mrscript_lt OP t1_jdwguth wrote
Reply to comment by JoHeWe in Age distribution of passenger cars in Europe [OC] by mrscript_lt
Some were missing at all, some had somewhat different splits. I was too lazy to make adjustments so just excluded :)
mrscript_lt OP t1_jdvgcfh wrote
Reply to comment by Kabamadmin in Age distribution of passenger cars in Europe [OC] by mrscript_lt
Indeed, soon someone may ask, "Where are Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
or why are Norway and Iceland included if they're not part of the EU?"
Europe can be quite complicated. However, the answer to all these
questions is fairly straightforward: data availability. If a country
provides data to Eurostat, it becomes comparable with other states and
is included in the list. If a country doesn't provide this specific
statistic to Eurostat, it's left out.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jdvbvax wrote
Data source: Eurostat.
Made using: MS Excel.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jadvveo wrote
Reply to comment by Omerta85 in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
Trying my best 🫡
mrscript_lt OP t1_jadli9f wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
No stats for Greece in Eurostat :(
mrscript_lt OP t1_jacqvb3 wrote
Reply to comment by Kebo94 in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
This is price growth chart. It does show peice level.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jacfhoi wrote
Reply to comment by NinjaEagle210 in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
YoY: Year-over-Year (change during last 12 months)
5Y: change over 5 Years :)
mrscript_lt OP t1_jacdr40 wrote
Reply to comment by dml997 in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
Many of these countries have Euro. Eurostat does not disclose detailed methodology, this is what I have found:
The House Price Index is part of the so-called Euro-indicators that are designed to give a general overview of the economic situation of the euro area, the European Union and Member States.Weights are usually compiled using data from National Accounts, Household Budget Surveys, Construction Statistics, etc. Weights for HPI and OOHPI categories are revised yearly and released with the data for the first quarter of the current year.Data are not seasonally adjusted.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jacd1xo wrote
Reply to comment by DeathStarVet in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
Denmark is great country, indeed. But I have no clue if it makes a good Real estate investment :) Hungary was good investment 5Y ago. Who knows what next 5Y will bring. :) past isn't always good predictor of the future.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jaccnxf wrote
Reply to comment by DeathStarVet in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
This does not say anything about price level itself :)
mrscript_lt OP t1_jacclke wrote
Reply to comment by Sweetermon in EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
Wanted to have longer timeline for the refference. Index value at Q3/22 divided by Index value Q3/17 and substracted 1 :)
mrscript_lt OP t1_jac1anx wrote
Reply to EU House price index change [OC] by mrscript_lt
Data source Eurostat.
Built using MS Excel.
mrscript_lt OP t1_jdwl1mr wrote
Reply to comment by R07734 in Age distribution of passenger cars in Europe [OC] by mrscript_lt
I almost certain 1-2 or 3 years have no substancial impact on these stats. Electric car make 2-3% in most these countries, Norway is exception with ~15% electric cars share. People and economies are slow to change.