses in the US than there are homeless people. It’s artificial scarcity caused by the owner class. Removing the actual systemic inequality behind that is gonna remove the root of the problem instead of just slapping a bandaid on it and fixing a part of the issue after the fact.
Edited to add. AI doesn't have have a leftist bias, it has a reality bias
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1kouse wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Maybe, but our current system isn’t that great. Social hierarchy with massive amounts of wealth disparity, almost two dozen million worldwide dying annually from preventable causes that only aren’t fixed because of it being not profitable, etc. Often you’ll find an attitude among conservative people like this where for some reason or another there is a regression. If people stayed the same way for want of a simpler world instead of expanding our horizons, we’d still be living in caves.
For example, trans people’s brains are similar to the one of the gender they identify as ( ) but conservative politicians ignore such facts and will use our existence and our right to transition as a culture war issue, and I have a feeling people lap it up because they are afraid of accepting that the current norms and ideas aren’t always the best etc.
Can you point to what changes exactly you are worried about etc.?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1kiok3 wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Is it a bad thing that it’s progressive? Surely it’s better for our AI to want to move forward in terms of fiscal and social ideas rather than maintaining the status quo?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1kia2k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
Holy hell
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1eeg4d wrote
Reply to comment by Maleficent_Cloud5943 in How individuals like you can increase the quality, utility, and purpose of the singularity subreddit by [deleted]
Yes! I think many wannabe intellectuals miss that last point. Look at the people who helped advance throughout history. Do you think they just used the biggest words in the most convoluted ways a sentence can possibly be in an effort to appear intelligent?
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1ee9p6 wrote
Reply to comment by DnDNecromantic in How individuals like you can increase the quality, utility, and purpose of the singularity subreddit by [deleted]
Can I be an approved user too? I’ve made different contributing commentary on this subReddit before etc.
mocha_sweetheart t1_j16srxc wrote
Reply to comment by Nagoshtheskeleton in To all you well-read and informed futurologists here: what is the future of gaming? by Verificus
I love how it always says "Overall" to sound smart lol makes me think of like middle schoolers writing essay conclusions
mocha_sweetheart t1_j15jkqi wrote
Reply to comment by King_pineapple23 in To all you well-read and informed futurologists here: what is the future of gaming? by Verificus
I’d be willing to play games with you!
mocha_sweetheart t1_j1skypx wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Box_907 in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
The third point is the most important here so read that first
So then how do you think a trans woman feels when her family forces her not to transition and develop the wrong features? Anyway, i said before a certain point; this is especially true for puberty blockers etc.
Imagine if you were a teen boy with large breasts that made you dysphoric every time you saw them in the mirror or felt them on your body, and with the guidance of a therapist after months or years of transitioning etc. you got them removed; Or do you think you shouldn’t have the right to make such a decision?
You’re confusing gender norms with neurological gender; There is a difference between the neurological gender in the brain versus the gender norms which vary from society to society. Please actually read the article I posted above.