
mtarascio t1_j42dn5z wrote

>“‘Just yourself. Not your backpack. Leave it,’” she told him as they prepared to escape, according to Doan.

I'm in two minds about the backpack, especially after this next sentence.

>“She tried to hold on to him and it was hard to stabilize things with the current,” Doan said. “And they got separated.”

I feel like using the backpack as a kind of harness to help hold on might be a good idea, probably one without a buckle but tightening the straps would have been better than holding with a hand. Although huge risk of just slipping through the straps as well.

Not trying to judge the Mom at all, just thinking out loud for myself if I ever hit such a situation.


mtarascio t1_j14kj0z wrote

> then piece by piece they banned and confiscated everything, one by one

I lived Australia mate.

They had a single buyback of semi-autos. Nothing else really happened since then. There is no piece by piece.

You can own all the hunting weapons you desire.


>They just recently ran an article demonizing and doxxing every owner of a bolt action hunting rifle in a state in Australia.

Wow, an article. As much credence as your post dude.


mtarascio t1_j14iq98 wrote

Gun control proponents are about control, not removal.

A situation like you said would not happen overnight and in times of end times, I would see a legitimate need. Right now there is not one and if you go for gun control such as what is in the rest of the developed world. You can still own one if you want, you just need to go through extra steps.

I'm a big fan of Australia's laws and have been hunting in Australia for pest wildlife just fine.