mtarascio t1_iujjkun wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
Part of the court record mate.
Or just a read a single article on the subject.
mtarascio t1_iujj1yv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
They get kicked off or not prioritized in their public school sport that can get them into College.
mtarascio t1_iujfo3v wrote
There's thought that this is because they're transitioning back to the youth conscription that happens every year and then will pivot back once that's finished.
They don't even have capacity for any mobilization, let alone taking on two at once.
mtarascio t1_iujf7u8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
Yep, read the articles about it.
Pretty much pray or be booted from the team.
mtarascio t1_iujeam7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
No freedom from being forced to listen?
These kids aren't afforded the right to walk away.
mtarascio t1_iu3a5ot wrote
Reply to comment by wastingvaluelesstime in Russia Terms Western Commercial Satellites 'Legitimate' Targets, US Vows 'Appropriate' Response If Attacked by Heavy-Ad6366
They're satellites not factories.
You're jumping to the conclusion that that are deemed US war assets already too.
mtarascio t1_iu399ug wrote
Reply to comment by wastingvaluelesstime in Russia Terms Western Commercial Satellites 'Legitimate' Targets, US Vows 'Appropriate' Response If Attacked by Heavy-Ad6366
The guy who controls the key, controls the car.
We literally found out it was turned off in Ukraine (disputed territory) on his whim.
Like I said the engagement of the defence production act on this, which would by itself be unprecedented. Doesn't guarantee any control of the system at all.
mtarascio t1_iu38hdq wrote
Reply to comment by wastingvaluelesstime in Russia Terms Western Commercial Satellites 'Legitimate' Targets, US Vows 'Appropriate' Response If Attacked by Heavy-Ad6366
US is not at war.
That requires legal reasons and even COVID was controversial use of it.
Who's to say the control of these satellites could be hijacked anyway? Not like they're on US soil and command structure could be backed up overseas.
mtarascio t1_iu366gn wrote
Reply to comment by mad_marble_madness in Russia Terms Western Commercial Satellites 'Legitimate' Targets, US Vows 'Appropriate' Response If Attacked by Heavy-Ad6366
That's assuming Starlink wants to align with the US.
That's a big 'if' at the moment.
mtarascio t1_iu34i2j wrote
Reply to comment by eastbayted in Facebook parent is fined $25M for violating campaign finance disclosure law : NPR by eastbayted
This is literally cost of doing business.
They are probably pleased at the low amount.
The US is stupid in how it regulates through litigation rather than ombudsman enforcement.
mtarascio t1_iu340f4 wrote
Reply to Russia Terms Western Commercial Satellites 'Legitimate' Targets, US Vows 'Appropriate' Response If Attacked by Heavy-Ad6366
What happens when Putin shoots down a Starlink satellite.
Then just after Musk confirms he gave permission because it needed to be junked?
mtarascio t1_iu2zk1o wrote
Reply to comment by calicat9 in Amazon predicts sales growth slowdown for holidays, crushing shares by Adelu1219
This was just a known opportunity in earnings to withdraw money from the market by hedge funds.
Nothing tethered to value of Amazon.
mtarascio t1_itzkwbs wrote
Reply to comment by theHoffenfuhrer in Amusement park train derails in Missouri; 7 injured by princessarielle6
Don't rail on them.
mtarascio t1_itzkv0u wrote
Did they all go to one side?
mtarascio t1_ity3k64 wrote
Reply to comment by SeismicFrog in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
No, he hit me with an argument first, then I got dragged through his judgement.
mtarascio t1_ity01op wrote
Reply to comment by Standard_Gauge in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
I worry about the media headlines in general which has been having great ramifications on our democracy.
Sorry that you caught me when I got annoyed at it.
You're the one judging people on the rest of their life by Reddit comments.
mtarascio t1_itxz898 wrote
Reply to comment by Standard_Gauge in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
Not without the person doing something wrong or someone doing wrong by him which leads back to my original point.
mtarascio t1_itxy54p wrote
Reply to comment by Standard_Gauge in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
A train doesn't catch clothing.
There also isn't an emergency stop button that works as quickly or in range of danger as an escalator.
mtarascio t1_itxwkrg wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Tip_8852 in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
Yep, so that isn't the initial word to be used in the headline because something came before it.
mtarascio t1_itxw6p2 wrote
Reply to comment by Standard_Gauge in NYC Subway Drags Man to Death in Manhattan by pishposhpoppycock
It removes the culpability of the person hit and infers the trains fault. Which is unlikely.
Words matter.
mtarascio t1_itxt8zd wrote
A subway doesn't drag anyone.
Someone gets hit or caught.
mtarascio t1_itqkhv0 wrote
Reply to comment by Gedunk in Investigation underway into daughter's allegation Iowa man was prolific serial killer by livestrong10
Maybe if he was killing 6-7 women every year like she claimed, she was afraid for her own life.
mtarascio t1_itfxv2p wrote
Didn't call an Ambulance and got himself to hospital before dying.
What's the bet he didn't have health insurance?
Or was afraid cops would show up and shoot him again?
mtarascio t1_it92k1n wrote
Reply to comment by Ahab_Ali in Former warden and brother accused of killing migrants near US-Mexico border by StoopSign
Only in America is that not murder.
mtarascio t1_iujoe20 wrote
Reply to Indian police file homicide charges, arrest 9, as bridge toll passes 134 by Arakis-balls
No chance they know that quickly.
This is just sacrificial lambs for show.