
murphydcat t1_j3xx2lu wrote

In my town they have been selling for $50k because it is an older, urban municipality and at one time there was a bar on every corner. There are quite a few pocket licenses that owners have unsuccessfully tried to sell. In rural municipalities, licenses are more scarce and can command six or seven figures.


murphydcat t1_iy8njwz wrote

I kayaked from the Morris Canal to the World Financial Center 10+ years ago. With all of the power boat traffic in that area of the Hudson River (much of it alcohol-fueled, probably), I found the experience quite terrifying. Thankfully, I wasn't run down by a jetski.


murphydcat t1_iuu7mmr wrote

Reply to comment by Lmb326 in Norvin Green state park by wbradford00

See my post above. Park at Camp Wyanokie & hike south from there. A quieter hike is to visit Long Pond Ironworks State park & hike the Highlands trail up Horse Pond Mountain. You can make a few loops using marked trails & woods roads. Stunning view of Monksville Reservoir from there. I’d post a screenshot but I don’t know how. Here’s the link for parking Green Trail Crossing


murphydcat t1_iutw0f9 wrote

That is one of the most popular hiking circuits in NJ, and with weekend temps breaking 70, it's gonna be packed. I would arrive at Otter Hole parking lot before 9 am if you are concerned about finding a space. I don't even hike that area on weekends any longer because I didn't want to deal with the crowds.

You may wish to park at Camp Wyanokie at Snake Den Road West and hike in from the north. The Will Monroe Loop (pink blazes) is very scenic and you'll encounter fewer people.

Download the Avenza app to your phone and purchase NYNJTC "Northern New Jersey Highlands Trail" in the Avenza store and you should have no problem navigating. Blazes are easy to follow.


murphydcat t1_iuibw0j wrote

I see this all the time on 95 east of East Haven. Driver is blissfully cruising along at 65 in the passing lane. After 10 minutes of waiting, I attempt to pass driver on the right. Driver decides to speed up to 85 and takes off like a shot.

10 minutes later, I catch up to that same driver who is now is back down to 65 mph in the passing lane.


murphydcat t1_iu59drd wrote

I was married to a teacher. We had to purchase paint and paint her classroom over the summer.

She often emails me assignments, quizzes, etc and asks me to run off copies at my office because the one copier that serves the entire school is broken.

My brother makes over $200k as a middle manager for an insurance company and often rants how teachers are overpaid and hardly work because they "get summers off."