mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_ita2u1m wrote
Reply to comment by podkayne3000 in Bombay Vada Grill: this is what a vada looks like. Tastes great by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Yea I even said it wrong. What I had is a vada pav, which is a vada sandwich; the vada being the potato thingy
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_it9u7yk wrote
Reply to comment by pigdog12 in Bombay Vada Grill: this is what a vada looks like. Tastes great by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Ah. They called it a vada pav.
Does pav mean sandwich?
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_it9u1xx wrote
Reply to comment by slimda0 in Bombay Vada Grill: this is what a vada looks like. Tastes great by mooseLimbsCatLicks
It’s potato, kind of like the Inside of a samosa. Tastes good to my American palate. Little bit of kick
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_it9tmf0 wrote
Reply to comment by YetiSherpa in Bombay Vada Grill: this is what a vada looks like. Tastes great by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Cool! Might try that
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_it8zxhu wrote
Reply to comment by possums101 in Bombay Vada Grill: this is what a vada looks like. Tastes great by mooseLimbsCatLicks
To that comment, which was deleted..
You would think it was “white people” style. But it’s actually a second restaurant with same menu as a jsq Indian place. Staffed and so far from what I see frequented mostly by Indian folks.
Menu is not dumbed down or Americanized at all was pretty confusing since I’m not Indian but the lady was nice and explained it
Was really good. Hope it does well, they said they are getting good business
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_it8x85e wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in Jersey City, it’s time to rename Christopher Columbus Drive by HobokenJ
Okay I should amend it to non Puerto Rican Americans who are not historians by trade or hobby. I think I’m generally well informed and educated and have never heard of him!
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_it8wzn8 wrote
Comes with 2 sandwiches and two little sauces. The sweet one goes well with it for my taste. Think it was 8 dollars or so. Will def have again
Submitted by mooseLimbsCatLicks t3_ya36yo in jerseycity
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_it8hbea wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in Jersey City, it’s time to rename Christopher Columbus Drive by HobokenJ
It’s a stretch to imagine that any American, even of Puerto Rican descent, would know who that is lol.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_it7ka6r wrote
Reply to JC Medical Center Obstetrics by bloodredjamm
Obstetrics wise they have a low c section rate and the postpartum unit is newly renovated private rooms
NICU wise, they are a level 3 NICU, same as Hackensack. Only level 3 in Hudson county. They can treat any acute condition , only Newark Beth Israel is higher locally because hey have ECMO which treats rare cardiac anomalies and heart failure, which presumably you would know already from your ultrasounds.
The care is good at the NICU I have first hand experience there you can message me if you want
As far as peoples complaints, some people have complained on Reddit about nursing issues.
A lot of the hate of jcmc is regarding other departments like the ER. But the NICU is actually a local gem. JCMC used to have a pediatric ICU (for non neonates) but it wasn’t busy enough to be financially viable and they had to give it up. Maybe 10 years ago. Sucks because there’s no pediatric icu in Hudson county now. But we have a great NICU.
Submitted by mooseLimbsCatLicks t3_y93ns5 in jerseycity
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_issn1rr wrote
Reply to comment by Painter_Ok in Jersey City, a City of it's Own Right by Nuplex
The first high rise in jc was in journal square. The beacon is probably the closest you’ll get here for that Art Deco style
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_isr4vvg wrote
Reply to Jsq house with Giant skeleton by cherryvanillapoptart
There’s one on Pavonia between Erie and Manila
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_ispxfip wrote
Reply to comment by Nuplex in Jersey City, a City of it's Own Right by Nuplex
Maybe top ten US, teens North America makes sense (canada and Mexico have a few) ?
No time to search now! But thought we were like 17 in NA
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_ispvdvl wrote
Reply to Jersey City, a City of it's Own Right by Nuplex
We are ranked in the teens for biggest skylines in North America. Higher than many other more famous cities
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_islhvvr wrote
Reply to comment by abby2207 in apartment in Jorunal Squared by abby2207
Nobody rates when everything is fine. They get mad about something and write a bad review.
Or maybe it’s bad I dunno. What do the reviews say?
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_is68ggv wrote
Reply to comment by majozaur in I painted Jersey City with watercolor by majozaur
I do! I’m the Jack of all trades master of none type but always been interested in painting without any idea of how to start. I really like your painting, great job
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_is64up0 wrote
Reply to I painted Jersey City with watercolor by majozaur
Wonderful! Any advice on how to get started?
