mowotlarx t1_jbo6u09 wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in George Santos masterminded 2017 ATM fraud, former roommate tells feds by newzee1
Based on the fact that he did all this and still became a sitting Congressman and his party refuses to do anything to remove him from office...he might in fact be a criminal mastermind.
mowotlarx t1_jbkfimq wrote
Reply to comment by larrylevan in NYC ‘Bling Bishop’ Lamor Whitehead hit with new fraud charge by iv2892
And the "Bishop" was actively blackmailing people using Eric Adams name and suggesting he had insider power. This guy procured from his proximity (until that bizarre "jewelery heist" caught on camera).
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjs5mc wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh of course, your Community Board isn't like other Girls.
Are the members elected by popular vote in an open election in your district?
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjng6t wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh please spare me with this phony civic duty crap. It is justifiable to criticize Community Boards (whose members ARE NOT ELECTED) and the elected Council members who bow down to them to the detriment of the rest of the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Telling people to vote (I do) and run for office (lol there are 51 council members in a city of almost 9 million) is lazy. The CB system is corrupt and outdated and our elected are too scared of them to ever change the system.
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjk8df wrote
Reply to comment by ertebolle in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Oh, they'll continue to get their expensive Citarella deliveries. But they don't want to have to see the poor wretches who bring them their food. Ick!
mowotlarx OP t1_jbjk3ic wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
>My board meetings are all about getting our council rep to work for us.
Like I said, community boards wield a ton of power despite not being elected officials or being representative of a community. They have Council members under their thumbs for the most part, and especially in wealthier areas the boards are able to kill most public projects that would benefit someone other than themselves. It's a travesty.
mowotlarx t1_jbj79yo wrote
>Whitehead told a bank his business had $2 million in its coffers when it had less than $10, a superseding indictment filed in Manhattan Federal Court details.
I imagine they're going to find scores more cons in connection with Eric Adams Best Friend and Religious Adviser, "Bishop" Lamor Whitehead. Once a con, always a con. And because he's now a "white collar criminal" he'll probably face little to no jail time for theft of millions and financial ruination of impoverished church members if he's found guilty.
mowotlarx OP t1_jbj6pr3 wrote
Reply to comment by bklyn1977 in Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
Council members almost always back up Community boards and kill projects like this. These CBs, especially rich white ones in Manhattan, have insane amounts of actual power despite not having a binding vote. Let's be real here.
mowotlarx t1_jbf2exz wrote
Reply to comment by robul0n in 4 hurt (one critically) at Lafayette and Canal wall collapse. Site had previous safety violations. by cla1r1t1n
>rubber-stamped by a retired 80 year old architect or engineer that's basically sold their stamp.
There was a fascinating story about this awhile ago with an architect who claimed he didn't even know his name/stamp was being used to approve a massive hotel at Hudson Yards.
mowotlarx t1_jbeb0qm wrote
Reply to comment by AyyLmao-ESEA in The Fight Over Penn Station and Madison Square Garden by jadebenn
There are a fuck ton of offices around Penn station, are you kidding? The entire area is a dead, characterless chasm for commutting office workers. We don't need any more office buildings that will sit empty.
mowotlarx t1_jbe3frn wrote
Reply to comment by offwhitegrey in 4 hurt (one critically) at Lafayette and Canal wall collapse. Site had previous safety violations. by cla1r1t1n
>3rd party companies.
So, the construction site gets to choose their own company that they pay to "oversee" their work. And you expect them to actually act independently and keep everything in code? Sweet summer child...of course they aren't doing that at every site. They're directly paid by the people who need the go ahead to do whatever they want.
mowotlarx t1_jbce4ba wrote
Reply to comment by offwhitegrey in 4 hurt (one critically) at Lafayette and Canal wall collapse. Site had previous safety violations. by cla1r1t1n
>The city is doing everything it can to enforce safety rules on construction sites,
Not in this administration. DOB is down over 20% of staff and Eric Adams has pushed that agency to "cut red tape" by reducing or eliminating fines for violations. He's pushing low to no enforcement as a "customer service" practice. It is fully the city's fault for choosing to look the other way to benefit slumlords. He neutered the agencies tasked with making buildings safe.
mowotlarx t1_jbbcj5k wrote
Reply to 4 hurt (one critically) at Lafayette and Canal wall collapse. Site had previous safety violations. by cla1r1t1n
That's very scary. I hope the owners and builders have the hammer come down on them.
