mowotlarx OP t1_jch4a1e wrote
Reply to comment by Metapod_Used_Hardon in Eric Adams keeps creating new offices by mowotlarx
That's not an end run around bureaucracy. It's literally adding another layer of bureaucracy.
Ask anyone working for the city how "simple" things become when the Mayor adds a new office to "oversee" what agencies are already working on. It's just another low staffed, over paid and under-informed office to submit more reports to and the odds are those offices won't even exist in the next administration.
mowotlarx OP t1_jcfr7hk wrote
Reply to comment by Metapod_Used_Hardon in Eric Adams keeps creating new offices by mowotlarx
Adding even more bureaucracy to fix bureaucracy is certainly...a plan.
mowotlarx t1_jcfiwdt wrote
I was under the impression all Airbnbs under a 30-day stay were already banned a long time ago. So I'm always surprised when I see headlines like this.
mowotlarx OP t1_jcexuln wrote
Reply to comment by Salad_Panda in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
The study was conducted by John Jay College of Criminal Justice and like all studies conducted by such institutions you can the results they published.
mowotlarx t1_jcatayz wrote
Reply to NYC Mayor Eric Adams faces thousands in fines for potential campaign finance violations by hau5keeping
It's weird how we've allowed this to be normal for all electeds. Bloomberg and de Blasio both had similar issues with few to no consequences.
If a city worker misappropriated 5-6 figures in funds they'd be fired and prosecuted. If they had this on their record before applying for a city job or while being onboarded, they wouldn't be hired.
mowotlarx OP t1_jcao397 wrote
Reply to comment by PandaJ108 in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
>once you group misdemeanor, pending case, and violent felonies together.
Yes, that's generally how studies and averages work.Overall ricidivism is down. Period.
mowotlarx OP t1_jcamhex wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
It doesn't contradict the headline. They took data of all releases during ball reform and recidivism went down. Again, sorry that isn't what you wanted to hear but the numbers are the numbers.
mowotlarx OP t1_jcalrff wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
It's not disingenuous, you just don't want to hear the fact that ricidivism went down. This study was by John Jay College - a criminal justice school - not by Gothamist.
>This new study found that the two-year rearrest rate for those released due to bail reform was 44%, compared to 50% for those with similar charges, criminal histories and demographics who were held in jail in the period before the reform.
Because most violent arrestees aren't released. They do not account for a significant percentage of those out. Given *all the data on all those released pre-trial"...the numbers went down. So who is being disingenuous here?
mowotlarx OP t1_jcaiac6 wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
The headline isn't misleading. The majority of people released on bail didn't have violent crime arrests and didn't reoffend. Which is the entire point.
mowotlarx t1_jbrgg30 wrote
It feels like this design was a product of the pre-COVID times when we were all packed in like sardines, ridership kept creeping higher and higher with less comfortable commutes. We have lower ridership now and riders aren't as interested in more standing room. We want more seats and a more relaxing setting. Rather than reevaluate user needs, they just plowed ahead anyway.
mowotlarx t1_jbr0f4z wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in 250K NYC retirees must switch to new Medicare coverage after union leaders favor Aetna plan by exgalactic
NYC employees are paying into their pension and for those benefits. It's not a free gift from taxpayers (which city workers also are - tax payers).
mowotlarx t1_jbr0b7o wrote
Reply to comment by LeicaM6guy in 250K NYC retirees must switch to new Medicare coverage after union leaders favor Aetna plan by exgalactic
Maybe not brand name. A package of plastic adhesive bandages. One size.
mowotlarx OP t1_jbq1etb wrote
Reply to comment by GettingPhysicl in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
I like the way you think!
mowotlarx t1_jbpoudn wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Videos Show NYPD Chiefs Intervened Before Voiding of Ex-Cop’s Gun Arrest by E-bike-NYorker
Again I ask, what does this have to do with this story about a cop being let off the hook by other cops despite illegal activity?
mowotlarx t1_jbp0l28 wrote
Reply to comment by therealstygianumbra in Videos Show NYPD Chiefs Intervened Before Voiding of Ex-Cop’s Gun Arrest by E-bike-NYorker
Oh, so you're saying a cop brandishing a gun illegally who should know better is more justified in brandishing a gun illegally? Is that right? Generally we hold people who are mentally stable and not deranged to a higher standard, but I guess this is a cop so he just gets to bypass the law.
mowotlarx t1_jbp04fv wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in 250K NYC retirees must switch to new Medicare coverage after union leaders favor Aetna plan by exgalactic
Ok Boomer.
Since you feel so strongly about this you should return any Social Security or Medicare payments or benefits you are offered when you actually retire. Because you don't deserve it and you didn't pay for it fully and nobody owes you anything. Is that right?
mowotlarx t1_jbozjqy wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Videos Show NYPD Chiefs Intervened Before Voiding of Ex-Cop’s Gun Arrest by E-bike-NYorker
Do you think that's a rare crime? Or you just wanted to bring up the DuCk SaUcE KiLLEr for jollies? This has nothing to do with that. This is about cops looking out for cops.
mowotlarx t1_jbow853 wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Videos Show NYPD Chiefs Intervened Before Voiding of Ex-Cop’s Gun Arrest by E-bike-NYorker
What the hell does this story have to do with the DuCk SaUcE KiLLEr. Focus.
mowotlarx t1_jbovhch wrote
Reply to 250K NYC retirees must switch to new Medicare coverage after union leaders favor Aetna plan by exgalactic
By the time Millennials in City Service retire the retiree health plan will be a box of expired bandaids thrown in a puddle in front of you as you exit on your last day.
mowotlarx t1_jbo6u09 wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in George Santos masterminded 2017 ATM fraud, former roommate tells feds by newzee1
Based on the fact that he did all this and still became a sitting Congressman and his party refuses to do anything to remove him from office...he might in fact be a criminal mastermind.
mowotlarx t1_jbkfimq wrote
Reply to comment by larrylevan in NYC ‘Bling Bishop’ Lamor Whitehead hit with new fraud charge by iv2892
And the "Bishop" was actively blackmailing people using Eric Adams name and suggesting he had insider power. This guy procured from his proximity (until that bizarre "jewelery heist" caught on camera).
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjs5mc wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh of course, your Community Board isn't like other Girls.
Are the members elected by popular vote in an open election in your district?
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjng6t wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh please spare me with this phony civic duty crap. It is justifiable to criticize Community Boards (whose members ARE NOT ELECTED) and the elected Council members who bow down to them to the detriment of the rest of the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Telling people to vote (I do) and run for office (lol there are 51 council members in a city of almost 9 million) is lazy. The CB system is corrupt and outdated and our elected are too scared of them to ever change the system.
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjk8df wrote
Reply to comment by ertebolle in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh, they'll continue to get their expensive Citarella deliveries. But they don't want to have to see the poor wretches who bring them their food. Ick!
mowotlarx t1_jcjyvbi wrote
Reply to NYC has thousands of 3-K vacancies. City Council says that’s an outreach problem by Ok-Training-7587
It's absolutely an outreach problem. Eric Adams patently decided to stop promoting the program at all the second he took office. He doesn't care about it. So of course he doesn't care if any slots are.