
moist_yoda t1_j1sndy8 wrote

But semantics is half the fun. But okay I agree with you but I believe we should never be truly absolute only absolute till otherwise. This flexibility allows us to change and adapt. For instance, All knowledge about the Heat death of universal is what we know not what we know in the future. Is Heat death correct probably yes but then again it could be wrong in the future by how much who knows? it could just very well be a small miss calculation that doesn't change the outcome or something big which changes our knowledge about it. we only know present knowledge, not future knowledge. we can only make educated guesses.


moist_yoda t1_j1sbg7o wrote

If nothing is forever then isn't that a type of forever? Isn't nothingness just forever nothing? But aren't we alive because nothing can truly be forever nothing? But isn't that another form of forever? So aren't we just under the law of forever is nothing and nothing is forever? we're here because nothing could truly be nothing which is just a form of forever because nothing can be nothing forever which is a law of forever. But because we're no longer nothing we're under law of nothing is forever which is a form of forever because nothing is forever which is forever until nothing is forever in which it's forever nothing.

Nothing is forever Is wrong because forever has always been nothing, nothing could change forever because it's forever and forever will always be because it's forever. We may be forever nothing, forever something no matter what we can't escape forever because forever never can be one thing and will be forever one thing because it's forever. Forever will always be forever just as nothing can never be nothing because nothing has to be something for us to exist. Nothing is nothing it's again another form of forever. so we can't truly say nothing is forever if you do you have to acknowledge that the idea of nothing is forever can't be forever because nothing is forever which creates a paradox.