mortgagepants t1_j2spxzk wrote
Reply to comment by nsjersey in Jawn Morgan is doubling down. by liog2step
JG wentworth gets an honorable mention.
mortgagepants t1_j2rz280 wrote
Reply to comment by familyofgeniuses in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
i feel like the tiles at 15th street get a layer of fog or humidity or other moisture which makes them look dry but they're actually slippery as hell. i know they're easier to clean than cement but like...we need some tread.
mortgagepants t1_j10jlm3 wrote
I work with dozens of well qualified structural engineers, but you would want to start looking after December 31st- everyone is trying to wrap up the year so it will be extremely expensive this time of year.
mortgagepants t1_izjjzka wrote
Reply to comment by search4truthnrecipes in Beloved owner of Chestnut Hill salon shot and killed by atwork925
there's no place like home for the holidays.
mortgagepants t1_iza3xz7 wrote
Reply to comment by Master_Winchester in i just moved to Minneapolis and everyone keeps telling me a really funny story from the Superbowl win in 2018. by irishgambin0
Rhynhardt baby!
mortgagepants t1_iza22e6 wrote
Reply to comment by Master_Winchester in i just moved to Minneapolis and everyone keeps telling me a really funny story from the Superbowl win in 2018. by irishgambin0
anytime we talk about reforming the city police, i always bring this up. camden is policed by camden county. i have no problem integrating bucks, montco, and delco, into a larger metro area.
mortgagepants t1_iz6r532 wrote
Reply to comment by irishgambin0 in i just moved to Minneapolis and everyone keeps telling me a really funny story from the Superbowl win in 2018. by irishgambin0
i couldn't find a philly map with houston over top, but this NYC one does pretty well and should be relatable for anyone in this sub.
mortgagepants t1_ix876nn wrote
i haven't seen this in the comments but if you have a job you need to be in the office, figure out how to get there via subway/el. just leave your car for a day or two if you can.
one of the most beautiful times in the city is after a big snowfall when no cars are out. just walking down the middle of the street in silence. also, shovel your sidewalk, go to your corner bar, have a few, come back and shovel some more. it is a great time.
mortgagepants t1_iu0cmf0 wrote
there is a loop on the north end at Olny if you want to look at the map though. kind of cool
mortgagepants t1_iu0ck6q wrote
Reply to comment by Proper-Code7794 in How does the Broad Street Line turn around at NRG? by starboardbaby
which is even more frustrating because they should just make it surface run to the navy yard from there. instead everyone talks about how difficult it will be to tunnel to the navy yard.
mortgagepants t1_j3w2s7n wrote
Reply to Just watched the whole street sweepers + leaf blowers thing for the first time…why can’t the city just tow cars that don’t move? by RoverTheMonster
lol once a month? in civilized north jersey, they sweep twice per week. in newark, it was common to see people double park while the sweeper went by, then move their cars back right away.
imagine a restaurant not wiping off the tables because they're just going to get dirty again?