moreobviousthings t1_j1vi6ox wrote
Reply to comment by SausageSmuggler21 in Oh Providence 🙄 by Proclaimer23
But if you go, there will be double.
moreobviousthings t1_j1vi3gi wrote
Reply to Oh Providence 🙄 by Proclaimer23
Stop and go traffic.
moreobviousthings t1_j15txo6 wrote
Reply to comment by pablomexixo in EP HIGH sprinklers broke by pablomexixo
There is much more engineering put into sprinkler systems than for common plumbing systems. That's to make sure enough water gets to every head that is open, no matter how close or how far from the source. Renovations often require additional heads, which might need some pipes to be replaced with larger. It's not as simple as it may seem to a lay person.
moreobviousthings t1_j15t5rn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in EP HIGH sprinklers broke by pablomexixo
The water isn't particularly gross, it just has a lot of iron in it. It wouldn't taste good, but it isn't poison or hazardous.
moreobviousthings t1_j0o21xq wrote
Reply to comment by Swamp_yankee_ninja in Groundhogs? by HotConcrete
Some call them whistle pigs.
moreobviousthings t1_izhehz8 wrote
Reply to comment by koidrieyez in Question: what is rhode islands biggest county? by Memebia
It's even bigger than Washington County.
moreobviousthings t1_iz882le wrote
Reply to Gas stations with attendants that pump gas? (And why is this info so hard to find?) by Aeronaute
Gas up in New Jersey, where self service doesn't exist. Plus, it's cheaper there, because it's refined there.
moreobviousthings t1_iyzugpg wrote
Reply to comment by eightbitbrain in [OC] The Highest Streaming Spotify Artist/Band From Each State by wyzapped
Kansas: Kansas.
moreobviousthings t1_iwn9gub wrote
Johnny Cake in Westerly. Proceeds help elderly and low income.
moreobviousthings t1_iwe58zi wrote
Reply to comment by youjustlostthegameee in Does a socialist/communist/anticapitalist stand a chance at winning public office and then subsequent governing without major obstruction in any municipal or state level elected position? by PinkSwallowLove
No shit. Call yourself a socialist, and certain people will turn away. Propose public policy that is workable and serves the public, and people will listen. It's about the policies and not about the labels.
moreobviousthings t1_iw5qnga wrote
Reply to Where to Find Turkey Hill Egg Nog Ice Cream by ScottCold
Imma watch this for an answer.
moreobviousthings t1_ivmv20y wrote
Reply to Extremely disappointed in the residents of this state…to think people are so blind to crookedness of our officials yet they get voted in again. Dan McKee is a crook just like Gina was! by HauntingAd4349
Democrats will disappoint us sometimes, but a republican will try to fuck everyone every time.
moreobviousthings t1_iunrxcv wrote
Reply to RI transplant: what order do I get new driver’s license, registration, insurance and VIN check? by climb-high
You need proof of insurance, and VIN check before you can get registration. Check with your agent for what they need in order to provide proof of insurance. Maybe nothing except the VIN you give them. You can get a drivers license without any of these other things.
moreobviousthings t1_iuf8q1y wrote
Reply to Where to bring leaf bags? (Ashaway) by darthduder666
Since Ashaway is not in Town of Westerly, I guess you would need to get a day pass to dump at Westerly transfer station. No charge for Westerly residents with the (recently imposed) resident sticker. I think the day pass is $10.
moreobviousthings t1_itguu4o wrote
Reply to comment by AbigailFlippinfloppn in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Can you cite a source for that? Capitalism is strictly an economic construct, while liberalism is more broad and not specific to economics.
moreobviousthings t1_itgdygr wrote
Reply to comment by AbigailFlippinfloppn in Why doesn't the state build housing? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
republicans tend to be conservative, which is the opposite of liberal. Democrats are liberal and tend to be progressive, which is also opposite to conservative. Socialism and communism are more about government organization than concepts like liberal, conservative, and progressive.
moreobviousthings t1_is2w5u8 wrote
Reply to comment by dea7500 in looking for motorcycle parts by dea7500
The model year may or may not matter. A fan of Suzuki might be able to clarify that. For a 1981 bike, it may be necessary to get the carbs and also a rebuild kit to get them working right. Good luck. Taking care of an old bike calls for patience and dedication.
moreobviousthings t1_is2tu7m wrote
Reply to comment by dea7500 in looking for motorcycle parts by dea7500
You say you tried eBay, but what did you search for? I just tried "Suzuki gs450 carb" and got some hits.
moreobviousthings t1_is2sw13 wrote
Reply to looking for motorcycle parts by dea7500
Try r/motorcycles
moreobviousthings t1_iryqdq8 wrote
Reply to comment by anal_gland_expressor in Watching the gubernatorial debate by hugothebear
They aren't so bad if you're cool with fascists running things (into the ground).
moreobviousthings t1_iryiw4w wrote
Reply to comment by Beastcoastboarder in Private beach clubs by AJP51017
20k?? What, do they have vegan sand?
moreobviousthings t1_iryipk9 wrote
Reply to comment by Clamgravy in Private beach clubs by AJP51017
Plum Island beach? That's verry exclusive.
moreobviousthings t1_irst794 wrote
Reply to comment by Coincel_pro in Any flour mills selling their own flour in RI? by whatsaphoto
They have more than a dozen types of flours. Cool place to visit, too.
moreobviousthings t1_j29z92k wrote
Reply to Where does one donate baby stuff? by [deleted]
Johnny Cake Center in Westerly has a big toy section, and I expect they would be happy to take the clothes and car seat as well.