And I hope the city realizes that "cutting through red tape" and refusing to staff oversight agencies very quickly leads to shit like this falling through the cracks. We need enforcement of building and safety rules. People's lives depend on it.
mowotlarx t1_jbanosa wrote
Reply to comment by JE163 in Council to Adams: there’s more money to be found by exgalactic
Which countries? What's their population? How do they rank on quality of life?
mowotlarx t1_jbanehy wrote
Reply to comment by Guypussy in Listen: George Santos eviction tapes show him begging to feed pet fish, mulling public assistance by trash_reason
So what's your issue with them reporting on the recording?
mowotlarx t1_jbajanx wrote
Reply to comment by sleafordbods in Meta's 'year of efficiency' continues, thousands more expected to be laid off by chrisdh79
Sign ups don't necessarily indicate usage. Meta did this interesting thing where a lot of third party sites - like Archive Social, a site that archives social media pages for federal/state/local government entities - require that you create a Facebook page in order to archive Instagram. Not only that, you must go through Meta Business Suite and create one or more new "profiles" to link to the Instagram. They encourage you to create more and more filler pages. Suddenly you have a single user with multiple "profiles" or "pages" they manage whether or not they are being used. It's a clever scheme.
mowotlarx t1_jbafi77 wrote
Reply to comment by spoil_of_the_cities in Council to Adams: there’s more money to be found by exgalactic
One agency is beholden to the Mayor (OMB) and the other isn't. I wouldn't consider one more trustworthy than the other. But I definitely wouldn't consider OMB to be a neutral party of professionals. They were told by Adams to produce what he wanted, I assure you.
mowotlarx t1_jb7gqcp wrote
Reply to comment by funforyourlife in The Number of Rent-Stabilized Apartments Registered in Ridgewood Plummeted. ‘Substantial Rehabilitations’ Could Help Explain Why. by vanshnookenraggen
>There is no requirement for landlords to register substantial rehabilitation work to HCR, according to Josephson, who said notifications to the agency are in effect a voluntary process adhered to by property owners in only “a small minority of the cases.”
>HCR could, in theory, question why buildings that have previously registered rent-stabilized units suddenly do not, Josephson added — but the state agency “doesn’t really have the capacity to check every apartment that disappears off the rolls,” he said
They aren't actually fixing the units. And there's no system to make sure they did and aren't lying. And is hazard to guess almost all of them are lying. That's the issue.
mowotlarx t1_japh16l wrote
mowotlarx t1_janx73c wrote
Reply to comment by arrogant_ambassador in Ban Corporal Punishment in Private Schools, New York Lawmakers Say by _Maxolotl
The focus isn't limited. It includes any private school that uses corporal punishment on kids, not just yeshivas who do. If 99.9% of the schools this touches are a certain type of school, perhaps some soul searching must be done. It also must be said that not all yeshivas are like this. Some are amazing institutes of learning that treat kids with respect they deserve.
mowotlarx OP t1_janb9nv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
>Do you read
You 100% didn't read anything about the actual situation with Chiara and the data leak. And yet here you are with Do YoU ReAd. Do...literally anything, if you won't do "better."
Here's a quote from the article you refuse to read:
>The Police Department does not normally release internal police reports, and Ms. de Blasio’s contained personal details, including her height, weight, address, date of birth and driver’s license information.
>The post was removed for violation of Twitter rules, and the union’s account was suspended Monday morning.
mowotlarx OP t1_janb520 wrote
Reply to comment by bangbangthreehunna in New York Will Pay Millions to Protesters Violently Corralled by Police by mowotlarx
The info on de Blasio's daughter wasn't published because of discovery laws. The NYPD illegally leaked her immediate arrest record to SBA who then tweeted it. Maybe read up on the issue you're arguing about. This was discussed at length.
mowotlarx t1_jbovhch wrote
Reply to 250K NYC retirees must switch to new Medicare coverage after union leaders favor Aetna plan by exgalactic
By the time Millennials in City Service retire the retiree health plan will be a box of expired bandaids thrown in a puddle in front of you as you exit on your last day.