muttmunchies t1_ja5kplw wrote
Reply to TIFU by breaking up with my GF on valntines by [deleted]
You fucked up. Take the L and move on and better yourself- you sound toxic and clueless.
muttmunchies t1_j5ngidp wrote
Great work. Terrible camera angle lol
muttmunchies t1_j3nhsfo wrote
muttmunchies t1_j2xmv4y wrote
This has got to be in the top 5 dumbest products for parents to buy.
muttmunchies t1_j2dyep1 wrote
Reply to comment by tealcosmo in In opposite : could you list things cheap today that will be unaffordable in 2030 ? (and why) by salutbobby
True, but some raw material could constrain supply unless they figure out new battery types. Think cobalt and lithium supply constraints. But overall I agree prices should come down, not go up.
muttmunchies t1_j27a7f7 wrote
Sell the car. Am I right to presume you plan to move to a third world country and work remotely to live better?
muttmunchies t1_j1xfn29 wrote
Reply to comment by GrayBox1313 in What would you guys pivot to now to have a career in the future? by [deleted]
Yeah i agree with your sentiment. But I have seen far too many redditors predicting the end of “fill in job” based on it.
muttmunchies t1_j1x9djq wrote
Reply to comment by GrayBox1313 in What would you guys pivot to now to have a career in the future? by [deleted]
Yeah chat GP is way overblown
muttmunchies t1_izoc4xz wrote
Reply to LPT: When bringing a dessert to a function, cut a small slice off before you put it out. by arkobsessed
I must be a brute- a virgin dessert has never stopped me from diving in
muttmunchies t1_ja653hl wrote
Reply to comment by AcrobaticSource3 in TIFU by googling “xxx” at work. by Myopic_Mirror
Ooo why not??