
mowotlarx t1_ja8g74p wrote

They can keep wishing and praying things go back to the status quo pre-covid but it's not happening. At the very least these owners could reduce the rent significantly to make it easier for large and small offices to get smaller amounts of space. They won't even do that.

So why are we taking these people seriously when they won't even make the most basic choices to lure people back to office spaces, if they truly don't think conversion is an option?


mowotlarx t1_ja57b2i wrote

>Prosecutors on Friday charged Lulzim “Luis” Shabaj, 41, in New York State Supreme Court with scheme to defraud, saying that he and his twin brother Gzim “Jimmy” Shabaj had stolen thousands of dollars from the Spanish-speaking workers by declining to pay them for their work at a site in Harlem.

>Prosecutors said that Gzim Shabaj, who was charged earlier this week, had responded to one worker’s early September request to be paid by pulling out a knife and, with his other hand, repeatedly punching the worker in the head until his ear bled.

A couple of cheap scumbags. I'm sure they'll get a slap on the wrist and before you know it Eric Adams will be one of their good friends helping to give them a second chance.


mowotlarx t1_j9yluji wrote

Isn't it insane we let privately owned arenas and massive event spaces move anywhere they want in New York City almost entirely public-funded at nearly tax-free forever?? We expect more financial fealty for poor and middle class New Yorkers than from people who have more personal wealth than they could ever spend in a lifetime.


mowotlarx t1_j9wt4ie wrote

His role is to undermine the NYPD commissioner and make sure every single "public safety" action is directly filtered down from the Mayor. That's the answer.

Eric Adams runs this city directly, he undermines and overrules everyone else he appointed or who otherwise leads the city agencies. He demands city agencies and employees override protocol and the rules to give him what he wants. He seeks extreme levels of power even Bloomberg didn't try to grasp for himself.


mowotlarx t1_j9geyox wrote

>You're pro genocide imo.

...Excuse me? I am commenting on a comment chain of you being antisemitic, I have no idea what Elizabeth Warren comment you're talking about (this isn't the one), and you're here suggesting I am the one supporting genocide?


mowotlarx t1_j9f4vue wrote

>It’s one of the most heterogeneous groups there is.

It's not. And if you think that you haven't met many Jewish people. You seem to be unaware that Ashkenazi Jews are not the only ethnic Jewish people that exist on the planet. Sephardic Jews were the first Jewish people to immigrate to New York City as a matter of fact. Mizrahi is also a distinctive group. They come from different regions of the globe and have different languages, often variations of Hebrew.


mowotlarx t1_j9f4otx wrote

>Which also shows up in DNA tests for non-Jews/anyone living in those regions.

No, it doesn't.

Being Ashkenazi or Sephardic or Mizrahi Jewish is a genetically distinctive ethnicity. We'd call it an ethno-religion. These are very distinct groups of people who are able to trace their DNA so easily because they were forced to migrate and were systematically killed keeping the community relatively small. It's not just a cute little DNA marker that will show up on anyone from Europe. The ethnicity hasn't been absorbed in every region. Jewish people aren't homogeneous.


mowotlarx t1_j9eoscx wrote

You're mad because people's genetics indicate that they have Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jewish heritage? Ever wonder why it's so easy to pinpoint that on DNA results? It's almost as if these were smaller insular ethnic groups who have been systematically banished from multiple countries and murdered because of their faith and background. Do a second of research before commenting, it would have answered your question.


mowotlarx t1_j9a5nvt wrote

>“To me, it’s a civic duty to responsibly come back to work and actively engage in being part of the community,” Rechler said.

What community? There is no valuable "community" in those Manhattan office park neighborhoods. It is not our *civic duty " to enrich private commerical landlords who refuse to innovate or adapt to massive societal change.

I swear to God these people need to get bent.