In terms of whether you should do art or not, I would say it depends on the reason you’re doing art. If you’re making art to make money, then yeah AI is going to be better than you just by virtue of the fact that it can crank out 1000 pieces of art per second and some of them are bound to be decent art.
If however you’re making art because you can’t not make art -because it’s part of you and you need the outlet- then who cares if you can still get paid? Keep doing art because you need it for your mental health. You’ll figure out what you need to do to pay the bills. And who knows, maybe you’ll even hit it big and become one of the few “analog artists” left
multipotentialitee t1_j647kwb wrote
Reply to Asking here and not on an artist subreddit because you guys are non-artists who love AI and I don't want to get coddled. Genuinely, is there any point in continuing to make art when everything artists could ever do will be fundamentally replaceable in a few years? by [deleted]
In terms of whether you should do art or not, I would say it depends on the reason you’re doing art. If you’re making art to make money, then yeah AI is going to be better than you just by virtue of the fact that it can crank out 1000 pieces of art per second and some of them are bound to be decent art. If however you’re making art because you can’t not make art -because it’s part of you and you need the outlet- then who cares if you can still get paid? Keep doing art because you need it for your mental health. You’ll figure out what you need to do to pay the bills. And who knows, maybe you’ll even hit it big and become one of the few “analog artists” left