mowotlarx t1_j6wtl0e wrote
Reply to comment by King-of-New-York in New tree plantings in NYC fall to lowest level in 15 years by King-of-New-York
The kicker is Parks does have a lot of in-house designers, engineers and gardeners. There's no reason any city money should be given to private contractors when we could just increase the budget and fulfill projects with in-house staff. The real issue (outside of city staff fleeing and not being rehired) is procurement. Supplies are increasingly expensive and the city has pretty strict rules when it comes to who they can buy from.
mowotlarx t1_j6wpl6m wrote
For anyone wondering why this unit existed:
>Nationwide, trans women are usually incarcerated with cis men and are many times more likely to be sexually assaulted than other people behind bars.
When someone is put in Rikers awaiting trial, they are wards of the City. The City is responsible for keeping everyone in Rikers safe and alive. We are liable for lawsuits when we don't do that. Willingly putting trans women in all male units where they are almost certain to be physically and sexually abused is negligent and bordering criminal. There's no harm in segregating trans women into small units. Eric Adams' refusal to give a shit is fully in line with his habit of placing anti-LGBTQ+ Evangelical preachers into high paying appointed positions.
mowotlarx t1_j6woo1u wrote
NYC Parks is currently understaffed (morale is abysmal) and the Adams'administration doesn't give a shit about these goals or the NYC Parks budget. Parks are not his priority. He's wholly focused on 1. crime (real or percieved) and 2. Enriching private companies in "public private partnerships." Unless the park is managed by EDC next to a billion dollar development, he could care less.
>But the mayor, who did not meet a campaign promise to double funding for the parks department, has so far resisted those goals, which could see the city plant another 1 million trees by the end of the decade. Instead, he has budgeted for approximately 20,000 trees annually, a slight dip from prior years.
mowotlarx t1_j6ojyq2 wrote
Reply to comment by awaythrowbosk in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
>From a philosophical standpoint point, I’m really wondering who bears responsibility.
The Hospital Administration who didn't properly staff the hospital.
mowotlarx t1_j6o19wk wrote
Reply to comment by analog_x700 in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
Do you think that hospitals have no nurses when there are strikes? Based on some of the comments I've been seeing here, I think many people believe that.
The hospital routinely hires travel nurses and did so for this. Looks like they understaff their nurses who they contracted for the strike the exact same way they understaff their full time nurses. Looks like the nurses were 100% right and justified in their strike.
mowotlarx t1_j6o0y1w wrote
Reply to comment by ThundercatsHoooah in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
>the nurses were not doing their jobs.
How many nurses were there taking care of how many patients? You've a very warped perspective of what was happening here. It's not one-on-one nurse to patient. And in many of these hospitals it's one nurse for 20 patients. And especially in an ER, with some of the worst ratios, you will be left alone if you aren't a high priority for your ailment. Blame that on the hospital.
My mom was a nurse too and I can't imagine being as entitled as you are knowing what goes on behind the scenes. They are doing what they can with limited resources and staff-power available to them. We shouldn't be taking that out on nurses, we should be angry with the hospital admin who make millions annually in salary and allow ERs to be this way.
mowotlarx t1_j6o0p7i wrote
Reply to comment by BeMoreChill in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
The hospitals aren't empty of staff during strikes. Hospitals bring on traveling nurses (and pay them handsomely).
mowotlarx t1_j6o0jha wrote
Reply to comment by PinkKitty48 in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
Traveling nurses have experience. If Mt. Sinai didn't bother to bring on contract nurses who know what they're doing, that's 100% on the hospital.
mowotlarx t1_j6nht45 wrote
Reply to comment by mtxsound in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
You got it! The hospital would be at fault for unsafe staffing ratios. Not the nurses who went on strike warning everyone about their unsafe staffing ratios.
mowotlarx t1_j6nhfln wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
You are very wrong.
mowotlarx t1_j6nh44q wrote
Reply to comment by mtxsound in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
These nurses aren't in public hospitals. The Taylor Laws don't apply to them.
You are wrong. But do go on.
mowotlarx t1_j6ngxv5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
You have no idea what you're talking about, but you say it very boldly so I'll give you that.
Why did the hospital hire nurses who don't know how to work in a hospital setting? Travel nurses are brought into hospitals all the time. If they don't know what they're doing, because the administration is hiring inadequate nurses or not bothering to train them. They knew the strike was happening and they had tons of forewarning. There's no excuse.
mowotlarx t1_j6ngr4b wrote
Reply to comment by mtxsound in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
Wow, great rebuttal. You are flatly wrong. A quick Google about what the nurses union listed as their main concern for the strike would answer the question for you.
mowotlarx t1_j6nel0t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
>These people, all of them, killed a baby.
