
moisheah t1_j0x963u wrote

LATEX PAINT can be disposed of safely in the trash. Pack the can with crumpled newspaper to absorb the remainder or allow this paint to dry out. Then secure the lid and place in yellow city trash bag. From the hazardous waste page


moisheah t1_iwccfke wrote

Worcester needs to adapt. Not having any parking available at all is one thing. Not having parking right outside the establishment door because people don’t want to walk for three-five-ten minutes is something else.

A shuttle would be nice, but not necessary imo. Afaik the wrta can’t keep up with the regular routes due to driver shortages so I can’t see them adding any additional rn.

Eta- there are at maybe 2-3? Free busses that run the complete length of green street now. I’m guessing at least 1-2 of those also run down the other street on the opposite side of the peanut. No idea how late though.


moisheah t1_iu8gmn4 wrote

Reply to comment by Mobile-Ad-326 in Leaf Blowers by Oyadonchano

I have one neighbor that leaf blows 7-9am. Next one 9-11am. Another one 12-2pm. Next one 2-4pm. Another 4-6pm. (All times approximate- but you get the idea)


moisheah t1_ith16vx wrote

Huh. I’ve definitely heard them on the scanner app following up on stolen phones and devices by locations being tracked 🤷‍♀️ maybe it depends upon the day or who answers the call. Note to self to figure out how all the disabling remotely works.


moisheah t1_isb4llp wrote

Reply to comment by dpceee in Gas Light Bike Tour by dpceee

Yes you can report that online ! Or check and see if someone already did. (There’s a map that shows reported open and closed issues)