mtzvhmltng OP t1_janurbl wrote
Reply to comment by qdtk in Screen door for doggie passthrough while keeping out bugs by mtzvhmltng
smart yeah. it'll probably take a trip to the hardware store to get hands-on first. but what i'm picturing in my head is like... maybe it will slap back into place but with a wub wub wub sound instead of a graceful float back to the magnet closure.
mtzvhmltng OP t1_jan2juq wrote
Reply to comment by 69tank69 in Screen door for doggie passthrough while keeping out bugs by mtzvhmltng
ohhh good point. I mean if it bends enough to let the dog out that's enough, yeah? like i guess it doesn't need to be as flexible as the current version.
mtzvhmltng OP t1_jan1l7g wrote
Reply to comment by ReverendIrreverence in Screen door for doggie passthrough while keeping out bugs by mtzvhmltng
oh thats great! i'll check that out
mtzvhmltng OP t1_jamwysg wrote
Reply to comment by SillyCubensis in Screen door for doggie passthrough while keeping out bugs by mtzvhmltng
any thought about what could be a pet proof screen? idk what the material would even be for DIY, but i'm definitely open to it if there's a material that would work!
mtzvhmltng OP t1_japcjjn wrote
Reply to comment by brooklynrockz in Screen door for doggie passthrough while keeping out bugs by mtzvhmltng
oh thats smart!! thanks so much!