
motociclista t1_j5nhtyp wrote

This reminds me of two stories. Once I was called out to give an estimate to some folks to fence in their yard. It was squirrel hill, I believe. They had just jumped on the urban chicken bandwagon and wanted a 6’ high fence to keep the deer from eating their chickens. Once while working in a car dealership a young guy came and told me there was a hummingbird trapped in the showroom. He took me to where it landed and was still perched. It was a dragonfly.


motociclista t1_j5ah0xq wrote

How bad is it? If it’s just a year or so old, it will still run ok in a lot of smaller engines like lawnmowers and snowblowers. I’ve never found anyone that will take it, at least not in my community. If you have a small amount you can pour it into a wide flat pan and let it evaporate. I don’t know what to do with larger amounts. If you find out let me know because I have about 40 gallons in my boat I need to get rid of.


motociclista t1_j2p5c7w wrote

That’s always been such a weird law to me. Like, you want to carry a gun? No problem. Want to carry a fixed blade knife? Have at it. Want to carry a spring assisted knife that easily pops open one handed? We got you fam! Want to carry a knife that’s spring assisted, pops open with one hand, but uses a button? That’s a big time felony bud! It never made sense that they were illegal, but now that they are, and have been for decades, it doesn’t make much sense that they’ve repealed the law. I mean, I’m ok with it, I’m not taking a stance, it’s just an odd choice of law to change.


motociclista t1_j2fbiut wrote

Thank you so much! He was my buddy for sure. It was unexpected but he lived a long and spoiled life (10 years, which is a lot for a so called “giant” breed.) so we’re concentrating on the positive. We just picked up a new puppy some some of the pain has been replaced with pandemonium!


motociclista t1_j2c07gp wrote

I’m old enough to remember when Die Hard came out in theaters. It was nuts. Bruce Willis was a goofy funny guy from Moonlighting. He wasn’t a massive action star like Arnold or Sly or a martial arts guy like Bruce Lee. He was just a regular dude and people saw the trailers and were like… what? But it kind of prepared us for a few years later when they said Michael Keaton was going to be Batman.


motociclista t1_j24c2bl wrote

It’s a weird little spot. People obtain land there.. somehow and build little cabins. It’s private and they don’t like strangers. It’s hard to really even talk to anyone about it because no one that has land there wants any new people to come, so they all stay pretty tight lipped about it. The only access is by boat and the entire island is no trespassing. I’m a boater and expressed interest in buying a plot there if one came available, but it seems like anything that ever gets vacated gets sold or left to friends and family of someone else on the island. Some of them are also kind of jerks about the public boat launch right there. They’ll clog it up for hours while they ferry people and things back and fourth.


motociclista t1_j1xmdyu wrote

Reply to comment by Rammid in Found this gem by Practical_Baseball69

Rumor on the local boating Facebook page is the owner had a heart attack or some other issue that prevented him from pulling the boat. Unfortunately it seems to happen to a few boats a year down there. Usually someone trying to avoid paying for a slip at a marina ties to the wall, then something breaks and they can’t get it towed. Eventually the battery can’t keep up with the bilge pump and it sinks. The city removes it and tries and fails to collect removal fees from the owner. Eventually the city will put a stop to people docking there.


motociclista t1_izpd2rm wrote

*Pow (I think. Haven’t heard it in years.) Once about 6-7 years ago I was selling a car on Craigslist. I went back and fourth with an interested party via email and we agreed on a price. We scheduled a time for him to come see the car. He rings my bell and I open the door and effing Scott Paulsen is standing there. I text him every so often to see if he still has the car.


motociclista t1_ixvlhel wrote

It’s not so much that you’ll get in trouble. It’s more like it could be a giant hassle. The only way you’d get in trouble is if the vehicle was reported stolen at any point. If that’s the case, you’re sitting on stolen property. But there’s not much chance that it was reported stolen. What can and has happened is the next of kin of the deceased can find out the car exists and decide they want it. Let’s say you sell it to someone. Then one day there’s a knock on your door “Hi, I’m such and such and I heard you might have my dads old car. It’s legally mine and I’d like to have it.” Now, you have a hassle. You sold a car you didn’t own and the person who bought it has to give it back to the rightful owner, and they’re just out the money. This is a very unlikely but possible scenario. The most likely scenario is whomever owns it, if anyone, doesn’t care about it and never will. But whoever buys it from you will have a hassle getting a title. Your best bet is to sell it to someone who is aware of the title status and doesn’t care. The last thing you want is to sell it to someone that will come back in a year after they fix it and bug you to help them find the title. Call a few “we buy cars” type used car lots. They usually know the loopholes and can deal with the title issues.


motociclista t1_ixv8nq6 wrote

There are auto salvage companies that will remove unwanted cars, they normally want a title, but I’m sure some will waive that. Call around, someone will remove it. Or you can contact penndot and find out what the process is for obtaining a title on an abandoned vehicle. Just cover your ass. Selling a vehicle you don’t own can get tricky if somewhere down the road the rightful owner shows up.


motociclista t1_ixuzi3m wrote

That’s not a long story. That’s a short story. And that story is “I don’t own this car and therefore cannot legally sell it.” You need to get the title straight before you try to sell it. You’re opening yourself up to a mess of trouble if you sell a car you don’t own. It likely doesn’t have much value and may not be worth the hassle of making legal for sale.


motociclista t1_ixryu5y wrote

I know it’s a bit of a hoof from Pittsburgh, but if you find yourself wandering north, there’s a little plant shop on Main St in Butler called Grows on Main. The owners are really nice and knowledgeable and take pride in the plants they sell. They also stock non-plant items from other local vendors. (I’m not affiliated with the shop in any way)