mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iv6finb wrote
Reply to comment by precordial_thump in Using phone with Speaker on PATH train. by lazysloath1
Same. You just never know how someone will react: you can’t predict level of craziness. It’s attention seeking behavior, you don’t know what else they are seeking.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iv3xshx wrote
Reply to Court rejects bid to overturn Jersey City plan to designate area of Downtown for redevelopment by Ajkrouse
Good. The lone homeowner against it was another huge developer who was just sabotaging the deal. The existing homeowners will get a huge chunk of change when whatever next plan comes to fruition.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iv35q3o wrote
Reply to comment by Redditlurker922 in Boots & Bones Coming Soon By Grove St. PATH by m_pops
I mean, they also did Six26 which is good. They seem to be able to change their style up. Ashford is their Hoboken bro bar. I’ll give this a chance. It’s better than what was there !
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuu577e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Word vs Little City Books by [deleted]
Of course :) just giving mine , jc bookstore > Hoboken bookstore!
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuu4oks wrote
Reply to The Word vs Little City Books by [deleted]
I like Word, plus it’s in Jersey City and you posted in r/jerseycity
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuplc3l wrote
Reply to comment by romanpieces in Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
Rolling deep
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iup3974 wrote
Reply to comment by KustyTheKlown in Im really really struggling after moving into town by XIFOD1M
Could be Bayonne or something.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuot7jf wrote
Here is the jc discord !
Since nobody linked it
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuo9sl6 wrote
Sounds like you started from a place of negativity even in nyc.
My advice is lose the negativity, accept your situation, move forward with a good attitude of making the best of your situation.
Make some friends via the discord that the young ones like yourself use to meet other people. You are lonely, but thinking about how miserable you are all the time is just a self fulfilling prophecy. There are things you can change to make your situation better.
Someone link the discord here lol.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iujjr4y wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
Great info !
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuik9kf wrote
Reply to comment by JcpaNYC in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
JFK is a disaster every time I go. Like a third world country
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iuihwby wrote
Reply to comment by David-Eight in If you are selected to be a petit juror.. what time does that usually start? Info is so lacking. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Oh thanks the letter I got has different info. Anyway I think I’m good. Appreciate the help
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuihr8z wrote
Promotions are harder to come by than new jobs.
My advice is to switch your place of work , much easier to increase salary that way
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuihkqq wrote
Reply to comment by seeyam14 in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
Ewr is a much better airport in my opinion.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuihdpp wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
White eagle is great but they don’t have many shows. The variety and size of the music scene in nyc is just so much larger due to the population of nyc being so much higher.
I’m just saying if I was in my 20s again I would redo the same thing, still be in nyc. And I say this as a jersey born and bred guy who returned to jersey and loves jersey city lol
Jc is 1/10th the size of Brooklyn so it’s really not fair to compare them.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iuiepm5 wrote
Reply to To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
I lived in bk when I was younger. It was great. Very fun, so much more to do.
I live in jc now. I have kids. It’s better here for that. Minus the school situation I’m not sure how bk compares
Depends on your age and what kind of excitement you want.
Young, want to see live music, shows, stay out until 4 am etc.. and just have more culture available to you? Then bk.
Jc is more of a quieter city either immigrant residential or yuppie / corporate /luxury vibe.
We have nothing like BAM, very few music venues for known acts. No university to drive bring new creative energetic young people to the city. The art scene is improving in a few years it will likely be better. But it’s not a high energy city
Which I like now as I’m in my 40s.
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iuidx5x wrote
Reply to comment by David-Eight in If you are selected to be a petit juror.. what time does that usually start? Info is so lacking. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Mine is Hudson county a 201 number that just has recordings. Did get through on email though
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iui59ak wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in If you are selected to be a petit juror.. what time does that usually start? Info is so lacking. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
So for the first day at least I will be home on zoom?
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iugk86z wrote
Reply to comment by LessThanJake_Plummer in Just a warning, been getting random private chat messages , seems like Chinese scam artists are trying to get people to give out info. Have had two so far . Pretended to be visiting from Hong Kong. Beware randos getting personal. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
I got it from linked in several times. Always a sexy Chinese lady profile pic lol
It’s gotta be lucrative since they do it so much. Somebody in another comment said the scam is called pig butchering. I commented an article about it also
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iugk1ra wrote
Reply to comment by oatmealparty in Just a warning, been getting random private chat messages , seems like Chinese scam artists are trying to get people to give out info. Have had two so far . Pretended to be visiting from Hong Kong. Beware randos getting personal. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
No that was a total non sequitur
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iugjvr4 wrote
Reply to comment by twenty8twelve in Just a warning, been getting random private chat messages , seems like Chinese scam artists are trying to get people to give out info. Have had two so far . Pretended to be visiting from Hong Kong. Beware randos getting personal. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Yes wow this seems like exactly jt.
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iufwvhp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Just a warning, been getting random private chat messages , seems like Chinese scam artists are trying to get people to give out info. Have had two so far . Pretended to be visiting from Hong Kong. Beware randos getting personal. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Has nothing to do with Hong Kong tho
mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iuft0jk wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Just a warning, been getting random private chat messages , seems like Chinese scam artists are trying to get people to give out info. Have had two so far . Pretended to be visiting from Hong Kong. Beware randos getting personal. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Just figured I’d put it out here so nobody gets scammed
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iv8kn7k wrote
Reply to comment by mbstor23 in Court rejects bid to overturn Jersey City plan to designate area of Downtown for redevelopment by Ajkrouse
Technically if he bought it he’s a homeowner. But it’s not like he lives there.