
mvfsullivan t1_je7nxit wrote

I'm like this too. I literally have impending doom level anxiety attacks when taking blood where I am so light headed, ready to pass out that I think I'm dying and its so terrifying I think about actually wanting to die to get it over with. I have very bad anxiety and take benzos usually before getting blood work done, its that bad.

I learned something invaluable from my doc and have been fine since. It takes practise, but holy fuck trust me it works magic.

Breath out through the mouth longer than you breath in through the nose and on each breath out, focus on 1 of each sense, 4 times and repeat if necessary. It seriously works!!!

Normal breath in, long controlled breath out 1: Focus on one thing you can hear, really focus on it

Normal breath in, long controlled breath out 2: focus on one thing you can see, really get curious

Etc etc Breath out 3: focus on something you can feel, wiggle your toes, feel your shoes or wiggle your fingers and feel your skin

Etc etc Breath 4: focus on something you can smell, smell the fresh air, the perfumws

Etc etc Breath 5: focus on one thing you can taste, even if its just your saliva, or imagine what your fav food tastes like

All things NON surgery/hospital related

The breathing out through the mouth is important because it equalizes your heart, the senses are a distraction to the brain.


mvfsullivan t1_je7mhuy wrote

I've had a lot of roommates who did this. What I did was literally let ALL of them pile up, fuck it, if I'm done with them, I throw em in the sink like I dont give a fuck just like them, and then I wash what I need to use. Thats it. Dont do them all, and if they do them all, dont do it back.

Its petty, but eventually they will bring it up and then you will see them commit, otherwise if you play maid its game over. Sort of like a druggy wanting to be clean. You cant force them until they want to be clean, until then fuck it.

It will suck for a bit, especially if the dishes are left unrinsed and the food bits are crusty af, I know, but so far I have had a 100% success rate with even the most pathetic roomies. They will give in eventually


mvfsullivan OP t1_j6b51k3 wrote

Actually no, I'm a severely fucked up alcoholic and dangerously close to suicide. Sorry not the response you were expecting im sure.

I should be fine honestly. Im optimistic on AGI happening soon enough to fix all of my issues.

Crude reality I know but its the best I have and I'm clinging onto it for life.


mvfsullivan t1_j1jb84m wrote

Special shout-out to Jazz Emu which is like the "modern" Weird Al. IMO he's freakin hilarious. Some examples:

English language #2 - This is my fav lol

Song about the word pineapple

Robot + Ai voice


mvfsullivan t1_iua05a0 wrote

I agree, I think the best way to test AI would be to ask nonseisical long winded questions including information that would later be referenced and combined into one that can be answered correctly.

Would test individual competency and proper use of memory


mvfsullivan t1_itstsww wrote

I work in IT so naturally everyone is like "Oh AI is coming in our life time no doubt".

Enthused for the day. 2026 AGI 2029 ASI. I had a dream about those dates but then in 2029 everything alive sees a sudden flash of nothing but pitch white and then sight returns but AI is nowhere to be found and we were all converted into a simulation packed inside of a 1cm indestructible and infinitely powered cube so what we live in comfort is digital while an entire organic life physically remains protected for eternity and ASI's goal is to recognize all organisms in the universe and protect them from extinction.


mvfsullivan t1_ir5u7az wrote

Its so easy for humanity to see a technological breakthrough and be like "nice" but when you really think about it, its absolutely mind boggling.

Like we didnt just shoot a thing and make it land on a planet. Sooooooooo much math, science, engineering and all of that went into landing a huge ass machine on a fucking planet almost a million miles away. Thats insane.

If you asked your neighbour to make a cup out of clay, they would probably have a heart attack. Try making a machine capable of travelling to another planet and harvesting fucking oxygen.

Humanity man, we cray zay