A hospital that understaffed their hospital may have led to the death of a child. There's one entity at fault here.
Nurses aren't slaves. They aren't saints either. They aren't required to stick around in unsafe situations and give their labor out of the goodness of their hearts. I know we all expect this of women especially and women dominated fields, but it's bullshit. These nurses went on strike because the hospital refused to have safe staffing ratios. The nurses were yelling outside the building that patients are in danger because of the ratios. If anyone died because of that it's because of the hospital administrators. Period.
mowotlarx t1_j6nebty wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
Do you not know that nurses were brought in and paid high wages while the rest were on strike? Hospitals weren't left empty. Read a minute of information about what you're talking about before you comment I beg you.
mowotlarx t1_j6ne9ck wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
You have no idea what you're talking about. Nurses went on strike because they recognized they had unsafe staffing ratios. Meaning there was one nurse for 20 patients in some cases. If the hospital chose to continue to understaff during the strike, they are fully liable for anything that happened. Not only that, they proved the nurses were right in the first place. People die when there aren't enough nurses to tend to them.
mowotlarx t1_j6ndw6e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mount Sinai investigating newborn’s death during NYC nurses' strike by CasinoMagic
The press should absolutely cover that the hospital...which was already understaffing...which is why people went on strike...went ahead and continued to understaff during this crisis which may have led to the death of a child. Meaning the nurses were absolutely correct to strike and everything they said was 100% right.
These hospitals couldn't even be bothered to pretend to create safe staffing ratios when staff went on strike because of unsafe staffing ratios. You can have an amazing staff of high quality nurses, but if you have only 1 of them to 20 patients, people will needlessly die.
mowotlarx t1_j6mucav wrote
Reply to comment by DawgsWorld in Notable N.Y.C. Street Signs Get a Makeover by DawgsWorld
Eric Adams put a bunch of former city council members in high commissioner positions for a reason. They know little to nothing about what their agencies actually do, but they'll be unendingly loyal because he rewarded them for their political endorsement a few years ago.
mowotlarx OP t1_j6mtete wrote
Reply to comment by bittoxic00 in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
The city doesn't increase the salaries of veteran workers to be in parity with brand new hires as a rule. There are people who began here making $25k (or less) when they started. There are people who have worked here for decades making an hourly wage and are still only making $18/hr.
mowotlarx t1_j6mt9yo wrote
Reply to comment by AdventurousTwo960 in NYC’s next recreational weed dispensary is coming to Union Square by Hopeful-Pollution
It's accessible to people have have the time to commute there and out of their way. I understand there's a lawsuit blocking Brooklyn licenses (BOOOO!) but come on, they have to find someplace for these not in the richest neighborhoods in Manhattan.
mowotlarx t1_j6mikwg wrote
The irony of the first dispensaries exclusively opening in the richest whitest borough and neighborhoods in the city, when the entire program was supposedly delayed to ensure licenses went people who faced the most adversity.
mowotlarx OP t1_j6mi4ik wrote
Reply to comment by bittoxic00 in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
What don't you understand about someone starting a job at a salary versus retiring at a salary?
mowotlarx OP t1_j6kyt1g wrote
Reply to comment by bittoxic00 in Mayor Adams plows ahead with plan to privatize health benefits for 250,000 NYC municipal retirees by mowotlarx
I said I know someone who worked for the city for decades and their highest salary when they left was around there. Welcome to NYC civil service, people are paid like shit and cost of living increases don't keep pace with inflation.
mowotlarx t1_j6kd3hz wrote
Reply to Driver using a two ton vehicle as a weapon against a cyclist and dog on a cargo bike. 5th avenue near Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. by Souperplex
People who do this deserve the harshest attempted manslaughter sentencing we can offer.
mowotlarx t1_j6wtwjk wrote
Reply to comment by King-of-New-York in New tree plantings in NYC fall to lowest level in 15 years by King-of-New-York
That's very nice and all, but the city can't do that without the staff to plant, maintain and inspect the trees. This administration doesn't care about Parks, so it's unlikely we'll see any significant budget pushes for Parks this term. De Blasio had many faults, but under him the Parks department was thriving and really pushing to revive, rebuild and construct new Parks all cover the city. I'm not seeing that same energy in the last year.