mowotlarx t1_j5jwnge wrote
Reply to comment by ohwhatj in NYC, Goldman Sachs Launch Effort to Give Struggling Small Businesses a Lift by NotYourCity
It's not really a problem though, is it? They still made massive profits just less than they wanted to. I know boards demand growth growth growth at all costs whether it's possible or not. Cutting jobs was just a quick and easy way to drum up short term profit to please the masters. Maybe one day public companies in America will stop functioning like pyramid schemes, but I doubt it.
mowotlarx t1_j5jwblm wrote
Reply to comment by _Maxolotl in NYC, Goldman Sachs Launch Effort to Give Struggling Small Businesses a Lift by NotYourCity
Ding ding ding! This is a plot to drum up more business and enmesh NYC and our Mayor with their plans to our disadvantage. Anyone thinking JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs or any similar company is working in good faith with the city government was born yesterday.
mowotlarx t1_j5jmmrr wrote
Reply to comment by Brucehandstrong in How a Public Tennis Court Attendant Spends His Sundays by King-of-New-York
I check the salary on SeeThroughNY every time I see the city or some news organization praise some quaint and cheery city worker. Almost always they're paid a tad over minimum wage despite decades of service. It's foul.
mowotlarx t1_j5jm3z9 wrote
How does this help small businesses when landlords and real estate companies refuse to lower commercial rent allowing businesses to have storefronts? Or even rent office space at reasonable prices? Part of the reason they struggle in this city is the batshit insane rents they're being charged.
mowotlarx t1_j5hs9wj wrote
Reply to comment by King-of-New-York in How a Public Tennis Court Attendant Spends His Sundays by King-of-New-York
This article was posted here in August when it was published.
And you should care if the city is paying this guy who has dedicated decades of his life to the city a substandard wage.
mowotlarx t1_j5hktmp wrote
This article is from August.
By the way, the city only pays this guy $18/hour. He's worked for the city for decades and he'll retire destitute after this, even with the high tier pension. That's how much the city appreciates this guy they volunteered to have a puff piece written about.
mowotlarx t1_j5dh4c3 wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in NYC Council has no plan to pass bill that would let Mayor Adams charge retired city workers for health care: ‘It’s dead’ by F_T_N_32
Medicare Advantage isn't Medicare.
mowotlarx t1_j54rzfh wrote
Reply to comment by The_CerealDefense in New York City has more than 1,200 unlicensed weed stores, and one legal one by Character_Mall_1966
Have you looked around NYC lately? There's a new weed store every 2-4 blocks in many neighborhoods. I think their number is too low for the number of illegal shops, to be honest.
mowotlarx t1_j54rvkt wrote
Reply to New York City has more than 1,200 unlicensed weed stores, and one legal one by Character_Mall_1966
One just opened literally across the street from City Hall.
New York fucked this up royally. Either hand out the licenses like candy or good luck shutting down one business every 2-3 blocks in the city through raids.
mowotlarx t1_j536vrr wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
Do you even know what broken windows is/was? It wasn't referring to white folks in SUVs near police precincts in Brooklyn running red lights and using license plate covers.
mowotlarx t1_j52zzr1 wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
Keep going in circles to find a way this isn't the fault of the NYPD.
These are traffic violations, not murders. You think Big Bad Bragg is doing BaiL ReFoRm for people who use fake plates? No. The cops refuse to enforce because most of them don't live here, drive in from elsewhere and have illegal plates on their own cars.
mowotlarx t1_j52tvmg wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
DAs can't do anything if cops don't bother to go out and write tickets and arrest people. Besides, these traffic stops generally aren't criminal charges. The cops are just lazy and negligent.
mowotlarx t1_j52pjbb wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
What role do they play? Please tell us how Alvin Bragg, who you seem to think is the only DA in New York City, stops NYPD from writing traffic tickets and enforcing basic non-criminal traffic laws
mowotlarx t1_j51xl3m wrote
Reply to comment by Offthepoint in Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
If NYPD bothered to try to enforce traffic laws, perhaps by writing tickets at intersections where the worst violations happen, people might be more cognizant of stopping at reds. Things are as bad as they are because NYPD refuses to do their jobs.
mowotlarx t1_j4t0g8v wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Eric Adams under fire for plan to slash NYPD funding as city hoards cash for labor deals by elizabeth-cooper
A mandatory gift from NYPD brass to staff, costing taxpayers close to a billion dollars annually.
mowotlarx t1_j4h1m0t wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in NYC budget cuts could worsen food crisis for hungry families by DrogDrill
Yea. This is an article that is pulling out examples of what is happening. It's not an internal study giving the stats on how often this select example is being played out. That's how reporting works.
mowotlarx t1_j4gxw6h wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in NYC budget cuts could worsen food crisis for hungry families by DrogDrill
>Needs quantification.
Lol what? You can't believe this could possibly be true?
mowotlarx t1_j4gxrz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Jigamanpimpc in NYC budget cuts could worsen food crisis for hungry families by DrogDrill
Ah yes, pretending you support these food programs (when you don't) as a means to spread xenophobic views. Conservatives always play this game. But if not a single migrant was here you'd be replying with how we shouldn't have SNAP programs in the first place.
mowotlarx t1_j4cfouu wrote
Reply to comment by elNational in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
People who live "at the bottom" in high tax states have a much better shot of getting the public services they need to keep them housed and fed.
And why do you think undereducated people in impoverished red states eat "bad food"? Where do you think most of the food deserts are in this country? Where in this country is access to healthy food, especially for low income people who need food benefits, unavailable? Low tax states that don't take care of their people.
mowotlarx t1_j4c50el wrote
Reply to comment by elNational in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
Higher quality of life. Better education. Better health outcomes. More job opportunities. Regardless of what Fox tells you, we are in one of the safest cities and states. You will literally have a longer life in blue states.
Look at the list of states that rank top and bottom of quality of life issues. It's blood red at the bottom of the list for a reason.
mowotlarx t1_j4bt4fh wrote
Reply to comment by blockytraditionalist in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
Most blue cities and blue states pay most of the taxes that fund and feed the red welfare states. We're just asking that the federal budget and where they send aid reflect that.
>GOP are another type of moron, but at least they (try to) tell you and be honest
Funniest thing I've read all day. Every time a Republican has taken office the national debt has risen out of control. Every time Democrats take back the legislature and presidency we fix the problems that Republicans made with our economy. Anyone who believes Republicans are on the right side of any economic issue are joke, or they are rich or they're onto the belief that one day they could be rich.
mowotlarx t1_j4bsl3h wrote
Reply to comment by TRDBG in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
You'll find you get exactly what you pay for when you move to Red States with low taxes.
mowotlarx t1_j4bicjg wrote
Reply to comment by TRDBG in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
You're not stuck. Pension sucks, pay is low, vesting is only 5 years for the pittance you get. Go ahead. Move away for the low taxes. Byeeeee!
mowotlarx t1_j4b7jv8 wrote
Reply to comment by Longjumping_Vast_797 in Eric Adams heads to border, says migrant crisis to now cost NYC $2B by 1600hazenstreet
The fact that you think this is a sincere trip and traveling to take PR photos at the border rather than travel around our own City witnessing our problems is valuable is what is embarrassing.
mowotlarx t1_j5lattn wrote
Reply to comment by King-of-New-York in How a Public Tennis Court Attendant Spends His Sundays by King-of-New-York
>The article painted Mr. Odom in a positive light as a hard working man beloved by the community
Then pay him what he's worth. It's fun for people to gawk and clap at the underclasses who break their backs with a smile, I guess.