mowotlarx t1_j7leqb7 wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
...I criticize government agencies quite often. What are you even talking about?
mowotlarx t1_j7kjt4c wrote
They hiked fares when they had the highest ridership year after year. There is zero real connection between how much revenue MTA makes and now much riders pay. It's a deeply corrupt and horribly run agency.
mowotlarx t1_j77lmf9 wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 in ARTnews review: Anish Kapoor’s Manhattan Mini-Bean Is an Eyesore That No One Asked For by HeyNiceSweater
Exactly. For stuff like this, the meaning is really just in the reflection. Letting people interact with art (and see themselves in it) is a good thing. You want people to do that.
I hate the "Fearless Girl" statue (I think it's ugly as hell), but it's incredibly successful public art. I think that's because of people's desire to pose next to her in the same stance, whatever that defiant pose means for them. There's nothing a well read art critic can say to change that.
mowotlarx t1_j776o4g wrote
Reply to comment by An-Angel_Sent-By-God in ARTnews review: Anish Kapoor’s Manhattan Mini-Bean Is an Eyesore That No One Asked For by HeyNiceSweater
You mean an outdoor public artwork is covered in dirt from being outside? No way! Burn it!
mowotlarx t1_j776efw wrote
Reply to comment by AnacharsisIV in ARTnews review: Anish Kapoor’s Manhattan Mini-Bean Is an Eyesore That No One Asked For by HeyNiceSweater
Oh well you didn't blog about it so obviously it's a failure.
Okie dokie.
mowotlarx t1_j76c2qp wrote
Reply to comment by acheampong14 in Eric Adams Let Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Operator Depart With $15 Million by exgalactic
Gee I wonder why people would be mad that they abandoned a project in Brooklyn for one in Manhattan.
mowotlarx t1_j76bxsu wrote
Reply to comment by Inevitable_Celery510 in Eric Adams Let Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Operator Depart With $15 Million by exgalactic
Community boards never spoke for the community. They speak for a very small subset of older, more conservative, folks (usually white, usually car owners) who vote in each other and do nothing but try to stop younger people from changing communities in even the smallest ways. They are one of the worst things the city could have thought up to speak for communities. Make them elected positions or dissolve them already.
mowotlarx t1_j74dmck wrote
Reply to ARTnews review: Anish Kapoor’s Manhattan Mini-Bean Is an Eyesore That No One Asked For by HeyNiceSweater
The people who are mining for clicks about how much they hate this need to pull their head out of their asses.
Whether you or I like it or not, I guarantee you this will be a successful piece of public art. And who do I say that? People will seek it out and take pictures in front of it. Any piece of public art that garners sustained public attention is a success.
I think part of the reason the Professional Art Critics dislike it is because they know it'll be popular and remembered. If something is too accessible it becomes an issue for a very loud subset of snobs.
Just let people enjoy the stupid bean.
mowotlarx t1_j730op3 wrote
>On Tuesday, EDC’s executive committee voted to modify the 2017 agreement so that instead of having to spend the $15 million to improve the pier and install new passenger boarding bridges, Ports America is required only to spend $120,000, primarily to install WiFi in the terminal.
EDC shouldn't exist. Why are we funneling city money to a non-city agency "non profit" and allowing them to manage the funds for MASSIVE developments?
mowotlarx OP t1_j72je6x wrote
Reply to comment by 47mmAntiWankGun in In a shift, City Hall will consider hybrid work, union says by mowotlarx
I think that too. Hybrid will be the trade off for little to no raises. Honestly, having the extra time and flexibility a huge perk. And save a little $$ on public transit and office lunches.
mowotlarx t1_j72j33f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Under Adams, a Rikers Unit That Protected Trans Women Has Collapsed by atsterism
What are you even trying to say?
mowotlarx OP t1_j71v0qi wrote
Reply to comment by BrendanRedditHere in In a shift, City Hall will consider hybrid work, union says by mowotlarx
There are, I guess, mom and pop "food carts" around midtown and downtown, but most of the small businesses he's proclaiming he wants to save are in the neighborhoods most workers live in and commute away from during the day....