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_is5saaq wrote
Reply to comment by EksXxx in The quality of drinks really went down over the past few years but this is unreal news 😭 by aworldsaway
Newport is bubble tea Central. There’s mogee tea also, meet fresh, then like 3 -4 bubble tea shops in the mall (the falafel shop and ramen shop have bubble tea lol)
My personal favorite is real fruit tea I think it’s called. The mango is just so good. Second favorite is mogee tea. Not a fan personally of gong cha…
I also like the one in 99 ranch but that’s not same area.
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_is2ygwf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Jersey City This Upcoming Weekend : Happenings/Events/ToDos... by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Post this tomorrow on the new post
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iruw692 wrote
Reply to comment by ng300 in Anyone have any insights to the Journal Squared apartments on Pavonia Ave.? by [deleted]
Yep, safe and you won’t need light rail for your commute. Just path to nyc. That will be a piece of cake for you. Light rail you can catch downtown if you need it for some reason.
There is also via, which is a subsidized ride share system. 2 dollar rides if you want to go to west side , Bergen Lafayette or the heights.
Pro tip you can take it downtown if you set the address to near the jersey city medical center
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_irudzo2 wrote
Lol journal squared is basically sitting on top of the PATH station. You won’t have to walk far at all. The light rail is a different train system that doesn’t go to journal square. That’s a great deal for you, enjoy!
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_irisrb9 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
The kids in this school will be JC kids getting a JC public school education.
Our school system is lacking the actual infrastructure of school buildings. This new physical school addresses a critical infrastructure need, and will reduce overcrowding in the schools.
The public funding the school will use is an appropriate use of public school funds since its a JC public school.
The only thing you mentioned that is a downside is possible lack of IEP services, which you're not even sure about. But even if there is no IEP or special ed services, it is not a loss of services to the entire district, as this is a new school. And here is from their website anyway , seems like they will have some services"My child has an IEP. Will this school be a good fit for them?
Kindle Education is committed to serving all students, including those with special needs and learning differences. Our emphasis on personalized learning and low adult to student ratio may make us a good fit for students who experience challenges in a traditional classroom setting. If you have more specific questions about the services we provide or about your child’s specific needs, we recommend that you reach out to us using the contact information below so that we can answer your questions."
Yea I am emotional about the schools here. There was a lot of damage done that did not need to occur. A lot of my patients got screwed due to stupid, fearful and selfish decisions. I myself can pay for the privilege of a good education for my kids. I can pay for a private school that actually opened and let the kids in to school. Status quo of JC public schools will not provide a great education to majority of kids in JC. Whats the fix? Keep doing the same shit? This school will likely provide a good education to the kids who are enrolled in it. Thats why I support it.
I am not at all convinced that this is a black and white issue. Charter schools BAD! is not helpful when its pretending that JCBOE good! I am for increasing the educational attainment of the kids of JC, whether or not that involves the maintenance of current school governance, school administration structure , political structure etc. I am not anti union or pro privatization, but the current setup does not meet the needs of JC. The state could take over, I would be happy. A completely new school board I would be happy. Mayoral control of school board, I would be happy. JC needs better outcomes and a mix of charter and non charter schools seems like a good idea to me. We already have charters and they seem to generally have better outcomes.
I dont know what your plan is to improve outcomes, besides complaining about every new school being constructed. I think neither one of us is directly involved in making these decisions, so our argument is moot... but yea I think continued experimentation is warranted in JC.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_irhbvo7 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
You keep bringing up special needs kids as if JC BOE does right by special needs kids. They canceled school for > 1 year fuck them. They canceled kids therapies, literally medically necessary therapies that by law are supposed to be provided. then they do speech therapy while wearing a mask. Or on zoom. Beyond useless. Kids didn’t get their PT. Stop using the special needs kids card because JC BOE never gave a flying fuck. Bayonne brought in kids for therapies even while they were remote. JC didn’t do that. Because they literally did not care.
I will always promote anything other than the status quo for jersey city schools.
Anything new, fucking take it because the people who run it currently are fucking morons.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_itdcw0p wrote
Reply to Haus25 vs Vantage by Stargazerem30
Haus25 better location IMO