
mowotlarx t1_jd98ur1 wrote

No, actually. Cops are civil servants with weapons. I don't care how large or small an infraction is, they need to be held accountable for ALL OF IT. There is no such thing as a frivolous lawsuit against a defacto military force we allow to police and manhandle citizens. If your solution to the problem is to just let cops get away with bad behavior for free, you're not actually trying to solve anything.


mowotlarx t1_jd7io0o wrote

>What the fuck were they doing instead of working???

In my experience, what they were doing was trying to convince people not to report their sexual assaults because it's too much paperwork. I guess we can call "intimidating victims not to report crimes" to be a kind of work. It occupies their time, anyway


mowotlarx t1_jd5a864 wrote

We know why they keep happening. We let the NYPD do whatever they want with no consequences. Remember the Civilian Review Board? We created it, I guess. But did we get them power? Did we free them from intimidation from the Thin Blue Line? No.

The NYPD should be under investigation by the Feds at this point. Dissolved and rebuilt. It's too rotten.


mowotlarx t1_jcyl61i wrote

Ding ding ding. New York parishes filing bankruptcy and closing churches and schools left and right. But sure, blame Brooklyn residents for the systemic sexual abuse of kids and parishioners by priests for decades upon decades. Deflect!


mowotlarx t1_jcoru4b wrote

>well to do couple from well off families

Literally nothing in any article about them mentions this. The wife is an "editor" for low circulation web magazines mostly with her name attached to poorly written ads pretending to be articles about The Best Mascara. With a quick Google search, I'm left more convinced this is a scam than before.


mowotlarx t1_jcm55fk wrote

>I find it very hard to believe the couple went to trouble of finding a rat, cooking it just to swindle some cash from a restaurant.

Interesting because that is always how these rat/mouse in food stories end up.

Which is more likely? That a scammer pulled a common scam? Or that someone didn't notice they cooked a rat? Or spooned out a rat? We already know the answer.