mowotlarx t1_j71jh1l wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Under Adams, a Rikers Unit That Protected Trans Women Has Collapsed by atsterism
"Fake" trans women isn't the reason the city is abandoning the program. Just like conservatives pretending trans women are faking to go into women's bathrooms and abuse cis women, this is a fake scenario.
mowotlarx OP t1_j71izbc wrote
Reply to comment by pythonQu in In a shift, City Hall will consider hybrid work, union says by mowotlarx
...Which is an 180 from what he said on the campaign trail when he praised hybrid work and said he'd maintain it. He just says things. He believes what the voters want before the election and what the donors want after the election.
mowotlarx OP t1_j6zsmk4 wrote
Reply to comment by philmatu in In a shift, City Hall will consider hybrid work, union says by mowotlarx
I think he also needs to understand that city workers vote. And most of them are fucking pissed. Most cops don't even live here so he can't just rely on them.
mowotlarx t1_j6z6k8l wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Under Adams, a Rikers Unit That Protected Trans Women Has Collapsed by atsterism
You don't need to take hormones or have surgery to be trans. That's not how this works. Medical transition is incredibly expensive and not accessible to everyone. It shouldn't be a litmus test for whether someone is trans or not.
mowotlarx t1_j6ykcbh wrote
Reply to comment by Infectious_force in Under Adams, a Rikers Unit That Protected Trans Women Has Collapsed by atsterism
...they're still trans. Hope that clears everything up for you.
mowotlarx t1_j6xsujd wrote
Reply to comment by Speedyx in New York Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 Years by hau5keeping
Ok, when you read "going back dozens of years" do you think that means this only involves cases from 20 years ago? Or a time span of cases ranging from 2-5 years ago to others that took place 20 years ago? I don't know why you don't understand how ranges work.
Because, again, top news this week was a cop who was planting evidence and lying on the stand between 2012-2015. That is not 20 years ago. Current cops still engage in this behavior.
mowotlarx t1_j6xnocn wrote
Reply to comment by Speedyx in New York Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 Years by hau5keeping
"Going back" means there are cases as recent as a few years ago and spanning multiple decades in the past. Speaking of learning about reading comprehension...
mowotlarx t1_j6xngkm wrote
Reply to comment by I_AM_TARA in New tree plantings in NYC fall to lowest level in 15 years by King-of-New-York
De Blasio prioritized parks. Parks without Borders and the Community Parks Initiative were both under him and, at least in my opinion, it was a Renaissance for improvements to existing parks and construction of new parks.
mowotlarx t1_j6xnc5e wrote
Reply to comment by Sickpup831 in New York Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 Years by hau5keeping it not clear that the perpetrator would be the one stripped of their pension?
mowotlarx t1_j6x9h07 wrote
Reply to comment by Speedyx in New York Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 Years by hau5keeping
These cases aren't all from 30 years ago, what are you even talking about. The most recent case that the DA bungled was from a cop who was doing this between 2011-2015. Over 130 convictions dropped.
Cops still do this.
mowotlarx t1_j6x95b3 wrote
Reply to comment by Speedyx in New York Pays $121 Million for Police Misconduct, the Most in 5 Years by hau5keeping
Take away their pensions. Make them pay. Make current NYPD know if they do this they will be fired and stripped of pension and be made to pay. NYPD are unaccountable for the bad work they do.
mowotlarx t1_j6wxs97 wrote
Reply to comment by King-of-New-York in New tree plantings in NYC fall to lowest level in 15 years by King-of-New-York
DOT is having the same issues with gathering supplies to do repairs. It's hard enough to get what they need in a timely manner, but they're also being asked to use the cheapest materials and solutions possible (hence why we almost never have fully protected bike lanes when they know we should).
mowotlarx t1_j7liihz wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
I have never defended NYCHA or anyone at ACS other than the overburdened underpaid staff. You're just making things up or you're confusing me with someone else. Nice try though!