
msscfair29 t1_j6pca6p wrote

I had a creepy experience about 7 years ago in Michaux State Forest. It was a really lovely fall day and I stopped at a little roadside pull-off for a hike - which turned out to be Dead Woman's Hollow (a snow mobile trail that intersects with the AT, I think?) I set off walking and I was soooo relaxed and really enjoying the hike... until I turned around and started back. As I was walking back I got this awful feeling that I was being watched and even pursued. At one point I felt what seemed to be a handful of smallish rocks hit the back of my leg & I turned around expecting to see a couple of dudes being funny, teasing the lady (me) alone on the trail - but there was no one there. I brushed it off but the feeling of being watched increased until it was all I could do not to break into a run. Made it back to my car fine but the feeling I experienced on Dead Woman's Hollow really shook me. Of course I later googled Dead Woman's Hollow and found out about the horrible murder/shooting that happened there in the 80s. I honestly wondered if I had been picking up on that incident somehow (I'm not psychic or anything at all tho); over the years though I have to admit I've wondered about Sasquatch as rock-throwing and feelings of being watched are associated with sightings... Anyway - Dead Woman's Hollow ... it can get creeeeeepy!