moonbunnychan t1_j26i6sl wrote
If you never have, you should watch the movie "Her". It's much better then a quick synopsis of it would lead you to think and tackles a lot of these questions.
moonbunnychan t1_j1t8hnk wrote
Reply to comment by tameobo in Mazza Gallerie shopping center permanently closes by foodude84
I know we need more housing. I'm not denying that at all. But I'm also a little sad whenever someplace I used to have a lot of fun at goes residential.
moonbunnychan t1_j1h84xl wrote
Reply to comment by weirdfish1995 in What’s the best publicly accessible toilet in the city? by i_wanna_b_the_guy
When they're actually open I like the ones in the food court not because they're nice but because nobody else seems to know they're there.
moonbunnychan t1_j1h825q wrote
Reply to comment by casiopt10 in What’s the best publicly accessible toilet in the city? by i_wanna_b_the_guy
Ah yes. That was the bathroom where I not long ago saw a lady have an argument with a person only she could see about why she didn't need to go to rehab. Pretty sure she needed to go to rehab.
moonbunnychan t1_ixormup wrote
This would be amazing for my mom. She has an extremely weak immune system and so gets UTIs frequently. But also since she's been on antibiotics so much, the majority of them no longer work for her and she's really afraid eventually none will, and a normal infection will kill her.
moonbunnychan t1_ixkvldb wrote
Do they like Broadway? Wicked is going to be at the Kennedy Center most of December and January. Nutcracker is also happening at various venues around the area. Christmas Carol at Ford's Theater, and you could also visit the various museum stuff they have there. National Theatre has Magical Cirque Christmas (no relation to Cirque Du Soleil) which looks pretty cool.
moonbunnychan t1_iw6ap0y wrote
Reply to comment by LeektheGeek in I think I was just involved in a grift. by Dare2no
I know you're supposed to be social at a bar, but even then I've just had way too many uncomfortable encounters with people.
moonbunnychan t1_iw69a0v wrote
Reply to I think I was just involved in a grift. by Dare2no
This is why I just don't talk to people I don't know in public. It may make me look like an ass but I'd rather that then end up in an uncomfortable situation like this.
moonbunnychan t1_iw1y9nd wrote
Reply to comment by lego_office_worker in TIL 'The Land of Nod' is originally a biblical reference of a sort of purgatory where Cain was exiled after murdering Abel -- rather than a 'dreamland' sleepytime dealie as it is now colloquially known. by quicxly
I can only assume his wife was his sister too since uh...not a lot of selection to choose from.
moonbunnychan t1_iv9hbc8 wrote
Reply to comment by Hazelberry in El Paso High School students may have to retake SATs after tests fly out of UPS truck by Abortionofrights
I have a video doorbell and proof of them sticking that sorry we missed you tag on the door without even attempting to alert me. Showed the post office the video and they don't care. Another time they said they couldn't deliver because "the business was closed"...when the delivery address was my house. Every time stuff has gotten lost or destroyed its been USPS.
moonbunnychan t1_iuqanq2 wrote
I kinda did this, only I rotated around living with friends I had on campus. I couldn't afford to go back after my freshman year, but didn't want to give up on the college lifestyle. I just went to work instead of class. Nobody official ever caught on.
moonbunnychan t1_iupnvdg wrote
Reply to The DC area is massive by [deleted]
Unlike most cities, the boundary of DC is pretty absolute. I feel like if it wasn't for that, a lot of the area would have been annexed. Course part of VA used to BE DC pre civil war.
moonbunnychan t1_iugfkhm wrote
Reply to Tourist activity by OSO_oso1
I know as a local I'm not "supposed" to enjoy the touristy stuff but damnit, the monuments are beautiful and the mall is such a nice place to spend time outside. I love walking from the Washington monument to the Lincoln memorial past the WW2 Memorial and reflecting pool. Also still blows my mind the Lincoln memorial has a store INSIDE of it, one of my favorite fun facts.
moonbunnychan t1_iucr7dx wrote
Reply to comment by LikeATediousArgument in Bedtime procrastination helps explain the link between anxiety and sleep problems by thebelsnickle1991
I hate going to bed because I hate my free time ending. Knowing the next thing when I wake up is going to work feels awful. Trying to wake up early to have some free time also doesn't work because then ot just feels like I have this sword of damocles hanging over my head and I can't enjoy anything.
moonbunnychan t1_iu6nt3o wrote
Reply to comment by s0meCubanGuy in A missile hits near a café in Ukraine. (Safe For Work) by Alabussy
My boss once fought with the fire department to try and keep our store open during a flood. I'm positive a missile wouldn't close us.
moonbunnychan t1_its999v wrote
Reply to comment by MCStarlight in Does anyone know how to become a Metro train driver? by lord_guppy
Considering it was an automatic train control thing that caused that crash in 2009, I don't exactly trust them to maintain automatic controls to stay safe enough.
moonbunnychan t1_its179c wrote
Reply to comment by dansuckzatreddit in [Washingtonian] The Wharf Is Getting Electric Shuttles - Washingtonian by RallyPigeon
Pretty sure that short, sad, non dedicated lane on one street is all we are ever going to get. All the other plans are dead in the water. I REALLY wanted that one to Georgetown.
moonbunnychan t1_itpm1c9 wrote
Reply to Dress code at the Kennedy Center by theski25
I usually wear like a blouse and skirt in the summer and dress pants in the winter. That seems to be the standard but if you wanna dress up more you definitely won't stick out or anything. I also see plenty of people just in t-shirts and jeans and nobody cares. Something like Wicked definitely skews towards more casual.
moonbunnychan t1_itpb9ai wrote
Reply to comment by yakshack in [Washingtonian] The Wharf Is Getting Electric Shuttles - Washingtonian by RallyPigeon
I'm hoooping from the metro. It's a little bit of a trek to get there from there. Not awful or anything but for two bucks if I'm tired I might consider it to not take the bus.. Definitely not a service I'd use often as it seems pretty inefficient and there's already a shuttle and I believe the DC Circular.
moonbunnychan t1_itjgkey wrote
Reply to comment by summatophd in New 8000 series Metro trains will have heated floors and charging outlets by Yaratam
2030 and probably still won't be able to ride one to Dulles.
moonbunnychan t1_itjfrj7 wrote
Reply to comment by swampoodler in New 8000 series Metro trains will have heated floors and charging outlets by Yaratam
100% those outlets will be wrecked within a week.
moonbunnychan t1_iqz4171 wrote
Reply to Why No Roman Industrial Revolution? by Magister_Xehanort
I actually just watched a video about this. The jist of it is firstly they hadn't invented steel, iron was incredibly expensive at the time, and why even bother when there were slaves to just do things for them?
moonbunnychan t1_iqyuo97 wrote
Reply to comment by celj1234 in These are the most and least expensive major U.S. cities based on the average cost of monthly expenses by PabloEscobar301
Depends on where you are, really. A ton of Queens and even parts of Brooklyn are downright suburban feeling and don't have particularly great transit.
moonbunnychan t1_j26qtbu wrote
Reply to comment by usererror99 in AI sentience, Consciousness, and Free Will by usererror99
It's definitely a drama and not a rom com. I love it. I can't say a lot without spoiling it but it's probably the most realistic way something like that would go down, because the very nature of a human and an AI are so different.